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June 10th, 2020 04:00

Driver error

Here is another issue that Dell can chew on

Repeated system error message:  20 times or more a day.


The driver\Driver\WudRd failed to load for the device {   location }      Detection Verification  { location  }   Kernel PnP Event ID 219


Here is another event issue.

MTConfig errors 50 times a day.

An attempt to configure the input mode of a multi-touch device failed.


These errors occur after running the Dell assist program. Which shows everything is just fine with your system.

Goes to show one how in-depth its analysis algorithms are.


28 Posts

September 9th, 2020 13:00

Same issue; Latitude 7400, only started happening after Win10 2004 self update.  Touchpad only works ~40% of the time when computer comes out of sleep.  Also related; Win10 2004 removed support for the registry key to force S3 sleep on computers that support S0 sleep; which is related.   This is clearly a connected standby vs touchpad HID driver issue.


As a workaround; you can use pnputil /enum-devices /class HIDClass and find the one that corresponds to your HID-compliant touch pad; and then use the /restart-device option to make it start working again after sleep.


For me it was 


pnputil /restart-device "HID\DELL08E1&Col02\5&ad227be&0&0001"



28 Posts

September 9th, 2020 14:00

Also; workflow modification...  I setup a scheduled task to run the above pnputil command with highest privileges, when not on AC power, run as soon as possible if missed, when user is logged in or not without saving credentials.  The trigger was event : System : Kernel-Power : 507 which is for the system exiting connected standby. 


Hope that helps someone until Dell can release a driver update.  Note to Dell support:  This workaround is NOT a fix.  Please fix!

10 Posts

September 9th, 2020 15:00

That's a good idea.  I'm just sticking with 1909 for now.  It has its own issues with my XPS.  I have had a lot of random freezes/reboots.  Last night it just locked up solid while browsing the web.  Pretty sad for a high end laptop in 2020 from Dell.

36 Posts

September 9th, 2020 16:00

@ec-max - this works and as expected, clearly proves the issue with the Dell Touchpad driver not dealing with changes to power management introduced by Microsoft in Build 2004.

Rather than restart, I triggered the issue my letting power management put the laptop to sleep, then tried to enable the device; it is already enabled, but not working. Disabling and then enabling worked to wake up the touchpad.

I can work around by setting up a batch file to trigger a restart, but Dell/Microsoft should have enough information to fix the driver. Though I see the driver for the Touch pad is a generic HID device dated 2006 (version 10.0.19041.1)


C:\WINDOWS\system32>pnputil /enable-device "HID\DELL08E1&Col02\5&38fa2f9b&0&0001"
Microsoft PnP Utility

Failed to enable device: HID\DELL08E1&Col02\5&38fa2f9b&0&0001
Device is already enabled.

C:\WINDOWS\system32>pnputil /disable-device "HID\DELL08E1&Col02\5&38fa2f9b&0&0001"
Microsoft PnP Utility

Disabling device: HID\DELL08E1&Col02\5&38fa2f9b&0&0001
Device disabled successfully.

C:\WINDOWS\system32>pnputil /enable-device "HID\DELL08E1&Col02\5&38fa2f9b&0&0001"
Microsoft PnP Utility

Enabling device: HID\DELL08E1&Col02\5&38fa2f9b&0&0001
Device enabled successfully.



September 25th, 2020 01:00

Following ... has anyone had any sign that Dell are actually working to fix this? I've just got stuck in a loop with support where they ask for my service tag etc, I give it to them, they ask me to run diagnostics, then they say they can't do anything without my service tag ... no-one's actually engaging with the problem.

September 25th, 2020 02:00

Hi @timbarrass 

I haven't had much help from the Dell social team either. They promised to look into the issue and expressed hope that the issue would be fixed by disabling sleep for the trackpad device.

The next thing they did was to send me a link to a basic help page explaining how to "Shut down, Sleep, Hibernate or Change the Power Plan in Windows 10". So I kinda suspect these guys are bots replying to keywords in the latest message only

BTW, I've updated the BIOS on my XPS 7590 recently to 1.8.1 (09 Sep 2020) -- no change, the freezing trackpad issue (MTConfig error 1) persists. My workaround with the Task Scheduler works perfectly though!

28 Posts

September 25th, 2020 08:00

@timbarrass No.  I got an email yesterday that indicates that they are still in the "throw money away by paying a 3rd party to replace hardware onsite" phase.  After that they will probably have to go through the "understand increased expenses due to repeat service calls on the same issue" phase; and maybe if we are lucky they will go to the "work on fixing the software" phase after that.  

36 Posts

September 26th, 2020 13:00

Found this same sort of support more and more from Dell and others; relatively unskilled people or bots throwing out unrelated BIOS or driver updates or suggesting basic diagnostics many weeks after pretty conclusive evidence as to the root of the problem. I have applied everything and problem persists. 

