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This post is more than 5 years old



August 21st, 2010 14:00

Windows 7 - Programs Stop Opening (Intermittent - reboot fixes for a few days)

Hey all,

This is my first post, so bear with me if I make some newbie mistakes. I usually solve my own problems, but this one's got me stumped, and honestly, don't we all just want to get back to work? :) So maybe you can help me out...

I see lots of people submitting HijackThis reports when they have similar problems, so I'm attaching one.

A bit of background info on this problem...

This started when I upgraded to Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. Prior to this, I had Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit, which was clean-installed. I used the upgrade procedure from Windows 7 to upgrade, and it went pretty well. This problem did not begin occurring immediately; it's rather recent. I would say that it started approximately 30-60 days ago, so it may have been either from a Windows update or a program I installed within that time. One in particular that I can think of is CrashPlan, so if anyone knows if that causes such a problem, let me know. I also run a virtual machine on this laptop...strangely, the virtual machine keeps running without a problem even when I can't open other programs, or open them properly. However, closing it down doesn't resolve the issue.

There are several things that may happen when my computer gets into this state:

  1. Programs do not open. For example, if I try to open Process Explorer (with which I replaced my Task Manager), it simply does not open. The computer does not freeze, but the program does not open.
  2. Sometimes a Web browser will open and then immediately freeze.
  3. Today I had the QuickTime installer freeze about 75% through the installation. When I clicked Stop, it didn't stop, and I couldn't force-close it due to not being able to open Process Explorer...
  4. Other times, a Web Browser will open and be unable to load pages. NOTE: I do not receive a page not found error. The progress indicator simply cycles forever, and the page does not load. I can observe this in Internet Explorer 8, Google Chrome (latest), and I think Firefox 3.6 (latest or second-latest). Firefox was freezing the latest time, though.

As mentioned in the title, a reboot fixes this every time. I haven't measured specifically, but it tends to take 2-3 days before I need to reboot again. Oh, sometimes I have to reboot because the CPU starts pegging at 100% with no way to stop it. I think that these two issues are related.

What this seems to indicate to me is that these programs are waiting for a response from some system process, which isn't giving it. One time, when nosing around in Process Explorer, I noticed the WMI Provider Service consuming a lot of CPU and that it was waiting for...something. I didn't have time to debug it with kernel dumps and stuff, and don't really have much experience with it...but I just mention it since maybe it's a similar thing here.

So I'm wondering...what should I do to debug/troubleshoot this issue effectively? I don't really want to do a system restore, and I don't want to clean-install the OS. This upgrade to Windows 7 actually started out really nicely...and if I could solve this issue, it'd be fine. I've bought more RAM to max it out, but somehow I don't think that alone will do the trick.

Any ideas? See any red flags in my HijackThis report? Let me know! Or let me know where I could post this to the right audience if this is not it.

Thanks for any ideas you may have.


1 Attachment

47 Posts

October 9th, 2010 23:00

Dear moderators,

Can this thread please be moved back into the Microsoft OS Forum where it was? The thread here: confirms that my system is not infected, so I would like to see if anyone has any ideas for configuration-based troubleshooting.

Right now, on the surface it seems like the overall CPU usage is down, hovering between 8-20% on average. WMIPrvSE is still consistently running, though, but it is only taking around 2-3% CPU at max. Still - on my desktop it doesn't run at all, so I wonder what's keeping it active on my laptop.

I will see how the system performs over the next couple days because it usually starts out well after a reboot but then degrades in performance over time. I'll post the results here, but if anything strikes anyone based on this post and the posts made when working with the malware expert, I'd be glad to hear it.


20.5K Posts

October 10th, 2010 06:00

I'll contact  a Liaison to see if this can be moved.  It may not be moved until Monday. Thank you for waiting patiently.

