Joined Wednesday, September 16, 2015
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thedukeofwales • Joined 

September 16th, 2015

About me

<p>Hello to all.</p> <p>I was born in Oskaloosa, Iowa in 1953 and was transplanted to California in 1955 and lived for a short time in Gardenia and then moved to Long Beach, California until 2004 when I moved to Landers which is located in the Mohave Desert approximately 1 1/2 hours "up the hill" from Palm Springs. I used to enjoy catching the Rattlers and relocating them as there were children walking on the desert roads from school to prevent them from getting bit.</p> <p>I was a "wild child" from the 60's and 70's and it is only my personal view in that the 60's is the most active decade in the history of the United States.</p> <p>Currently I live in Boonville, Missouri which is located in almost the exact center of the state with my Korean Jindo Service Dog, Dohgee. If you are interested go to Wikipedia and enter Korean Jindo and the first picture on top is exactly what Dohgee looks like. An amazing breed of a canine.</p> <p>The monicker that I use is derived from my nickname, Duke, and my lineage is Welsh from Wales in the UK.</p> <p>Are you bored yet?</p> <p>Mark</p> <p></p>

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