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1 Rookie


1 Message


January 25th, 2024 17:57

repsitory upgrade fails with lockbox installation failure

Attempting to upgrade our WYSE repository from version to and it fails when it gets to the lockbox install.  Here are the logs.  We are currently on Wyse Management Suite  standard license.  Any help appreciated.

Thank you.


2024-1-25 T11:51:35::CustomFunctions::1462::Updating WEB.xml
2024-1-25 T11:51:36::CustomFunctions::2372::cmd:C:\Windows\SysWOW64\icacls.exe "E:\WMS" /grant "svc_ictwyseuser:(OI)(CI)F" /T
2024-1-25 T11:51:42::CustomFunctions::2376::grant folder level permission returned: 0 - 0
2024-1-25 T11:51:42::CustomFunctions::2381::Grant folder level permission to E:\WMS folder is Successful
2024-1-25 T11:51:42::CustomFunctions::2372::cmd:C:\Windows\SysWOW64\icacls.exe "G:\LocalRepo\repository" /grant "svc_ictwyseuser:(OI)(CI)F" /T
2024-1-25 T11:51:43::CustomFunctions::2376::grant folder level permission returned: 0 - 0
2024-1-25 T11:51:43::CustomFunctions::2381::Grant folder level permission to G:\LocalRepo\repository folder is Successful
2024-1-25 T11:51:44::CustomFunctions::5120::Running action: UpdateSoftwareVaultCert
2024-1-25 T11:51:44::CustomFunctions::5142:: /c "E:\WMS\OpenJDK-17.0.6\bin\keytool.exe -genkey -alias ICTWYSE01.AD.WLU.CA_SV -keyalg RSA -keystore "E:\WMS\SoftwareVault\Lockbox.p12" -storetype PKCS12 -keysize 4096 -sigalg SHA384withRSA -validity 36500 -dname CN=ICTWYSE01.AD.WLU.CA -storepass ******** -keypass ******** "
2024-1-25 T11:51:44::CustomFunctions::5144::Generate cert Script execution returned: 0 - 1(Incorrect function.
2024-1-25 T11:51:44::CustomFunctions::5154::/c "E:\WMS\OpenJDK-17.0.6\bin\keytool.exe  -exportcert -file "E:\WMS\SoftwareVault\Lockbox.der" -keystore "E:\WMS\SoftwareVault\Lockbox.p12" -alias ICTWYSE01.AD.WLU.CA_SV -storepass ******** -keypass ********"
2024-1-25 T11:51:44::CustomFunctions::5156::Export cert to .der execution returned: 0 - 1(Incorrect function.
2024-1-25 T11:51:45::CustomFunctions::5158::Der file not generated

3 Apprentice


714 Posts

January 26th, 2024 13:33

You mention you are on WMS version 4.1 standard license, but also mention a repository (which is only available in Paid (Pro).   Are you trying to upgrade all of WMS or just an on-premises repository?

My feedback will depend on what specifically you are doing. 

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