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August 9th, 2021 08:00

Troubles Pull WIN10 Image Dell Wyse 5070 - WDA after Image Pull not aviable

Hello Dell Community

I'm pretty new to Dell Wyse Thin Clients. I've tried in several Ways to Pull a Custom Image and i'm always facing the same Problem.

When i Pull the Image (from WDA or to USB Stick) i Succeed, but the Wyse Device Agent doesn't start after Image Pull. Not on the Device i pulled the Image from, and also not if i Push the Image to an other (or the same) Client. 

I tried different things like following this manual from a Forum:

  1. Download latest base image from DELL.  Use the USB tool to put it on a stick and image a client.
  2. Install/Uninstall/Configure all the things I need in the image.
  3. Strip out whatever I can to make the image as small as possible.
  4. Turn on the write filter so WDA fires up and connects to WMS.
  5. Schedule an image pull for the client.  When this kicks off, it will turn off UWF and reboot the client.  Log in as Admin
  6. Open C:\Program Files\Wyse\WDA\Config\CCMProtocolConfig.xml and strip out the MAC Address, Owner ID, Wyse ID, Authentication Code and Group Key.
  7. Run (as administrator) C:\Windows\Setup\BuildMaster.cmd.  Pick your image preferences and let it do it’s thing.  When it’s done, it will shut off.  Turn it back on and it will upload the image to the WMS repository.

But i'm not able to Pull the Image and still run WDA after the Image Pull...

I appreciate every Help i get...

Kind Regards

PS: I hope my description is understandable, even if my native language is German...

5 Posts

August 16th, 2021 23:00

Thank you for your Help - i guess i figured out the Issue. All works fine, until i change Language and Timezone Settings to German (Switzerland) before Image Pull...

So i guess the Issue is with Sysprep and other Language-Settings... So i Sadly have to Deploy the Clients with "wrong" Keyboardlayouts and manually adjust the Keyboardlayout later.

3 Apprentice


714 Posts

August 9th, 2021 12:00

Are you running the scripts required for generalization prior to capturing the image?

Page 38


5 Posts

August 9th, 2021 23:00

Yes I did run the Build_Master.cmd before Image Capturing. But I was kinda confused about the "Configure Domain options" if Ii don't want to do a Domain Join. I left the Fields empty - and the Step is marked as optional - so I think it should be fine.

And what I also wasn't able to do is tho shrink the Size of the Drive C: - the Shrink option isn't aviable...

Is it right to choose the "Custom Configuration" for Sysprep if I Pull the Image to Wyse Management Suite?

Thanks for your Help!



3 Apprentice


714 Posts

August 12th, 2021 05:00

My reccomendation is to open a support case on this. 

enter the service tag of the device and use the contact options based on the contract of your device. 


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