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This post is more than 5 years old



February 22nd, 2018 11:00

Dell M6500 freezing (Win10 64-bit, AMD Radeon 5800, 20 GB RAM)

I have an older model Dell M6500 that ~ expect for this annoying issue ~ is just brilliant ~ it breezes through both Illustrator and Photoshop ~ and even Vinyl Master Pro (a resource hog if there ever was one).

But it freezes and no amount of mouse movement or key-inputting will unfreeze it. I've done tons of research and the main culprit seems to be a buggered NVIDIA graphics card. Finally, it seems that either the solution was to either replace the faulty card with an ATI model or to tweak the settings in the NVIDIA's driver utility. 

But my card is an AMD Radeon 5800. 

The freezing is happening more and more often now. At first, it was once every three or four weeks, if left unattended for a while. Then, it became once every other week. Now it's nearly every 24 hours. It's even frozen whilst I was actively using it.

And there seems to be no real common denominators (at least none that I can easily see). One moment it freezes, I have Illy, Photoshop, Mail, Chrome, and Vinyl Master open. The next, I literally have NOTHING open. The next, maybe Mail and Chrome. There really is no pattern that I can see ~ except for it being powered on, of course.

I've updated my drivers, tidied up my registry, and cleared as much unnecessary files off as possible. I really don't know what else to do.

I would absolutely love any and all suggestions, please and thank you in advance. Xxx

9 Legend


33.3K Posts

February 23rd, 2018 06:00

20GB  is an odd size for memory.  4, 8,16,32 etc are the usual numbers.

Dell does not officially support Win 10 on this machine thus even though Win 10 installs and runs it may or may not be fully compatible.  Thus problems can be expected.  

Dell has on-line diagnostic tests.  May be a good idea to run them, to rule out hardware issues.

If there are no hardware issues, its back to possible Win 10 compatibility issues.  Maybe (and its a Maybe) a complete clean install (reformat hard drive and install Windows and all apps) will take care of it.  


1 Message

May 12th, 2022 01:00

How to Fix AMD Radeon Settings Not Opening Issue  -  [Solved] 6 Easy Ways To Fix AMD Radeon Settings not opening issue, with the fixes like modify AMD registry, perform clean install of AMD Radeon Driver, etc.

July 22nd, 2022 01:00

When you upgrade to Windows 10, the first thing you get is the Microsoft Basic display adapter driver. There is no black screen.
Windows 10 will soon download the latest version of Nvidia, but in my case it's FX2800M.

In this case, simply go to Device Manager and disable the driver and your computer will continue to be able to use the Microsoft Basic Display Adapter without any problems.
Driver does not uninstall or rollback.

Windows 10 continues to be updated with Nvidia and continues to experience black screen issues.


Hope this helps.

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