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December 11th, 2013 23:00

VNX Monitoring and Reporting tool (M&R)

I am having a performance issue on VNX and working towards its resolution. Came across a document suggesting, we have a tool for VNX, VNX M&R. What i am looking forward to know is ::

What benefits will this tool give me over the Analyser
How much will it impact my box (as i can't afford to have hits on performance)

P.S. I have block only 5700 VNX

1.2K Posts

December 12th, 2013 07:00

VNX M&R leverages the same infrastructure as Unisphere Analyzer, so it generally does not have a "greater" performance hit than Analyzer.  It's advantages come from being able to collect data over a longer period of time, storing details in its local database, and avoiding combing data from the VNX directly to display performance.  It can also provide granular reporting of performance thresholds for alerting as well.

EMC has a number of Youtube videos on M&R, so that you can see the interface at work and see the kinds of statistics you can collect.

Let us know if that helps!


2 Posts

December 12th, 2013 08:00

I have VNX M&R running on a windows server which as far as I can tell there has been no impact on my array (VNX 5500).  The benefits that I see is that allows me to schedule reports on my array from LUN perf, to CPU % to Block I/O.  It will drill down to details of LUN Perf bottlenecks, TopN & Exception. I can also see heat maps.  It been a valuable tool which allows me to keep up to date with my array and solve any issue that I maybe having.

I believe you can install it on a server for 30 day free trial.  Also I am using version 1.1

1.2K Posts

December 12th, 2013 10:00

If you are so inclined, would you post a screenshot of the most useful graph you've found in VNX M&R?  That might help show others what value you've found in the product.

Thanks for the comment, mso!

17 Posts

December 12th, 2013 23:00

Thanx guys for the replies! The point here is this only, why should i choose M&R over Analyser as eventually i'll be paying for it than for Analyser which comes in package. I have been through some vedios on youtube and then only decided to check it out once. What i wasnt sure of was if it might leave a performance impact, which like u said is minimal. So i'll probably install a 30-day trial once the original performance issue is resolved (on which we are working in full pace currently) and update here on my experience with it.n

Just 1 more thing:: Like we don't keep the performance logging ON on a regular basis and do it for a day or two per situation demand. Is it the same way M&R is going to work and will store previous reports in its local database like u mentioned?

2 Posts

December 13th, 2013 18:00

No I don't believe so.  M&R is polling your array at a rate 5 to 60.  This configured by you when you set up M&R.

January 6th, 2014 08:00

I have M&R running against 6 VNX at the moment. I am seeing 0 impact on the VNX and the reporting is very good. There are things that could be improved. But on the whole I would recommend to any VNX admins to get it installed.

1 Rookie


39 Posts

January 7th, 2014 06:00

I am running version 1.1 against our file/block 5700.  Zero performance issues and love how I can break things out in detail.  Scheduled reports emailed is very nice also.

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