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This post is more than 5 years old


January 4th, 2008 02:00

.net framework, version 1.1 service pack 1 (KB928366) update problems

​ Hi, ​
​ I have searched the forum and seen other having issue with this as well, but I coundn't tell exactly what to do about it. I gather that I have to remove 1 or more versions of the .net framework and then update, etc. ​
​ can anyone point me in the proper direction? ​
​ ​
​ I am running XP Pro and have the following .net programs in my system ​
​ .net 1.1 ​
​ .net 1.1 hotfix (KB886903) ​
​ .net 2.0 ​
​ ​
​ the auto update (KB928366) comes up time after time even after I install it and then power down the machine. I have 3 XP machines and its the same on all of them ​
​ ​
​ Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! ​

29 Posts

January 4th, 2008 02:00

The security fix failure may be due to already having .net 2.0 installed on the machine.
If you wanted to be complete on this there is a tool from Aaron Stebnor's Blog  ( he is a mvp and engineer for MS)
basically run the tool and remove all .net from the system.. update .net 1 and the service packs and updates through windows updates first till there is no more then and only then install the .net 2.0 (and now 3.0) versions.
He talks about your issue on his blog. I have used this tool many times and it is a saviour for all .net issues.

January 4th, 2008 03:00

just what the doctor ordered. Thanks very much.
I used his removal tool and then installed the lasted version of .net which is 3.5.
my programs that use .net are working properly and no more little yellow icon in the system tray anymore.
thanks again,

29 Posts

January 4th, 2008 03:00

Just keep in mind an older program you install may install 1.0 again.. (older programs would not know about the version updates and have hard core installs built in)
If you see this happen and it probably will you can choose to ignore the updates if needed in windows updates.. or again use the tool and start over on the installs..
Glad it worked for you
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