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August 31st, 2018 03:00

Vipr SRM - Status or Replication report

I am working on a report that monitors data received or transmitted on an array that is a target of replication. ie. MB/s received by the target array for a Replicated device. I have set thresholds to indicate status.. green is data is being transmitted, so any value greater than zero,  and red data was not transferred, so value = 0.   My problem is, when a device is deleted and there is no numeric value, so it would be a NULL until that device is considered a non active metric in SRM.   In my report that type of condition is represented by the last known value and never changes. My report polling is Last Day, 1 Hr, Last.

I want to be able to show that in my report by using a threshold so it is investigated.   I am using the Status report type.  Does anyone know of a way to set a threshold to NULL

Or has anyone created a report that they use to show replication status, VMAX, Recoverpoint, Netapp...



141 Posts

August 31st, 2018 05:00

Hi Lisa,

Have you tried using the "util.ReplaceNan*" formula; you should be able to replace the NULL values with 0



20 Posts

August 31st, 2018 06:00

Hi Isaka,

Yes that did resolve the issue with NULL values.. Thanks.

Another observation is for this particular volume replication was stopped.  I added the formula util.ReplaceNan to my report and now for the 1 day/realtime/average I see the values are 0.  But at the layer up, where I have a status bubble - it is showing the last transfer value of 435MB instead of 0.  This level report is set to last day/1 hr/last.

I thought if it polled the last 1 hr = which is 0 that is what should be represented on the status report.

Any idea?

141 Posts

September 5th, 2018 05:00

Hi Lisa,

There's a few things that can explain this difference;

The selected period :

               Current day is the current calendar day eg.:Sept 5 00:01 to Sept 5 00h00

               Last day is the previous 24 hours period eg.: Sept 4 09:00 to Sept 5 9h00

               Previous day is the previous calendar day: eg.: Sept 4 00:01 to Sept 4 00h00

So when you are looking at last day 1 hour aggregate last; you are looking at the last hourly aggregated value of the previous day... which can differ from the current day real time average.




20 Posts

September 6th, 2018 05:00

Hi Isaka,

Thanks for detailing that out, I believe I had a handle on those polling's.

My intent it the following:  Show the status of Replication (metric is throughput) over the last 24, taking the last hourly aggregate and representing that value ( last 1 hour aggregate) in a status bubble report by volume.  So if I am looking at the last day - 9/5 09:00 to 9/6 09:00 I should see the last HR aggregate reading reflected in the status bubble so 9/6/ 08:00 to 09:00 time period, correct?

I have a volume that the underlying graphic shows "0" throughput for the LAST 1 HR,  but my status bubble does not reflect that.  The bubble shows the last positive value of throughput, which happened 8 hrs prior to "0" throughput.



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