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This post is more than 5 years old

10 Elder


43.8K Posts


May 4th, 2016 12:00

They're at it again...

MS tried to push KB3035583 (Update installs Get Windows 10 app in Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 SP1) onto my Win 7, 32-bit system again today.

I ran Never10 a while back but it hasn't stopped MS's intrusive nonsense...


20.5K Posts

May 5th, 2016 10:00

Ignore it. It's not worth stressing over, Ron. It will be removed after July 29.

3 Apprentice


15.2K Posts

May 5th, 2016 11:00

Microsoft had announced that the Windows 10 upgrade (from Win7/8.1) would be free a for year.   People were speculating what would happen afterwards.   Microsoft has now answered that question, by announcing the cost to upgrade beyond that period:

today, we want to remind you that if you haven’t taken advantage of the free upgrade offer, now is the time. The free upgrade offer to Windows 10 was a first for Microsoft, helping people upgrade faster than ever before. And time is running out. The free upgrade offer will end on July 29 and we want to make sure you don’t miss out. After July 29th, you’ll be able to continue to get Windows 10 on a new device, or purchase a full version of Windows 10 Home for $119

10 Elder


43.8K Posts

May 5th, 2016 11:00

Ignore it.

I shouldn't have to "ignore it". MacroStupid should respect the customer's decision not to upgrade to Win 10 and stop their blankety-blank tactics.. 

20.5K Posts

May 5th, 2016 13:00

Ron, keeping GWX CP updated on my one laptop (that is so old that it is not compatible with 10) seems to have avoided the nag that you've had a problem with. Otherwise, I actually like 10 Pro (using my preferred configurations).

10 Elder


43.8K Posts

May 5th, 2016 16:00

Didn't say I don't like Win 10. Like your laptop, my Win 7 desktop is too old to run Win 10, but that doesn't stop MS from pushing me to upgrade. You'd think they'd be able to tell this system is not compatible and stop the strong-arm tactics.

I beta tested Win 10 for over a year on an Inspiron lappy so I'm very familiar with it but I think Win 7 is better.

15 Posts

May 6th, 2016 22:00

Even beyond KB3035583 GWX, which I found slipped through the cracks of WU a few times, but wasn't currently installed on this PC (consider the hidden updates), I found this yesterday on my laptop...

Yes, that's right.  Windows 10 was listed as 'Important.'  Another "mistake" by MS, or are they becoming more and more desperate?  I read, upgrades to 10 only went up by 1.2% in April, and they are at 30% of their goal of said upgrades.  Does this mean they could possibly extend the "free upgrade" for another 6, or 12 months?  Yes, possibly.

I know I wouldn't pay a cent for Win 10.  I won't take it for free.  But yet, they persist, and it's not working.  Has MS reached another all-time low?  I believe so, with this one.

Here is a current list of updates I check for and uninstall if they've found their way onto any machine.  Note, that some of these 'Recommended' updates will require other 'Recommended' (Windows 7/8.1 data tracing/Win 10 compatibility/Telemetry) updates to be installed first before they appear in any given WU.  Additionally, removal of any listed updates won't necessarily make your PC immune to the download and/or installation of Win 10.  Read the end paragraph for other possibilities to obscure the upgrade.

They are as follows:


  • KB2882822
  • KB2990214
  • KB2952664
  • KB3021917
  • KB3022345 (replaced by KB3068708, but both may exist)
  • KB3035583
  • KB3075249
  • KB3080149
  • KB3083324
  • KB3123862
  • KB3139929
  • KB3150513

WIN 8.1

  • KB2976978
  • KB3022345
  • KB3035583 (or KB3072318)
  • KB3044374 (or KB 3075853)
  • KB3068708
  • KB3076249
  • KB3080149
  • KB3150513

These are specific, but not limited to each OS version.