9 Legend


33.3K Posts

October 10th, 2010 09:00

Looking at this one thing sticks out - all the add on (non Microsoft) utilities.  Although a hassle, I would start with a "clean" machine (reformat and reinstall) - no add ons such as the Task Manager replacement - virtural machines, etc and see if it works OK.   If everything works OK without all the add-ons, then start adding them one at a time, run the PC for a while to see if it's stable or if problems develop.  If it runs OK with the first add on, then install a second and do the same thing - run for a while to verify stability.  Do this for each added utility.   If it crashes with a new add-on that is most likely the problem. 

47 Posts

October 10th, 2010 23:00

Hi fireberd,

Thanks for the tips. I'd like to see what others suggest as well as per my original goal of solving this without a reformat and reinstallation. I'm a freelancer, and thus time spent on reconfiguring my system and possibly not being able to use tools important for my work is a scenario I'd like to avoid. A reasonably-performing laptop with minor issues is better than starting from scratch, so I would like to address as much as I can of any potential issues. I'm generally willing to remove third-party programs and add-ons from my system for testing purposes and with a reasonable cause, but at this point I don't think reformatting is necessary. I know it's easier, and that I'm really just borrowing you guys' time here...but hopefully you can see where I'm coming from.

47 Posts

November 2nd, 2010 20:00

Hi there,

Just to put it out there that I still face this issue.

I really feel or it really seems like it is connected to heat...on hotter days this problem seems to happen more. My desktop computer occasionally crashes from heat...that's just why I think it may be somehow affecting the laptop. Like maybe it's throttling the CPU to avoid overheating...which then results in higher CPU usage.

Turning the FlipShareService to Manual DID help...but this problem seems to have resurfaced.

How can I diagnose and troubleshoot heat-related issues? I use a Dell Dock, so one of those fans you put under the laptop wouldn't work. I'm at a loss for what to try. 

47 Posts

November 14th, 2010 01:00

Update on this. Dell recommended I send them my laptop, so I did (of course taking a system image beforehand).

I'll see how it fares when I get it back and after restoring the system image. That should at least isolate it to software vs. hardware. After all, I checked my desktop and it isn't constantly running there must be something prompting this behavior on the laptop. Somehow I don't think it's just default behavior. So if it persists, I guess I'll just reformat and try to start clean. I'm bad about installing too much stuff (though it's all safe in terms of malware of course).

So...I'll update this with how things go upon receiving it back. The hard drive DID return an error code in the diagnostics, but whether that was the issue or not is yet to be seen. I'll see what they did to it when I get it back...

47 Posts

November 16th, 2010 14:00

OK, so they actually replaced the CPU and fan, indicating there was probably something going on there.

CPU usage DOES seem more reasonable now...10-20%, which I guess on a laptop owned by me isn't too bad.

The WMI service still seems to be continuously active (WMIPrvSE.exe). In turning it off, I discovered that maybe one of the dependent services is the problem...but I don't know where to go from here. The dependent services taht I suspect are:

Smith Micro Connection Manager Service
Dell System Manager Service
Dell ControlPoint Button Service
Ambient Light Sensor

Are there any known issues with any of these (if anyone knows) that could contribute to constant running of that process? It does not run constantly on my desktop, and the parent service (WMI) is also enabled there. Coincidentally, none of those four services exist on the desktop.

I've yet to try running a VM on the laptop since I don't really need it right now, but I should be able to see if the issues are really fixed over the next couple days anyway.

Somebody post back if they have an idea. Thanks :)

47 Posts

December 1st, 2010 00:00

So I'm more or less happy with the laptop's performance for now. Still some weirdness sometimes, but at least any hardware issues should be ruled out. I got a parts dispatch for a new hard drive as well and imaged that with my backed-up image. Worked like a charm.

So, not perfect, but seems OK enough. Any ideas on the WMIPrvSE.exe service would be appreciated, but I guess if it becomes a real issue I'll just open a more specific forum post.

Thanks for the replies.

1 Message

July 8th, 2013 15:00

I'm having this problem as well, but started when windows automatically updated IE9 to IE10. What version of IE are you running? It could also be in the other updates windows downloaded along with IE10.


I have a Dell XPS with an Intel i7.

47 Posts

July 16th, 2013 03:00

Wow, old post.

Not using Windows currently :)

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