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This post is more than 5 years old


September 8th, 2006 19:00

McAfee Security Center not opening up or gettin uninstalled fm Add/Rem prgrms after IE-7 install.

I installed IE7 (RC1) a couple of days ago in my Inspiron 9400 new laptop. Before installing the IE7, I disabled the McAfee Firewall, AV, Spamkiller and all other related Mcafee installs (blah blah blah) as per IE7  installation instructions. After IE7 was succesfully installed & my laptop rebooted , I am not able to open up my McAfee Security Center nor can I uninstall the same from ADD/REMOVE programs. Whats happening is that, when I doubleclick or try to OPEN up the security center either from System Tray or All Programs, it tries to open up and then error msgs... MCAfee Security Center (MSC) is still updating itself. with new definitions. Rebooting several times didnot help. Also when trying to run DMsetup.exe from Mcafee to re-install full Mcafee again - it is giving error msg, "javascript error, problem detected on line 40, in IE...... " (donot remember the exact error msg now) and the installation is failing also. When trying to uninstall the current one from Add Remove programs, it doesnot open up at all.
Please advise on this if you have any solution. I donot want to go with System Restore as that will uninstall my IE7 RC1 which I fixed after a lot of problems.  Thanx much in advance.

8.8K Posts

September 14th, 2006 13:00

Personally I get all the protection necessary from, AVG7-AntiVirus-FREE


20 Posts

September 14th, 2006 13:00

That indeed is a very useful & imp. info.... I will keep that in mind.. your help is appreciated... Thanx again - Subhro
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