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This post is more than 5 years old



October 24th, 2009 22:00

E drive 'Recovery disk' FULL, HELP!!!

Hey guys. I recently bought a new lap top. It was a vista and worked ok. Then I recently installed Windows 7. The computer works fine except my

Windows Recovery disk (E:) is red with about 13 out of the 14 gb being full.

Can anyone PLEASE help me in getting rid of this. I can add files to my C drive, but once I try to put it into my desktop, it wont let me because it says theres not enough space. But the C drive has plenty of space.

HELP please!!!

611 Posts

October 25th, 2009 16:00

Sounds like you installed Windows 7 on the e: partiton  which is a recovery partition for Vista.  It is not meant for adding files.  Make sure Win 7 is installed on the C: partition.

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