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1 Message


December 10th, 2023 04:43

ROM not loaded, ROM update denied

so my problem started with my monitor not receiving any signal from my PC. so i struggled with that for a while and thought it was my GPU. but when i removed my ssd i got a message saying my ROM image was not loaded and update denied. so now i know its not my GPU or CPU. i tried connecting a different storage device to see if it would boot from there but i get the same message. i already tried resetting the CMOS but nothing changed and i cont navigate to any other BIOS menu.

10 Elder


23.4K Posts

December 10th, 2023 17:49

Part of the UEFI boot loader is located on your main drive -- when you disconnected it, you lost the ability to boot the system, since it must be present in order for the boot to succeed.  Try disabling secure boot and reconnecting the original drive -- that may get the system to boot. If it does not, you're in for a reinstall of Windows.

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