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This post is more than 5 years old


November 3rd, 2010 03:00

My experience unlocking my AT&T Dell Streak

​I kept wondering what was the truth.​

​Before purchasing the phone (tablet) I found the posts here claiming the it was not possible to unlock a Streak, and plenty of posts elsewhere boasting of getting their Streak unlocked. Backing-up this information was my previous experience with a new Blackberry from AT&T, that I was originally told could not be unlocked either, and then AT&T unlocked it on my first call. I travel a great deal, more than 50% of the time, and all of it internationally. Really, while paying $0.99/minute to AT&T is a good back-up plan, it is unsustainable for me. Plus, my international clients appreciate a local number with which to contact me when I am in town.​

​Dell will only sell, in the US, a phone locked to AT&T, whether a contract with AT&T is purchased, or not.​

​When I first received the phone, I called AT&T to unlock it. The CSR took my information, including my IMEI. She was unable to find my unlock code, but said that they would follow-up and deliver to me via email (as of course I would be travelling) within a week. After a week passed, I called AT&T again. This CSR recognized that the resolution date had passed, with out any information being provided to me (even extending their own self-imposed deadline) and relayed to me that thez were "waiting on Dell" to send the information. They suggested that I call Dell to get them moving. Normally, I would have said, "fine, I will hold as you contact Dell to resolve", but I had to leave the phone with 30 minutes and doubted this would be completed on-time.​

​Later that day, I called Dell mobility. The Dell CSR claimed that it was not possible to unlock a Streak. I insistently asked for some link at Dell to support this absurd claim, or event that the CSR would send me this information in written form. Of course, since it is not true, she could not. [Really though, it is a terrible mistake for representatives of a company to make claims that they cannot even internally support; if you do not know, or you are just speculating, state that this is the case. No one expects a front level CSR to know everything.] Perhaps I should have escalated to her supervisor.​

​In any case, several days later I was contemplating buying either RebelSim's unlock code service (~40€) or their physical device (~30€) which I believe would be a successful route and would not waste more of my time. However, I decided to give AT&T another chance. I called-in, and the CSR again took all my information. On this occasion, I misspoke the IMEI, and the CSR responded that I had a Dell Lattitude. We re-checked the number and the CSR input the new value into his system and was able to immediately respond with the unlock code. Of course, the unlock code worked on the first try, and I am immediately connected to my German (FONIC) service and data plan. Perhaps only some CSR's have the training to get Dell Streak unlock codes?​

​To re-cap: For results, some persistence with AT&T may be necessary. Dell Mobility cannot give out the codes, only AT&T. All phone are unlockable.​

​ ​

1 Message

November 8th, 2010 16:00

Signed up for a username to tell you thanks for this post.  Really appreciate the confirmation that it's possible! 

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