I would go on further to registry hacks & mods, but that's not exactly pertinent here.  Said hacks/mods are easy to google.  I would further suggest implementing or updating current Policies (GPo's), especially since Win 10 is not in the interest of most businesses and can be very problematic.

"How to manage Windows 10 notification and upgrade options"



3 Apprentice


15.2K Posts

May 7th, 2016 05:00

 Does this mean they could possibly extend the "free upgrade" for another 6, or 12 months?  

As I noted above, Microsoft has already announced the fee to upgrade from Win7/8.1 after July 29.

There are several reasons for them to do so, including:

1) obtaining [some] revenue from the upgrade --- they showed no income by "giving away Win10 for free" to existing Win7/8.1 users.   More significantly,

2) it will pacify the OEM box makers (including DeLL, Lenovo, HP, &etc.) who have been losing-out on hardware sales to people who could upgrade their older systems from Win7/8.1 to 10.  

10 Elder


43.8K Posts

May 7th, 2016 13:00

They tried to slip ~2.2 GB Win 10 upgrade package onto my Win 8.1 laptop this week too. The update was marked important and was pre-checked, while the other updates offered at the same time were not pre-checked.  They're trying to get sneaky about this...

Announcing the price now might scare people into upgrading sooner than later. Who wants to pay that much for Win 10 if they can get it for free now?

3 Apprentice


15.2K Posts

May 7th, 2016 15:00

Who wants to pay that much for Win 10 if they can get it for free now?


Those of us "holdouts" will have to give final consideration to our plans.   I have two "eligible" machines... and having resisted this long, I plan on holding firm.

10 Elder


43.8K Posts

May 7th, 2016 16:00

This Win 8.1 laptop is 'eligible' too according to Dell, but I'm going to hold out on this one.

The other lappy already has Win 10, so having one of each is like insurance in case MS does something stupid that crashes one or the other PC, but -hopefully- not both OS at the same time. :emotion-4:

15 Posts

May 7th, 2016 18:00

As I noted above, Microsoft has already announced the fee to upgrade from Win7/8.1 after July 29.

Thanks!  I missed that. I've read arguments from both sides, so really only time will tell if the coercion will continue past the July 29th deadline.

3 Apprentice


15.2K Posts

May 8th, 2016 05:00

Per an article I just read:   "Microsoft has promised to stop pushing Windows 10 upgrades so forcibly after the free upgrade period ends --- and removing the infamous ‘Get Windows 10’ alerts will be part of this."

10 Elder


43.8K Posts

May 8th, 2016 11:00

   "Microsoft has promised to stop pushing Windows 10 upgrades so forcibly

And the moon is made of cream cheese.

They'll push even harder because they'll want to get our $$ !

15 Posts

May 8th, 2016 16:00

And the moon is made of cream cheese.

They'll push even harder because they'll want to get our $$ !

Funny, but true!

Something interesting I'm making note of here and makes complete sense...

Those familiar with newer system and the Mobo being "injected" with the Product Key for their specific versions of Windows, more specifically the SLIC table in the BIOS.  My latest XPS 8900 has both Win 10 Pro and Windows 7 Professional keys "Injected", (I use the Windows 7 downgrade for obvious reasons,  I dislike 10) and have never had forced offers of Upgrading to 10 on this PC.  Of course, I don't have any of the GWX functionality installed, but offers for Win 10 upgrade do not, and have never appeared in WU.

That's one way to prevent the 'Upgrade', if your familiar with SLIC table BIOS mods.  Try adding a Win 10 Activation 'key', even if you have no plans on ever using 10.  You may already have one copied and at your disposal.

Just FYI...


10 Elder


43.8K Posts

May 8th, 2016 18:00

 Try adding a Win 10 Activation 'key', even if you have no plans on ever using 10.  You may already have one copied and at your disposal.

I suspect that would be illegal. The product key is unique to each system and you can't use the same key on two PCs at the same time.

What you're suggesting would be like installing the OS from disk onto 2 PCs and then trying to use the same product key to activate both installations. 

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