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3 Apprentice


714 Posts


August 31st, 2023 19:21

ThinOS 2308 released

Release Notes

Highlights for me, many more in RN:

  • CWA 2307
    • Support for secondary ringer in Microsoft teams optimized mode
  • Teradici PCOIP
    • From ThinOS 2308 and Teradici PCoIP version, PCoIP Ultra by CPU is supported in PCoIP sessions on Teradici
      PCoIP agent version 19.5 or later
  • ThinOS enhancements
    ● Improvements to Operating system, BIOS, Application update process
    ○ Added battery capacity checking before system update process
    ■ If the battery charge is lower than 50%, the update process does not start even when the power adapter is
    connected. Once the device is charged to 50%, the update process starts.
    ■ If the battery charge is 50% or higher, the update process starts even when the power adapter is not connected.
    NOTE: When a new firmware or application notification is displayed on your thin client and you click Next Reboot, then
    after reboot the update process starts even when the battery charge is lower than 50%.
  • Bug fixes
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