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This post is more than 5 years old


November 19th, 2010 09:00

AT&T date?

Hi, I purchased my Streak with only one reason in mind, its screen size would let me see text better, (since my eyes aren't what they used to be...)

but was disappointed to find out that Froyo 1.6 didn't support font sizing, but 2.2 did.  I was excited to find out that 2.2 was out, but again quickly disappointed again to find out that I now have to wait for AT&T?

Does anyone have any idea beyond the "sometime in Dec." statement when AT&T customers will be able upgrade?



73 Posts

November 22nd, 2010 08:00

So we know not when the AT&T OTA update will happen and I'm afraid that people have figured out how to get around the waiting part.

I'm positive Dell and AT&T don't much like you doing that though. So beware you will probably be voiding your warranty if you don't do the waiting thing. Of course you could always do the manual update to 2.2 and then go back to US-31 1.6 once the official 2.2 OTA release is running. Then you can just let your phone do the "official" 2.2 AT&T update and all will be right in the world, although, I'm sure some things won't function officially. (*cough* Tethering)

You can find instructions here if you are the brave sort.

Best of luck to you.


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