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August 26th, 2022 19:00

Weird noises during Dell Customer Service call

So I called Dell customer service for the 2nd time over my laptop that the screen stopped turning on but keyboard would still flash when I pressed power button. I got the computer less than 2 weeks ago. The customer service agent was very normal and was walking me through the troubleshooting steps the first one already had. Randomly the call started becoming filled with static and I was hearing customer support phrases from different companies. I was still on the same line with the agent but I couldn’t hear him talking. I was heard things in weird pitched robot voices such as “this is fiber federal fraud department” and “this is progressive customer support line” (I am associated with neither) and so on for about 2 minutes. Finally it stopped and it came back on the line and was asking if I could hear him. Not even 30 seconds later the call started beeping extremely loud but I could still hear his voice in an extremely high pitch. It sounded like the call was getting straight up taken over like out of a movie. The whole thing was so weird and I hung up and called another agent and had zero problems. I have no idea if this is my phone or the customer support line or what but I’m just a little freaked out. If anyone has any ideas it would be appreciated.

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