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This post is more than 5 years old


January 29th, 2013 07:00

Enable pnshell logging / debugging


We're experiencing periodic slow logons/hangs which seem to be related to pnshell / pntools,  I would like to enable logging / debugging on pnshell.exe in vWorkspace 7.5.

I came across this KB : But it does not mention where the log files are being placed.
Is this the correct way to enable logging in 7.5 ? And where is the log file stored? Any other suggestions on debugging this issue?

Kind regards,

Freek Berson

228 Posts

January 29th, 2013 07:00

Hello Freek,

If you are finding the login process is slow, or longer than usual, then this may well be caused by a resource mapping issue when the PNshell process runs. If PNshell is trying to map a printer or drive mapping that fails then there may be a timeout before the script continues.

The log file created by the steps shown in SOL92116 will be created in the home drive & path of the user who logs in. For example if my Homedrive were=H: and the Homepath=\users\david then the log file will be located at H:\users\david\pnshell.log

I will update the solution to include this information.



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