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This post is more than 5 years old


November 1st, 2012 19:00

Drivers for Insipron 15R with Switchable graphics. WORKING ONES!!!! WHEN ARE THEY OUT!?!


I have TWO of these machines and am disgusted that there is no working driver which recognizes and successfully controls the switchable graphics on them.  I have bought no less that a dozen Dell machines, however if this problem isn't quickly resolved I will not buy Dell again.


10 Posts

November 14th, 2012 15:00

No, it isn't disabled.  I shows up with an error message.  In this state it doesn't show up in CCC.  There is no option to configure the dual graphics card showing up.

I tried disabling the GPU in the Device Manager and then enabling it to resolve the error, and that was then the system crashed.  Please note that the problem of the GPU not showing up in CCC existed BEFORE I tried disabling it.

Additionally I have updated to the latest BIOS and drivers for my hasn't fixed the issue.  Thanks anyhow Adam.

10 Posts

November 19th, 2012 19:00

I'm STILL having this issue and I'm not getting ANY support.  I am now trying to download the Win7 driver from the Dell site and when I try to open it I get a message that the file is part of a multi-disk archive.  Where do I get the full Win 7 driver for my model of laptop?  

Community Manager


3.3K Posts

November 20th, 2012 10:00

Hi Alun18,  

Thank you for the information. I have escalated the issue to the Engineering team, I will reply to this post once I get a reply.


Community Manager


3.3K Posts

December 4th, 2012 15:00

Hi Alun18,

The issue is been escalated to the Engineering team and they are requesting for the system service tag . Please send me private a message with the same.

I have added you as a friend. Please accept my friend request by clicking on my name highlighted in blue and then click on “Friends” tab at the top and then click on “Request to Review” and finally click on “Accept” button.

I am sending you a private message as well. Click on “Inbox” to respond to the message and provide system’s Service Tag and contact details so I may access your system records and check for further course of action. You could also click on Start Conversation to send a private message.

6 Posts

December 9th, 2012 08:00

Hi Sujatha-K,

I have the same issue as above, I've set Batman: Arkham Asylum and Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit to run on High Performance, however in that mode as well, the Catalyst Control Center works on the Intel HD4000 which i very annoying!

Please find below screens of the catalyst control center

All of this results in degraded Game performance with very low frame rates!

The system that I'm using is a Dell Insipron 15R 7520 with ATI Radeon 7730m, and on Windows 8 Pro x64

2 Posts

December 27th, 2012 09:00

Hi. I too have the exact same problem. The performance of the games with the intel graphics card is super poor. Did you manage to find a solution for this?

Please reply if you did.

1 Message

December 31st, 2012 06:00

Dear Sujatha K,

 I'm also facing the same prooblem with my Dell 7520 15R SE with AMD Radeom HD 7730M graphic card. Upon upgrading from windows 7 to windows 8, the switchable graphics does not work. I've un-installed old software and and re-installed using driver version Video_AMD_W8_X00_A02_Setup-RH19N_ZPE from dell's website but the ATI Catalyst Control Center is still missing, so I can't switch from Intel to AMD card and vice versa. My Bios version is A07. None of my games work now because the laptop is using the Intel graphic card, instead of the AMD one. How do I re-enabled the ATI Catalyst Control Center?

4 Posts

January 3rd, 2013 11:00

I'm facing the same problem with ATI Catalyst. I've tried without success to install driver directly from AMD website.

Is there an easy to go back to Windows 7? I have made Dell data safe DVDs before the switch to Windows 8.

6 Posts

January 5th, 2013 08:00

I'm actually suprised no one from dell has offered to help us on this issue yet!

4 Posts

January 5th, 2013 20:00

I'm also facing the same problem with my Dell 7520 15R SE with AMD Radeom HD 7730M graphic card. Upon upgrading from windows 7 to windows 8, the switchable graphics does not work...

Is anybody at Dell looking into this problem?

2 Posts

January 7th, 2013 00:00

I'm happy to inform you all that I've found the solution for this problem.

First of all, you should be aware that the switchable graphics doesn't work for all the apps/ games. I've tried assigning the graphics manually like in VarunPSR's post above but if the app/ game doesn't support switchable graphics, it simply reverts back to integrated graphics.

I've tried and tested this with Hitman absolution and Farcr3. Hitman doesn't support switchable graphics so I was not able to assign graphics and was not able to play the game even in lowest settings without frame dropping. Whereas fracry supports switchable graphics and the game runs smoothly even on 'highest' settings.

So, it's a tricky situation as I'm still not able to find any way to find whether or not a particular game supports SwG except for trail and error method.

And as for SwG not working on windows 8, simply go to the path below and install the app/ drivers and it'll work:

31 Posts

February 1st, 2013 18:00

Nope, I know the problem goes beyond this because, say, the Netflix app for Windows 8 Metro (which I'd like to use even if I can just use the browser, as I like the look of snapping it to the side) doesn't work. It says update your drivers because it needs WQHL certification. I currently have to avoid the Intel driver update from windows update because it breaks Catalyst Control/Switchable Graphics completely, like it's not there. Then I have to reinstall the AMD drivers with the CD that came with my laptop (a 15R with a 7670m, but very similar problem here) to fix it. And seeing as applications almost always tell me I'm using my Intel HD 4000, I'm still not sure how completely well the 7670m is working.

But they need to fix it so I can use their Intel HD driver update without it breaking the AMD Drivers!!! 

4 Posts

February 2nd, 2013 08:00

This is a pain. I reinstalled Windows7 from my data safe DVDs. Long process but everything is working now. Assasin's Creed III is running fine in 1080. I've lost hours and $15 to Microsoft for a Windows 8 that I'm not using... 

31 Posts

February 2nd, 2013 09:00

I bought a clearance Windows 7 laptop, but they changed it to 8 as apparently they ran out of 7 licenses. I didn't stop them fast enough. :/

13 Posts

February 2nd, 2013 09:00

Hi Powerjp,

Are your games running perfectly on windows7? Really? Does your dedicated graphic card function? FPS are running well?
We are all having switchable graphics problem on this thread: and still no solution is given.

I wanted to reinstall windows7, only for trying if I could hopefully use my AMD Radeon 7730M dedicated graphic card, but I don't neither want to spend more money on windows7 after having bought a laptop with windows8.

After phoning to Dell technical support, they were supposed to send me windows7 software only for testing switchable graphics but I am still waiting for. Anyway it is a pity for us to buy a new laptop and be compelled to install a latest operating system.


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