In my organisation, I would have expected somebody to have taken ownership and at least taken a laptop running Windows 10 build 2004 and tried to reproduce it. That or given an instrumented build of the touchpad driver to one of us to reproduce. (For a simple clear reproducible bug in GoPro software I even offered their support team remote access to my machine to observe).

Suspect any developer looking at the source code would identify pretty quickly that Microsoft made a change to 'wake from sleep' events in build 2004, and the Touchpad driver is not checking that event when computer wakes. Easy fix.

Quite possibly the fix needs to come from Microsoft; the touchpad driver is old and comes from MS, but needs Dell to report issue to MS.

Ultimately I am thinking it might be better to suggest our company looks at evaluation of another brand for new laptops as my Dell (only 3 months old) had this annoying flaw that is not getting acknowledged much less being fixed

September 27th, 2020 08:00

I think we'll likely do the same, as there's not much point in buying premium laptops that are bedevilled by dumb problems like this, and if they don't support their premium laptops I can only imagine how much support they extend to their other products.

Transferring the cost of dealing with the problem to us by having bots just soak up our energy with no progress speaks poorly of their attitude to customer relations generally. The fact no-one's even monitoring or dropping into chats like this are pretty indicative too.

I'm really, very unimpressed.



25.3K Posts

September 27th, 2020 08:00

Thank you for staying connected. I'm Vivek, and I will be assisting you. Apologies for the delayed response as we are facing very high volumes at the moment and that is the reason there is a delay in response.


If I have understood correctly, you’re facing an issue with the Touchpad. We will look into this for you right away. I will need your help in performing some simple steps to identify what’s causing this.


I see that you have checked the touchpad in BIOS  and it is working fine. 


Firstly, I’d like to appreciate your efforts.

While I understand that you’ve tried so many steps and the issue remains. I assure you that you have our complete support until we meet resolution.


Have you tried to adjust the touchpad’s sensitivity?

If not, here’s the video on how to do it.


If the issue remains, even after changing the touchpad’s sensitivity.

Then, I’d request you to check the settings by following this video.

Check if the Touchpad is disabled or enabled:


Also, sometimes, the issue is caused if there are any defective applications or tasks running during the boot.

Therefore, I’d also request you to try a system clean boot by following the video below.

I do not mean to rush you here. Do try these steps and let me know the results.

I’ll wait to hear from you.

36 Posts

September 27th, 2020 13:00

@DELL-Cares - Vivek, we have spent weeks investigating this issue and trying workarounds - at least one of which works, but as a relatively complex to setup a restart of a service which is not ideal. 

Have you spent a couple of minutes to read the thread?

If so, you would have picked up a lot of detail. Suggesting changing Touchpad settings or booting clean etc is pretty pointless when we can reproduce the issue and have a fair idea of root cause.

Rather than suggest your customers waste time trying basic steps, perhaps Dell tech support should go into a test lab and do some work instead.

  • Take a recent Dell laptop running on battery which is running Windows 10 Build 2004. Touchpad is working fine.
  • Allow the laptop to go to sleep on normal power saving mode. Wake computer (you will see a Windows power handling wake event in Windows event log)  
  • Observe that touchpad is not working (no cursor showing). Touchscreen and everything else is OK.
  • Restart pnputil service or force Windows to sleep and restart - Touchpad is now working.



25.3K Posts

September 28th, 2020 13:00

Hello, I am writing to check if you are available for the conversation today.

Please do get back to us at your convenience.





36 Posts

September 28th, 2020 14:00

Yes I am available, though please note New Zealand time zone.

Though overnight received four private messages 

  • First from a Bot confirming my (correct) service tag
  • A message from a human asking me to make more changes (rolling back Touchpad driver) - which would be the same driver I was running before upgrading to try and resolve it.
  • Then two messages from Bots asking for my service tag, despite them confirming it hours earlier 

Basically the bots are making it worse, and I am getting more than a little annoyed. I work in IT, and understand it can be complicated, so been patient and trying to give information to help.. but now been months. And laptop was only purchased in July


36 Posts

September 28th, 2020 18:00

Thought that this might help show the issue (thinking about also taking a video to show online):




September 29th, 2020 07:00

This might be a problem with Windows 10 Version 2004. I'm in discussion with Microsoft towards a fix, and making progress. Read on.

If you're still having this issue.... While the issue is happening, please go here to find the recent "Feedback Hub" entry, then use the "Add similar feedback", then be sure to use the "Recreate my problem" > "Start recording". This will send important data to Microsoft, who I can confirm is now actively looking at the problem, and would love to have more "traces" via the "Recreate my problem".

As you can see in the replies to that Feedback, a Microsoft Engineer is currently investigating. Please give them more Touchpad feedback traces, if you can!

Feedback this thing until it is solved!

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