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February 15th, 2018 01:00

Virtualbox not working/support x64 VM on XPS15 9560 Windows 10 Pro 17025

I installed the Oracle Virtual Box to use Linux/Windows VM but when I try to define a new VM, virtualbox only shows the 32bit versions of OS.


But my laptop is aldready x64 and Windows 10 Pro 17025 also x64.

I checked the Dell BIOS and all items allready checked at the Virtualization Support menu.

All BIOS settings :


So that I downloaded the Intel Processor Identification Utility and it shows Intel VT not supported at my laptop?


How is it possible and how can i fix/find solution?


I searched a little bit everybody said "you cann't see the x64 because you enabled the Windows's HyperV feature" so that you should uninstall the HyperV feature.

Is that correct or normal?


10 Elder


23.4K Posts

February 15th, 2018 13:00

HyperV needs to be disabled for Virtualbox to run correctly -- that is correct.

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