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This post is more than 5 years old


November 7th, 2012 23:00

Dell XPS L702X - unable to deactivate touchpad

Although there are already quite a few drivers for Windows 8, I can't find an updated version fo the touchpad-driver /-software. I don't want to seem impatient, I'd just like to know if DELL is aware of this and if an ipdated version is planned.

Thanks and regards

1 Message

May 13th, 2013 13:00

The man who invented the windows TOUCHPAD and positioned it directly under where your thumbs rest should have the lower central area side of his head smashed (not touched!) with a fresh new laptop at regular intervals every 10 minutes..... for the rest of his life.   
Only this would give him just reward for the useless inconvenience, frustration and annoyance he's caused the world.

The same goes for the inventor of GOOGLE INSTANT, Adobe Acrobat (a useless product making plain text unreadable without them the world over)  TYPE-AHEAD SUGGEST (who <ADMIN NOTE: Substitute character  removed as per TOU> can't think of what they want to type at that moment, or needs all their past searches aired to the world?)......  <ADMIN NOTE: Profanity removed as per TOU> CapitTaliZation which makes typing any paragraph take twice as long fixing the wrong caps.............and an ever growing arsenal of annoyances that bored programmers with no life continue to concoct up to our added misery with every unnecessary forced upgrade.

I say chop off all their fingers, and let them watch in agony as we get along perfectly well and happy without them!    

ENOUGH SAID!!! <ADMIN NOTE: Substitute character  removed as per TOU> :)

2 Posts

May 14th, 2013 09:00

Thank you m0us3, your solution works for me.

More infos for others people who has the same issue

In m0us3's second step, download Windows Driver Kit (WDK) 8 from

Then use this command:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\bin\x64>Inf2Cat.exe /driver:C:\Dell\Drivers\R289237\WinWDF\x64\ /os:7_X64

before that, delete the file in driver folder, this command will make a new file with same name

11 Posts

February 11th, 2014 22:00

The file is online.  It is x86 and x64.  I tried to add it to my profile and it gives error about 'checking the file.'  It is here:


2 Posts

April 11th, 2014 07:00

Hi! i know its been almost a year since you post that alternative, but i guess there´s still people who still have this problem, (like me, 5 minutes ago lol)

What i did is much more simplier than you did, but i guess equal as effective (since my touchpad is working like in W7)

First: Download the official touchpad driver for windows 7 from here Service tag removed per privacy policy> (my computer is a L702x, but i guess the method is the same for any model)

i downloaded the one that says "Recomended"

Then extract it anywhere (it might tell you after the extraction something about compatibility, dont worry just cancel)

Go to "(Where you extracted)\TouchPad_Synaptics_v17.0.6.13_W81x64_A\WinWDF\x64" and execute the application named "dpinst", install it, then reboot and voila! your touchpad came back to normal.

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