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This post is more than 5 years old


October 28th, 2004 11:00

IIS/WWW Services failing

I have XP Pro with SP2 and my IIS starts but WWW Services and FTP, and SMTP service will not start. They used to run fantastically, but have recently started to fail on startup of the services. I generally get an error that states that either the "module could not be found" or that the service has taken too long to start.
I've been using IIS for .asp testing for several years, so it's not just a faulty installation. I have removed and reinstalled the entire service but still get the same problems. Error logs are not very helpful either.
Help, I have some asp projects to do and can't!
Could this be SP2 related and if so, what is the solution? I've disabled the XP Firewall and still no help.
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