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This post is more than 5 years old


August 4th, 2005 10:00


​ My Dell dimension 2400 was littered with virus`s[15 of them] from what i saw after running my virus scan. How should i have my computer set up for maximum protection . ​

3 Apprentice


15.2K Posts

August 4th, 2005 11:00

you should continually be running a passive anti-virus protection program, and it should automatically start every time you boot-up your PC.   (People typically have Norton or McAfee pre-installed on their systems.  Two highly rated FREE alternatives are Grisoft/AVG and Avast!)
you must be sure to keep the definition/reference files up to date.   These programs typically have an option to check for updates automatically.  You can also check for updates manually.   If you have a paid subscription (like Norton), you must continually renew/buy the service.... an old/outdated anti-virus program is worthless.
you should also actively run a complete scan every once in a while, to see if anything "snuck" in (before you had the latest updates).... i'd suggest maybe weekly, or at the very least, monthly (and if you're paranoid, daily).
you can also double-check your program by taking advantage of free online scans, such as that from Trend Micro.
you didn't mention what program you were using????
by the way, anti-virus programs (in general) do not protect you against "spyware"... that's a completely separate matter, and must also be dealt with.

Message Edited by ky331 on 08-04-2005 09:53 AM

91 Posts

August 4th, 2005 12:00

I have something from bestbuy called Extendia virus protection from Boomerang software, I update weekly from their website, and i run ad-aware , and i use the stinger.   My computer is functioning fine , but my question is even though my virus guard sees all the virus`s and ask me to delete them after a scan , how can i stop them from entering in the first place? 

3 Apprentice


15.2K Posts

August 4th, 2005 12:00

i am not familiar with Boomerang/Extendia... perhaps someone else can comment on its quality/reliability.
Anti-virus programs typically consist of two components/aspects...  first and foremost, it should have a "passive" component, which is running CONTINUALLY, the purpose of which is to catch/prevent the viruses before they can ever infect your machine.   Typically, it can check any file you download from the internet, any programs you try to install on your system, and also --- in real time --- any programs you actually run on your system.   Does Extendia claim to do this?
The second is an "active" component, to completely scan your entire system (or specified directories/files) "on demand".   this MUST be run the first time you install your anti-virus, to catch any "old" virus files that may have found their way in before you installed the anti-virus.   but additionally, it should be run "periodically" (as I mentioned above), for the following reason:  
viruses are continually mutating/morphing, and the anti-virus programs are continually trying to play "catch up".   so suppose you regularly keep your system up to date... for example, you've downloaded the reference file on 3 August.   if a "brand new" virus is first created on 4 August ---- one "unknown" to the definitions you downloaded on 3 Aug --- it can get by your (passive) anti-virus protection, and infect your system.  now, lets suppose (as indicated) you update weekly, getting the next reference file on 10 Aug.   Let's also suppose that this newer/updated file IS now aware of the "brand new 4 Aug" virus that you've caught last week.   Well, if that virus program is loaded and running, the 10 Aug update should now catch it.   But if the virus program is simply "dormant" --- that is to say, residing on your drive, but not actually loaded and running at the time --- the 10 Aug update will not know to "look" for it.... unless/until you tell your anti-virus program to (actively) perform a complete scan.   this is why you need to do a complete scan "periodically".
So, as I asked before:  Does Extendia offer BOTH features, both passive as well as active scanning?   (From what you described, it certainly sounds like at least have the active scanning capability.)   If you don't have the passive feature, you'll need to switch from Extendia to another program that does.
You say you update weekly.... do they offer more frequent updates?   Some programs update daily!
the bottom line:  with passive protection, and frequent (every day or two) updates, you should be able to keep most viruses from entering your system in the first place.   nevetheless, you should still always be sure to verify things with an occasional complete scan.


Message Edited by ky331 on 08-04-2005 10:54 AM

91 Posts

August 4th, 2005 13:00

Yes it has passive , it has everything known to man that i can select in the options , its excellent , only 19.95$ Bestbuy,  thankyou for clearly spelling that all out for me and in doing so i may need to update my definitions more frequently {they have daily} i didnt realize the prevelance of knew virus`s coming so fast.  Thanks, DARRYL

4 Posts

August 4th, 2005 17:00

First things first, it's 'viruses' or more correctly, 'virii'.  Virus's means 'belonging to the virus'. :-)
Protection against virii is three-fold:
Firewall - Helps guard against intrusion and prevent virii breaking out to spread/alert their creator of their successful infection and readiness to be naughty.
Anti-Virus - Monitor the system and alert ptotential attack, check e-mail attachments and scan HDDs for possible infection.
Anti-Spyware - Offshoot of AV - to identify and remove commercial malware - diallers, browser-highjackers, data-miners etc.
Regular OS Updates - This cannot be overstressed: USE WINDOWS UPDATE REGULARLY!! - at least once a week.  Many virii exploit bugs in the system - patches, hot-fixes and service packs fix these bugs so that the virus cannot harm your PC.
Good FREE software:
Spyware - Ad Aware -
- SpyBot -  (SpyBot has an excellent  'Immunise' featrure that automatically blocks 1000s of known malware sites)
...and don't forget to Update Windows regularly!
Good luck!

91 Posts

August 5th, 2005 10:00

Ha, ok, I have to watch my spelling, i seem to make a lot of errors when i write in forums , after i post i look and say to myself you dumbell thats not the right spelling ,  and i usually dont edit.  I got the latest window updates yesterday, thanks for reminding me , i have not been doing that since the initial sp2 upgrade,, DARRYL
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