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November 22nd, 2013 11:00

Dell Venue 8 Pro Touch Sensitivity


I bought two Dell Venue 8 Pro two weeks ago. I notice that sometimes when I type on the screen, the touch input get triggered multiple times... After doing some more testing, I realized that the issue was because my finger was close to the screen, but not fully touch or rest on the screen. The device seems to pick up touch input even if a small tip of my finger touch the screen a few milliseconds, which is a bit annoying when typing or browsing. This ends up with characters get hit multiple times randomly, or the browser suddenly zooms out because the device though it was double-click. I never have any issue like this on my smartphones or the surface RT.

I believe this is a firmware issue or a touch sensitivity issue since it happens on both of my devices. I did multiple factory reset and change "Pen and Touch" setting in control panel. But the issue is still exist. Does this happen to anyone else?


January 5th, 2014 17:00

Very painful navigating. non stop zooming in and out, non stop selection when all I want to do is scroll. Its the basic interaction anyone has with the tablet. Unless they have it for some specific Win8 OS need that may make it worthwhile, I am starting to think that this tablet needs to go back. Any Wacom adopted touch tablet maybe better. What's sad is that from one of the reports earlier, this maybe a hardware issue with the screen temp getting hot and changing the touch response, so its not a constant problem when just booting and using, but after some use the issue is back. This maybe why the techs at DELL have had a hardtime with this. And if it is so, they really can't do anything to remedy the issue without swapping out hardware.

5 Posts

January 5th, 2014 17:00

I fixed my problem with my DVP2! I brought it back to Costco and told them it was a huge epic fail! I then bought an ASUS T-100 and am finally a happy windows tablet owner! I encourage everyone to dump their Dell, it's a hopeless useless POS. Dell's customer service is even worse. I suppose they think it's good business to sell *** and then ask you to pay for support.... If you want it in a language you can understand anyway. I actually had one support person (somewhere around hour five) tell me that I "just needed to give it some time, I'll get used to it"! Hey Dell! I got "used" to my T100 in about five minutes! ADIOS DELL!

January 5th, 2014 22:00

Does Costco carry the T100?

January 6th, 2014 00:00

Well, I have 3 of these tablets with the same problems. The 2 replacements DELL sent are going back to DELL, and my original purchase is going back to the store. I don't want the ASUS T100 as its too large. I already have a Retina iPAD, and I know its very different, but I liked this device for the size and the OS.

I am so glad I took the time to force myself to use this device to make me realize this is a POS in the touch department, and criples the entire device.
If you hookup and BlueTooth mouse and KB, and that is all you need it for, more power to you. But I purchased this to take over somethings the iPAD does and doesn't, and then some.

Not being able to do the basics in navigation makes all else pointless, and too bad there is no "fix" for this, as it looks more and more like a hardware issue.

With DELL not speaking up and identifying the problems and reassuring buyers that yes, these problems will be fixed, there is no point.

Its been about a couple months now, and they just took off the stylus from the store and called it "SOLD OUT". Really?
How untruthful and misleading. Shame on DELL for that. 

12 Posts

January 6th, 2014 17:00

I have been struggling with this device since I bought it.   It has gotten better Ass updates roll out.  The touch issues have been a real pain.  Its been almost unusable for browsing and typing.  I updated to the 1-2-2013 touch firmware and I am finally able to use this tablet without much frustration.  There are still some occasional zoom and multiple key press issues but it has been minimized greatly.  I no longer find myself wanting to pull my hair out.  All of this was typed with my venue pro and I have not had multiple key press yet.  I also have the Targus Safeport case on my venue pro and it is not giving me any issues with the built in screen protector effecting touch.   I know some are still having issues even after the update, but I can say so far I am another positive review of this update.  Before giving up I would suggest trying to factory reset the venue pro and update all drivers and windows updates to see if this helps.  I agree with others that it hasn't 100 percent gone away, but its much improved.  I hope Dell continues to work on and further refine the touch firmware so one day it will be on par with other tablets.  Its still disappointing that we even have to go through all this and in the future may make me think twice about purchasing dell products.

January 6th, 2014 18:00

My feedback is very much along your experience, except that I still think it is too much of a foundational issue on the overall usage of the device, and I'm not going to hope for another update to resolve what maybe a hardware issue..... Since when the screen has been on for sometime, then the touch gets more problematic.

Try typing with the Folio case propped up. The deivce being on for a while or not, gets problematic. As a user, you don't want to push hard enough to knock it over, but the more gentle you are with it, the more issues I get.

The Asus Vivo 8" just released for $299.

With DELL's approach in handling this behind closed doors with no straight forward identification of the problem. (They marked the Stylus as "Sold Out"! That's just wrong and in your face untruthful) , I can wait a bit for them to start shipping and return this.

