This post is more than 5 years old
1 Rookie
1 Message
December 11th, 2018 08:00
XPS 15-9550, replacement battery?
I have had an incredibly frustersting experience trying to order a battery replacement for a 9550. While I have accepted the fact that I will not be getting a warrenty replacement, Dell has refused to actually sell me a battery and is instead stating that the only solution is a Dell battery companion. I now have a machine with an internal battery that will not function and a company that is unable to sell me a replacement. After 4 separate calls and 3 hours being transferred around, I am unsure on how I am able to proceed.
1 Message
October 13th, 2019 11:00
A couple choices here,
Choice 1 = search for the battery you need on Amazon, there's lots of aftermarket people looking to help. Be careful though, in some cases the laptop actually checks to see if the new battery is DELL recognized component (kinda forcing you to replace the laptop every 2 to 4 years)
Be careful to order the right battery, the 56Mwh and 84Mwh are different sizes. The one you need will be based on what was originally built by DELL.
Choice 2 = Go here
Mary G
4 Operator
4 Operator
20.1K Posts
December 11th, 2018 10:00
Those are the batteries that had the swelling problems. Replacement batteries are no longer sold. You missed the recall for your model computer. Use it with the adapter alone as a desktop replacement or with just the companion if you have one until you can replace the computer. Remove the battery and dispose of properly for safety reasons.
The info in this article is now out of date but will give you the history--
1 Message
March 14th, 2019 07:00
Thanks, too bad I missed the window too. Dell will not help me out even though my touchpad has swollen over an 1/8" out of my computer. I'll read the article, but this is a really bad design and support decision. Recall should be for the part in question for whenever. I suppose this is a fire hazard.
Anyone suggest a new company to buy from. I've used Dell for years, won't be using them again.
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
490 Posts
March 15th, 2019 08:00
> Those are the batteries that had the swelling problems. Replacement batteries are no longer sold. You missed the recall for your model computer. Use it with the adapter alone as a desktop replacement or with just the companion if you have one until you can replace the computer. Remove the battery and dispose of properly for safety reasons.
What kind of a response is this??? Do you expect a company that sells supposedly premium $2k laptops to no longer provide spare batteries after two years?
Btw, the recall was not for all 9550 batteries, and same sort of batteries are swelling in 9560 too, and I don't battery swelling can be considered normal because swollen batteries are increased fire hazard - the battery should get diagnosed as faulty and disconnected automatically before it swells notably.
Mary G
4 Operator
4 Operator
20.1K Posts
March 15th, 2019 14:00
Batteries in constant use do not usually last for over 2 yrs especially now that the design of the battery case has changed. It has been improved since those early design changes but batteries still can swell or overheat at the end of life. Batteries are warranty for a year. After that is it up to the user to replace it. That's why I'll stick to desktops as my main computer.
Dell can't replace batteries that are no longer manufactured.
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
490 Posts
March 17th, 2019 04:00
3 Posts
April 6th, 2019 11:00
I have been in communication with Dell's customer support team over the past few weeks, for work to be carried out on my XPS 15-9550, under warranty. At the same time, I asked for a quote for a new battery, as mine has now deteriorated to the extent that it has a run life of just 2 hours following a full charge.
I was given a quote for a replacement battery, in which I noticed that it came with a 3 month warranty, rather than the 12 months usually offered. When I challenged this, I was told that they were offering me a refurbished battery (although that wasn't mentioned in the quote) and that they no longer supply new replacement batteries for this particular model. I'm now considering buying a third party battery (2-Power) after the laptop's warranty has expired.
1 Message
April 24th, 2019 23:00
I have the same problem with a swollen battery. When I called DELL they mentioned I missed the recall period to which I replied that I never received notice. Their answer was that they notify consumers thru the Dell Forum and that it was my fault. Why am I responsible to check a Forum for problems on products that they manufacture? Here is the transcript of the conversation. I Received a phone call during this chat and they promised they would have an answer for me in 24-48 hours. :
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:05:53 PM): Welcome to Dell Out of Warranty Chat Support. My name is Akash Tiwari.
While I am checking the details, let me also inform you that your chat has landed to paid support queue.
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:07:05 PM): Greetings, just to confirm you are contacting us regarding service tag # ?
Me (4/24/2019, 4:07:34 PM): Yes.
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:08:36 PM): I would like to inform you that the recall on the battery for XPS 9550 was untill September 2018. Post that we have discontinued this process and now it will be a paid support
Me (4/24/2019, 4:08:54 PM): How was i notified of this matter?
Me (4/24/2019, 4:09:49 PM): I will not pay for an issue that i should have been informed of.
