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April 3rd, 2018 20:00

Dell XPS 8930 Tower vs New Dell XPS Tower Special Edition case differences?

​I am trying to figure out if there is any specific changes to the case for Dell XPS 8930 Tower vs the Dell XPS 8930 Special edition.​

​I can't find any information relating to this. Is this the exact same case in both instances?​

​I do understand that the SE version has a silver facade so to speak while the XPS Tower has a black shiny plastic face.​

​At the present time, I see 3 versions of XPS 8930 cases being advertised/sold on​

​1. XPS Tower​

​2. New XPS Tower​

​3. New XPS Tower SE (Special Edition)​

​Are there any differences between the 3 physical cases?​

​Many thanks!​

140 Posts

April 3rd, 2018 22:00

I think that the following are the differences:

1.  The XPS Tower is an XPS 8920

2.  The New XPS Tower is an XPS 8930

3.  The New XPS Tower SE has a silver face on the case that is the same physical case as the XPS or New XPS Tower.  There are changes inside if you get the K processor - you'll get a larger case fan, a slightly more powerful power supply and a larger processor cooling unit.  Those same changes inside come with either a SE or standard edition case if you get the K processor.  The other change that I've seen is the bios with the K processor allows you to overclock the processor.

9 Legend


47K Posts

April 4th, 2018 09:00

(Special Edition) obviously is more special than the others.

14 Posts

April 4th, 2018 10:00

XPS Tower and XPS Tower SE (Special Edition) are both 8930s.  I have one of each.  Beside the different front covers, the Special Edition can be configured with higher end components.  While the plain XPS  can be configured with lower end components.

6 Posts

April 4th, 2018 12:00


XPS Tower and XPS Tower SE (Special Edition) are both 8930s.  I have one of each.  Beside the different front covers, the Special Edition can be configured with higher end components.  While the plain XPS  can be configured with lower end components.

Thanks for your response. Not sure what you mean though by configured with higher/lower end components. Basically unless there's a motherboard, you can't setup/configure any stuff.

They are functionally same and have identical dimensions though or do they have more provisions for fans, motherboard size, PSU size, etc? Thanks again.

14 Posts

April 4th, 2018 14:00


Today for example,

cannot get the 8700k on the "plain" XPS

cannot get 8100 and NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 1030  on special edition XPS



1 Rookie


3.2K Posts

April 4th, 2018 14:00

In my opinion, I don't think there is much difference especially given the fact that when you go to the Dell support website there is no service manual or setup and specification manual that explicitly states it is for the XPS 8930SE. There are also no drivers or BIOS that is explicitly for the XPS 8930SE. I don't own a XPS 8930SE so I can't enter a service tag and see if supports comes up with anything different. 

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