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48 Posts


May 26th, 2023 15:00

Data Creation Tool and a Clean Install

XPS 8950

XPS 8950

About a week ago, I had to do a factory reinstall using SupportAssist.  Dell techs worked 1 1/2 hours to try to fix.  It didn't go well, but I eventually got things fixed myself.  I was not at all impressed with SupportAssist, and if I ever have to do an install of the OS, I will use Microsoft's Media Creation Tool and do a clean install:

The install would  be on this same machine, on the SSD.

I have two questions:

1) What's the difference between the 2nd and 3rd methods?

2) I don't understand how Microsoft knows the Product Key of my OEM install.  How is this conveyed?  Can I find it out?


4 Operator


1.8K Posts

May 26th, 2023 17:00

I may not see what you see. On that page I see four large icons: Windows 11; Windows 10; Windows 8.1; and Windows 8.

I would follow the process that I wrote, in the link that I gave you. Many forum members have followed it and had success with it. 

4 Operator


1.8K Posts

May 26th, 2023 16:00

1. I don't know what "2nd and 3rd methods" you refer to.

2. Depending upon the age of the system, Windows product key is either embedded on the motherboard or simply stored in a Microsoft database and associated with your hardware characteristics (motherboard, CPU). More information on this page.

Here is how I would install Windows.

May 26th, 2023 16:00

I am referring to the 2nd and 3rd method in the link I embedded.


May 26th, 2023 18:00

Odd that the link I embedded in my original post doesn't take you to the proper site.  Here's a screen shoot of what the link should display:

At any rate, I'll check the links you gave me.


May 27th, 2023 14:00

OK.  I looked at your write-up.  The two methods you describe are the two methods I'm asking about.  What's the difference between just downloading the OS to a flash drive or optical disk, and instead downloading the .iso?  Why choose one over the other?  Also, if my Dell machine goes belly up, and I have to use another machine to download Windows 11, how does Microsoft know that I have a legitimate copy of Windows 11?

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