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:10:24 PM): This matter was published online in the Dell forum for every customer. There were customers who contacted us reading the same. There are customers who did not and now they have to pay to get the support
Me (4/24/2019, 4:11:27 PM): I do not read the dell forum and don't even know where it is. How was i specifically and directly informed of this matter?
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:12:14 PM): Apologies Rafael, I am not sure if you are aware of the fact that how many customers use this system. But it is not possible to send a specific email to each on of them
Me (4/24/2019, 4:13:56 PM): That does not make any sense. Email notificatioons can be sent thru mailing list or even by mail. There are distribution list that can easily be created.
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:14:01 PM): By the way was your battery swollen in that Time period?
Me (4/24/2019, 4:15:48 PM): I don't know.
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:16:24 PM): Well, you know now by seeing the system that the battery is swollen. I am pretty sure you would be aware if it was swollen at that point or not
Me (4/24/2019, 4:16:45 PM): I use a mouse!!!
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:17:22 PM): Still you use the mouse on the system right? Swollen battery raises the trackpad to a level that it is significantly visible
Me (4/24/2019, 4:17:41 PM): It seems that you are trying to imply that i am trying to take advantage of this situation
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:18:13 PM): You are the end user of the system , I am pretty sure you would know if the battery swells or not
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:18:38 PM): No I am not implying that. But i am trying to imply that Like most laptops, Dell laptops use lithium ion batteries, which can swell for a variety of reasons such as age, number of charge cycles, or exposure to high heat.
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:18:56 PM): Also we never mentioned that all the XPS 9550 laptops were having this issue
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:19:27 PM): It's not necessary that it is generic fault. Lithium ion batteries can swell
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:20:01 PM): If you were not facing an issue within the designated time period when this was recognized as a problem, I m sorry but we cannot provide free support on this.
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:23:16 PM): Not to rush you in, but are we still connected?
Me (4/24/2019, 4:25:30 PM): I disagree since i was not notified properly of the problem. The fact that you expect me to notice a 2mm tilt on my touch pad is not an answer, neither is it to lecture me on batteries. the fact of the matter is that i was not properly notified of the matter and now that i noticed it you are not wanting or willing to resolve it. ALL consumers should be notified and DELL should have been able to find a way to do so and not just rely on a forum that is not used by all their customers.
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:29:57 PM): There are times when a customer contacts us by reading the issue on the Forum, but does that makes us entitled to it. No it doesn't . The forums are for this purpose and for a minute let's not talk about the forum Rafael, let's talk about the actual problem. If there is an issue with the LCD of the Dell laptop and you are not facing the issue, Why would you like to have the LCD replaced? That also doesn't make sense. You were not facing an issue with the system, now also when you are contacting us I am pretty sure you have read that online that there was a recall for the battery. No, you needed the support so you read the forum. At that point there was no issue so you didn't and I am not lecturing you about the batteries. I apologize if you feel that way, but it is a fact about Lithium ion batteries. This is my work day in day out and there are customers who report this issue on Latitude systems as well. So what should we do replace that battery as well. I am not sure if you are aware of this or not, There is a defined process within which we work
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:30:32 PM): There are batteries that swell but if there's no warranty on the product there will be a charge
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:30:37 PM): All the customers are same for us
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:31:18 PM): At that point we provided free support, That program cannot run for lifetime and we had to discontinue when our engineering team came to know that the generic issue has been resolved
Me (4/24/2019, 4:31:40 PM): When did i mention the LCD replacement!!!
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:31:49 PM): I was giving an example
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:32:06 PM): This could have been any part
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:32:46 PM): The point is when there were customers facing issues, you were not. Now when you are, it's no sure that this is the generic issue as all the systems were not affected
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:34:09 PM): So please let me know how would you like to proceed from here?
Me (4/24/2019, 4:34:46 PM): In fact i found it in a forum but today and not a year o more ago when the recall was issued. Which proves that the way in which you communicate these problems to consumers makes no sense. You expect them to notice something in order to give you a call. It is like Audi or any car manufacturer letting you know of a recall only after there has been a problem with your car.
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:36:20 PM): This was mentioned in the Forum when we recognized it as a generic issue and never removed the post so that if someone contacts us after reading the post we can tell them that it's an old post and now it's a paid support
Me (4/24/2019, 4:38:37 PM): Please escalate my case and have them explain this to me so I can understand why all the burden of a recall on me reading it. I should be notified directly of these matters and DELL shouldn't expect me to go into a forum to read about the issues with the products they manufacture.
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:38:54 PM): Apologies but there will be paid support
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:39:02 PM): Let me know how would you like to proceed from here?
