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This post is more than 5 years old



June 29th, 2004 01:00

COM Error

​In the event viewer I found the following error.​

​The COM + Event System failed to fire the connection made NOQOC Info method on subscription. The subscriber returned HRESULT 890010105 ​

​Com ​

​Source Event System​

​Category 52​

​Event ID 4354​

​I just did a clean reinstall of Windows and installed all critical updates. I haven't noticed any errors on screen. I just check event viewer and found that error listed. Is this something to be concerned with. Sometimes I feel like my almost 2 year old Dell is gonna go boom!!​

​Shelia ​

18.8K Posts

June 29th, 2004 03:00


This may be helpful.

59 Posts

June 29th, 2004 13:00

Thanks Denny:

I have messenger 4.6 right now but I will update it to the newer version.

Ever had this error in event viewer?

The server database is locked attempting to start the service netman with arguments in order to run the server

source DCOM

Category None

Event ID 10005

I noticed this error last night, just wondering if this is something to be concerned about, and you give better advice than anyone I know.

Thanks again, Denny


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