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This post is more than 5 years old


February 15th, 2011 15:00

Froyo 2.2 and the AT&T debacle

So first off I'm one of those fools with the AT&T locked Streak and I am so disappointed at AT&T and this whole mess with Froyo. I am one of those that took the road to Dj_Steve's 2.2 update, but I never actually got to Steve's final update. Since there is another option out there, which made total sense to me. I was at the point in the process where I just upgraded and I am on 2.1. Instead of installing Steve's final I installed the O2 Froyo 2.2 package available for download here on Dell's site.

Worked fine and everything has been running smoothly for about two months

The really sad part about this whole thing is AT&T continuously seems to just disregard there customers. Its almost like the old "Ma Bell" days when your phone company didn't care cause, who else are you gonna call? Well after becoming an AT&T customer in I think it was 1994 maybe, then a sold to Cingular customer, then back to an AT&T customer again, I am done being ignored. I'm looking forward to my new carrier.

As far as Dell is concerned, So far they have been helpful and considerate of my postings here and I have no ill will toward them at all. Overall the Streak is great and I'm really enjoying it. Sad part is when I terminate my contract it will become useless in regard to cell service, so it will be relegated to reader/movie/games device duty, pretty much stuck at home or depending on any available wifi.

Already thinking about the 4G version and wonder how much that will go for as an unlocked.

Hopefully it won't be on AT&T

1 Message

February 15th, 2011 15:00

I have been waiting for the Froyo update since November 2010 with a rapidly aging mobile device that needs to be replaced soon.  My tech guru recommended Streak 5 with the caveat that I should wait for the update.  When I call Dell and AT&T I am told that it is coming any day.... that started months ago.  I am a solid Dell customer... 7 computers so far and have had an account with AT&T for over a decade, but I am shopping for other devices and carriers.  I feel like the Streak 5 in it's present configuration is rapidly growing moss on the shelf.... soon to be so outdated that it will need to be replaced.

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