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This post is more than 5 years old



May 9th, 2005 17:00

c:\windows\net start problem

This is a work computer running win98 optiplex gx150 .we have three other computers on the network .Computer runs fine except i get a message on startup C:/windows/net start error .I have since put a rem command on it.But i get a message on startup of (rem tshoot:rem-by windows 98 network c:\windows\net start) how do i get rid of this or fix it.What excatly is this command

4.4K Posts

May 9th, 2005 23:00


For win98, "net start" (or much of anything in autoexec.bat, for that matter) isn't needed, since all aspects of network startup are handled while Windows is starting. As far as the fact that the line appears even if it's preceeded by a "rem", it's simply being echoed, and not processed further. I actually found a technical article from Microsoft about the changes to autoexec.bat and other startup files when a system is upgraded from an earlier Windows version, such as Windows for Workgroups.

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