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1 Rookie


20 Posts


February 21st, 2024 20:39

Manage thin clients on a subnet of main network over VPN

Hello, I’ve just setup WMS in a main building, but I’m wondering if it’s possible to manage thin clients that are in another building on a subnet that’s connected through a firewall VPN. I wasn’t able to get a connection to WMS in the thin client that’s in the secondary location. I don’t know if it’s a DNS issue as the WMS server address is using a translated name, not an IP address. I’d tried adjusting the firewalls in both locations to be able to let the network using the port needed, but I’ve had trouble with this when using the VPN (Sonicwall firewall) to connect camera systems to a server as well that I still haven’t figured out…

1 Rookie


4 Posts

February 23rd, 2024 11:16

Yes, it's possible. Your network devices just have to have the port for the MQTT protocol open and DNS should be able to resolve the WMS server FQDN name.

When you are on a WMS Pro version and want the WMS to communicate with terminals over a secure MQTT channel, then your only option is to block the traffic to WMS unsecure MQTT channel port on a firewall (local or otherwise).

Without doing that, even though you have configured the WMS Pro to prefer the Secure MQTT for device coms, for some reason your choises are not counted and the WMS will always use unsecured coms over a secured ones.


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