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7 Posts


December 7th, 2018 23:00

XPS 15 9570 colors oversurated, DPC not working!!

I have the XPS 9570, supposedly one of the best video editing machines, and the display colors, especially red and orange are uncomfortably over saturated, the skin tones look extremely off and unnatural. Dell Premier Color does not work, when attempting to switch from Vibrant to sRBG or Rec709, nothing at all changes, the colors look just as over saturated and unnatural. I have been on the phone for hours with Dell and they don't know how to fix the problem. I have also tried calibrating the display with the i1 Display by Xtrite and it won't let the profiling software come close to an accurate white point or calibration.  I'm about to throw this thing out the window!! I have had this computer for maybe 4 months and there was about 2 months worth of time when the colors looked correct, but then after a BIOs update a few days ago everything looks fake and over saturated again. I am a video editor and it is more than a must for my display to look accurate. Dell or somebody please help, I feel like this laptop has been such a rip off!!

1 Message

December 21st, 2018 01:00

Hello, I have the very same problem. Unbearably oversaturation of all colors, red in particular, and it look like it occurred after a Bios update. I've made a request fo assistance through Dell Support Assist yesterday, still no feedback. I will address the problem via chat if they don't showup.

3 Posts

January 6th, 2019 04:00

Same here, i have sent a request through support assist

Hope they fix this soon!

1 Message

January 8th, 2019 23:00

Hi everyone, I had same problem after latest BIOS update. Easiest fix is to use Intel Graphics Panel and reduce the saturation from Color settings from 0 to -25 etc. That fixes it. My guess is they put wrong default threshold saturation point in the update.

13 Posts

January 10th, 2019 09:00

Same problem here with different model XPS 15 9560. Any update on this?

1 Message

March 24th, 2019 04:00

Add me to the list. Just received the Dell XPS 15 9570 and I can't believe how over saturated is it. I have tried several methods of recalibrating but unable to get the Reds and Blue to look natural. Dell please help !!!

April 11th, 2019 03:00


I found this article helpful

9 Legend


47K Posts

April 17th, 2019 10:00

<ADMIN NOTE: Broken link has been removed from this post by Dell>


Dell Premier Color Software Application

Premier Color app WideGamutFeatureEnable
Registry Change

1. Start menu
2. Windows System-Command Prompt
3. Type Regedit
4. New screen opens. Now type Function key F3.
5. Type WideGamutFeatureEnable
6. The first instance is not editable.
7. Go to "Edit"- "Find Next"
8. Find this instance of WideGamutFeatureEnable
9. Double Click, Type "1" over the zero and click OK.
10. Restart your machine.

Precision 5510
Precision 5520
Precision 5720 AIO
Precision 7510
Precision 7520
Precision 7710
Precision 7720
XPS 15 9550
XPS 15 9560
XPS 27 7760

7 Posts

May 15th, 2019 16:00

Is this a solution to you having the same problem or is it just info you found online? I tried this myself and it does not work. I even tried it with a Dell customer service agent over the phone and it still did not change anything.

7 Posts

May 15th, 2019 17:00

Still no fix. DELL ARE YOU LISTENING??? So many photography and video professionals are switching to Macs because of this issue. The only thing that somewhat fixes the problem is running Bios 1.5, anything higher has ugly unnatural colors. 

7 Posts

May 15th, 2019 17:00

any luck?

May 28th, 2019 23:00

Download Intel Graphics Settings from the microsoft store and turn the color gamut setting all the way to natural.

I had the same problem and was with dell support for over a month. They were not helpful at all, they have to go through their protocol but their solution was to replace my ssd and then my screen. I let them do it to show them that it wouldn't work.

I searched for days until I found the solution deep in a forum for something else. 

Hope this helps

and I hope Dell can change their customer support, I have had to deal with them twice now and both times I knew what the problem was but it took forever to get through their lengthy support protocol.

May 28th, 2019 23:00

Download Intel Graphics Settings from the microsoft store and turn the color gamut setting all the way to natural.

I had the same problem and was with dell support for over a month. They were not helpful at all, they have to go through their protocol but their solution was to replace my ssd and then my screen. I let them do it to show them that it wouldn't work.

I searched for days until I found the solution deep in a forum for something else. 

Hope this helps

and I hope Dell can change their customer support, I have had to deal with them twice now and both times I knew what the problem was but it took forever to get through their lengthy support protocol. 

June 22nd, 2019 15:00

If your workflow demands the accuracy you say it does, you have no business doing the color grade/correction on a 15in 4K laptop monitor made by dell. You should know better

14 Posts

September 16th, 2019 07:00

@Guccitheglacierstupid answer


1 Message

September 24th, 2019 08:00

I've been fighting this issue since this laptop came out.  I just recently noticed an option that was not there before.  Maybe this was from a recent update?  Anyway, right-click on desktop > display settings > color profile > select "dell generic PNP-spyder".  I hope this helps those creatives that are ready to trash this laptop.

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