I give so much credit to tech companies who take responsibility and maybe it costs on the short run, but overall, you don't lose face as a brand.

I feel bad for those who can't return it and find it a problem.

4 Posts

January 6th, 2014 20:00

I broke down, as much as I really do like this tablet, I am sending 2 venues back to Dell.  The last touchscreen firmware did help, but does still does not compare to any other typical capacitive touch screen. Still get multiple letters in words and zooming in the browser with 20% of the touches.  I think my next venture will be with the Asus 8" tablet.  I think Dell is at synaptics mercy with getting this fixed, and perhaps thats why there hasn't been much chatter by Dell.

January 6th, 2014 21:00

I just got back from returning my original to the store. The other 2 replacements I will ship out this week. They give you 10 days, but no return label until you go through support again. If I counted I think I heard the recording "Thank me for choosing Dell..." about 70 times. By 69 it became meaningless! :-)

This tablet took a good chunk out of my time. I have about 4 hours of tech support call times, and likely another 4 with research and this forum. What a waste.

9 Posts

January 7th, 2014 10:00

I am having the auto zoom issue. I installed the firmware update and tried calibrating twice. First time, I lost ability to slide in from all four sides. Second time, from three sides (slide in from charms bar side worked this time). I tried to be as accurate as possible when calibrating. Fortunately, calibration reset restored swipe in ability both times.

January 7th, 2014 13:00

Yup, thats another issue. And if you by mistake calibrate in "landscape" mode, you have yourself a BRICK!

Not sure if the recent update a few days ago corrected this issue of making the tablet unusable where you have to do a HARD reset, meaning WIPE all your content before you get it working, but I would hope they did.

3 Posts

January 7th, 2014 22:00

If the calibration goes bad, all you have to do is get an otg cable, plug in a mouse and reset the touch calibration..

52 Posts

January 7th, 2014 22:00

I've just purchased another Venue 8 Pro. The nominal difference between the two devices I now own is that the first one is of the 64GB variety, while the second one has only 32GB storage. - But in reality, there is another, striking difference between the two: The 64GB model's screen, if used with auto-brightness, tends to be on the yellowish side and attempting to adjust screen brightness while auto-brightness is enabled has only a very limited effect. On the 32GB model, the screen tends to be blueish but can very well be adjusted while auto-brightness is active.

With regard to touch issues: While the latest touch firmware (Jan. 02) almost fixed things for my 64GB model, it did close to nothing to improve things on my 32GB model. To me, this sounds as if there are (at least) two different hardware revisions being sold ...

480 Posts

January 8th, 2014 09:00

I have the 64 GB and I didn't see any yellowish on the screen.  After a day, I turned off the auto dim, because I didn't like it.

Maybe you should try the firmware install again.  I doubt that all of those who said it works have the 64 GB version.  A good test would be to hold down one of the keyboard keys.  Before instilling the update, the letter would repeat as long as the key was pressed, after the update, it "types" on letter and stops.

January 8th, 2014 09:00

Panel variation inscreens can happen, but that is a production inconsistency in getting properly calibrated screens. It might not be that there are different versions. of all the hardware.

As far as hooking up a mouse and fixing it sure...Now that it happened to me. But if you recently received the unit and haven't read up on the issues and you happen to brick the unit, you'd have to wait until you get a USB adapter. Oddly enough the support guy said if you want to fix it we must reset it. I had already ordered a USB adapter, and it took a while to come.

January 8th, 2014 10:00

Have anyone tried doing these things...?

After the tablet has warmed up for some time. *I recommend you try it in the Folio case sitting up on the desk, which is how I mostly use this, either in bed or on desk, free standing. The more careful you are to touching it the more errors occur.

1. IE, (I end up using the desktop version) Don't do it just to test it. . Try going to a webpage when you need it and try reading and scrolling or selecting. If you place your finger on the page, you will see the page zoom in.  If you select one of the links from a page, it takes a few selections to activate it to go to the link (This last bit looks like it is fixed with the 01-02-2014 update).

2. Type something in a forum such as this and then try going back into the middle of a sentence to edit a word or something. The typing/double entries has gotten much better, Don't get this issue. Try to navigate accurately on the screen when editing type,  its not very possible.

3. Try to scroll a video in IE. First the scroll bar is tiny/thin. Its not possible to have the touch know where you want your "cursor"/finger position to respond. I also use NetFlix, and this maybe a W8 issue compounded by the Dell Touch, but you can't navigate in the video. If you move a few MM, it jumps way back and takes a long time to que up the video again. (On my iPad, this is done rather smoothly. It also has a 10seconds rewind button).

Can you post back with your findings?

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