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This post is more than 5 years old


March 4th, 2007 12:00

Software Titles

I've searched all over and I can't find this information.  Does anyone know where Dell publishes a list of software titles that have been tested and are certified to run on its hardware?

274 Posts

March 4th, 2007 14:00

A lot will depend on the software you're trying to run and the system you're attempting to install the software on.

A good indication will be to actually go the the main Dell site (, click on the link for Software, then the type of software you want. The system requirements are listed for each title when you click on More Details. After looking at quite a few of the titles, there was only one that had stated on it: This product is compatible with the following systems: and then there was a drop down list of their computer models -- that software was Adobe Photoshop CS2.

Truthfully, if you're going to attempt to install the high-end graphic and CAD programs on a low-end model computer, you're going to have trouble. Keep this in mind when you're looking at software.

Hope that helps.

Edit: Keep in mind I am referring to productivity software. If you're referring to gaming software, that's a whole other league. You'd best post the compatability question in the Gaming section of this forum. PC games require so much more than most productivity software.

Mary :)

Message Edited by txtchr on 03-04-2007 10:43 AM

9 Legend


33.3K Posts

March 4th, 2007 15:00

There is nothing published, to my knowledge, of "approved" software.  It depends on your particular PC's hardware, including memory, and  Operating System, etc. 
As noted, if this refers to games, post in the gaming section with your system specs and the specific game(s) you want to run.
If you are referring to older DOS programs or programs for Win95/98, etc and have an XP machine many of those, especially the DOS programs, may not be compatible with XP. 
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