Me (4/24/2019, 4:40:19 PM): So, you are saying that you have no way of escalating the issue to DELL?
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:41:05 PM): I can but there's nothing a manager can do about it.The process is same for everyone who works in Dell. Be it me or my supervisor. Please try and understand there's nothing that can be done
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:42:28 PM): Is phone# the best number to reach out to you?
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:42:40 PM): I am arranging a call back on this number
Me (4/24/2019, 4:42:51 PM): I'll find a way to get the message to corporate. Thanks for your help.
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:43:34 PM): You're welcome
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:43:42 PM): Please let me know if there's anything else i may assist you with today?
Me (4/24/2019, 4:44:32 PM): Not at the moment. Thank you.
Akash T (4/24/2019, 4:44:40 PM): Your continued business and patronage is always appreciated.Thank you for contacting Dell Technical Support chat and allowing me the opportunity to assist you. Have a good day ahead. For any other online support, please visit
1 Message
April 28th, 2019 11:00
I bought my XPS 15 9550 in Nov 2015 and the touchpad has swollen since 2017. Since I've mainly used my laptop as a desktop, all these time I thought it was me. My battery is now at a stage where it can no longer hold any charges. I decided to search on how to replace it, only to find this thread and realize I wasn't the only one with swollen touchpad!!! Dell's customer service (or lack of) is just garbage and it's time to move on. Never gonna buy from Dell again.
2 Posts
June 2nd, 2019 12:00
Same! Touchpad began to be difficult to rightclick about a year ago. Didn't think much of it. Then a month ago I noticed not only had it become very difficult to click at all, but it was raised from the body of the XPS. Called Dell, they didn't care. They won't even sell me a replacement battery. Bought a battery from Ebay (went from 56 to 84, larger Dell battery for this laptop), and the system refused to recognize the battery. My XPS 9550 is barely 3 years old. This is the last Dell I ever purchase. I've had friends and coworkers purchase Dell because of me, but I can no longer recommend a company that doesn't keep replacement parts in production for at least a couple of years after the laptop is sold.
1 Message
June 3rd, 2019 07:00
I just came across this as I noticed I couldn't click my mouse pad (I normally use an external mouse.) Now I am very distraught, I just hit the 2 year old mark and don't want the hassle or cost of a new computer. I have loved this laptop but I cannot reach customer service so I'm not sure what my next one will be.
El Jeff
1 Message
August 6th, 2019 18:00
Just now seeing all these forum posts as well, same situation with me. Track pad lifting up. Thought it might be an issue with the track pad itself, perhaps it was damaged... but now that it's gotten this far up and out of the palm rest I can tell it's the battery underneath. Just got off the phone with CS, they refused to acknowledge any issue despite quoting others' issues directly from these forums, including dell offering to replace them for free out of warranty. It's a shame because I love this machine (9550)'s sleek, got a great screen, great sizing for everything, even the keyboard is great which I'm usually pretty finicky about. After being told I would be charged 39-59 dollars just so they could tell me that, yep, it's the battery that is ballooning up, ON TOP of what it would cost to replace the battery, I am left with a sour taste in my mouth and am looking elsewhere for a replacement laptop. Don't want to risk a sketchy third party battery either on an expensive machine. I have purchased 4 laptops over the last 10 years from dell and it's disappointing to me that a simple CS call could drive me to change brands.
4 Posts
August 7th, 2019 09:00
Exactly the same issue, the trackpad have been in bad shape for a long time, I didn't realize the battery is the problem until the 3-year prosuport plus service expired two months ago.
Bad product! bad service! We need a better channel to fill the complains, the forum is kind of useless.
2 Intern
2 Intern
271 Posts
August 24th, 2019 14:00
So OP, did you need a replacement battery because the battery went bad or because you had that trackpad issue? I bought this laptop in late 2016 but on ebay, not from dell directly. It worked fine but after like 1.5 or 2 years, i needed to get a new battery because it literally had like 10 minutes max only on the battery.
I had the 56wh one the smaller one. I bought the battery on ebay but apparently bought wrong size.. 84wh... it was too long... so i had to return it and buy replacement 56wh battery from ebay seller. That seller had good rep. I got the battery installed at a repair shop and laptop wouldn't turn on for 30 minutes, then suddenly it turned on and it worked. That battery replacement has lasted me for 1.5 years almost and now it still holds a charge but its wearing out. Example when i turn on laptop, you see its 90% charged only when starting up.
So how does one get replacement battery then from dell then if they no longer make replacement batteries? You have the 56 or 84 or 97 battery?
2 Intern
2 Intern
271 Posts
September 8th, 2019 20:00
How does one get a battery replacement then if dell doesn't sell it?