Joined Tuesday, July 28, 2015
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FredRW • Joined 

July 28th, 2015

About me

<p>Ever since  I was in the US Coast Guard, I have been involved in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.  After the USCG I was offered a position with IBM Systems Development.  In all cases I was involved with hardware development and support.  While at IBM I wrote micro-code, diagnostic tests,  and developed special tools for testing main-frame computers. I have been involved with PC computers since the first ones developed by IBM. I've seen computers develop from tubes to the amazing micro chips and it still fascinates me to hold a 4GB memory card in my hand and think of the size of box it took to hold 256K in the early 70's or hard drives in the 70's compared to now. One of my favourite things when at IBM, (before they imploded), was to take the previous generation system and upgrade it as a solution while waiting for the next generation system to complete development. I still love to take a computer from eBay, upgrade it and put it back in service. </p> <p>I enjoy old car restoration, mucking around with computers, flying, hiking, hanging out with the grandchildren, relaxing at the ocean, and soaking in the beauty of nature.</p> <p></p> <p></p> <p> </p>

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