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This post is more than 5 years old


August 2nd, 2010 02:00

c 0000 145 error message

​When running the "error-checking" (My computer--->Local Disk (C:)---> Highlight"properties"--->Tools--->Error-Checking(checking both boxes,in the "check disk options" box: "automatically fix file system errors" & "scan for & recovery of bad sectors").After the application has ran its course, I get this message:​

​STOP: c oooo 145 {application error. The application failed to initialize properly (0x 0000005). Click OK to terminate application. ​

​But there is no "click" button. This error message is displayed in a blue screen format. Being there isn't a button, I switch the laptop off manually. Everything seems OK other than the error message I get from running that application. I run it because of an article on Microsoft's website: ​​H E R E​

​I am thinking I have a corrupt disk but maybe I don't need to run that application as often? The other laptop that runs the application shuts off after it has run the course & there isn't a problem. Please, any advice would be hopeful because I know this error message means that there may be a deeper lying problem?​

​Thank you in advance,​

9 Legend


33.3K Posts

August 2nd, 2010 05:00

The disk error checking (and defrag) should be run periodically.  How often depends on disk activity on a given PC.  The only other reference google comes up with for the Stop C0000145 error is your other post on the other forum.  But, as you think it's a "Dell" problem only is wrong.  That is a Microsoft application error and not something "Dell".  Keep in mind the OEM Dell Windows is exactly the same as any other OEM version there is nothing special or added about Dell EXCEPT a Dell supplied OS disc will only install on a Dell motherboard.

Have you tried running the error checking with Windows in Safe Mode?  It could be some other program you have running is conflicting.

Can you run defrag on this drive?  The defrag basically also does a disk error check as part of the defrag. 

3 Posts

August 2nd, 2010 16:00

How do you get to "safe mode"? I would try that.

When I do the defrag, I click the "analyze"  button. Usually, the message: this section doesn't need defragging at this time. If I get this message, I don't bother with defragging.

I didn't know if it was a Dell problem or not. i only assumed that since there were a lot of Dells with this error message, there might be an incapability with some of the hardware? My other computer, a Dell, 2003, 5150, runs the application then shuts down. It might start back up but I'm pretty sure it shuts down.

If it's no difference that I defrag or error check, I will opt for the analyze then defrag if it prompts me to do it.

Thanks for the reply & I might look into it further just to ease my mind.

January 18th, 2011 16:00

The disk error checking (and defrag) should be run periodically. How often depends on disk activity on a given PC. The only other reference google comes up with for the Stop C0000145 error is your other post on the other forum. But, as you think it's a "Dell" problem only is wrong. That is a Microsoft application error and not something "Dell". Keep in mind the OEM Dell Windows is exactly the same as any other OEM version there is nothing special or added about Dell EXCEPT a Dell supplied OS disc will only install on a Dell motherboard.

Have you tried running the error checking with Windows in Safe Mode? It could be some other program you have running is conflicting.

Can you run defrag on this drive? The defrag basically also does a disk error check as part of the defrag.

It is exactly what I need, Many thanks to your description!
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