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This post is more than 5 years old


March 10th, 2009 21:00

Has anyone taken delivery of the New Studio XPS 435/8000/9000?

I have one on order with the delivery date of 4/1/09.  If anyone has been shipped theirs and had time to put it through it's paces, please comment on what you think. If not please post your expected ship dates so we will know who will be the first to comment!


52 Posts

April 14th, 2009 07:00

Today, the automated order #  says that it is currently in the Build Stage.

SPECS:4870, bluray drive, Dell consumer keyboard, 6g,920, 750g etc.

Well, I guess others have waited longer, so I'll be patient.



All systems are, by default, in the "Build Stage" throughout the entire build process - no matter what true stage it's in (i.e. if it's waiting on parts - it will still report as "Build Stage")..

I posted about this earlier in this (now monstrous) thread.  My system was actually delayed for the 4850 video card - though by only 4-5 days (I still received my system in about 19 days total / order -> delivery).  Apart from the video card - your system is exactly like mine (though I also ordered the s2409w with the system during the initial "deal" offered).  During that time it went from Order Verification -> Build -> Kitting -> Build -> Testing -> Boxing -> Delivery Prep -> Shipped - with the Kitting through shipped happening in 1 day.  If you're currently in the "Build Stage", but haven't seen it move to one of the other stages (and during the day it will switch *back* to "Build Stage" between the other stages) - odds are that your system is waiting on a part to be delivered from a different vendor (my guess is your blu-ray drive - as I've seen a pretty consistent list of people waiting with this particular part on their system, including the OP (jjon90), which, from my understanding still hasn't received his system and I ordered mine about the same date as he did.  Other wait parts I've seen/noted include: Standard Keyboards (wow - don't know who dropped the ball there - but come on...), 4850 video, wireless keyboard & mouse, particular hard drives and/or RAID configurations, etc..

Dell is obviously going through some part availability issues - not sure why though as many of these parts are readily available via other sites without a wait (at least from an individual part order perspective - with a bulk order - I'd expect the wait time to be even less).

I will say - it's definitely worth the wait - definitely a great system, especially for the price/performance.  Though - I *might* would be considering a re-order or even building my own had it taken several months as it has for some of the other posters here..  IMHO - if Dell can't build it in a month - it's not worth the wait - especially considering that you can probably get as good or a better deal as fast as parts drop in price (and get all the parts to build your own within a much quicker time period)...  and I got a *really* good deal (25% off) - but I know I wouldn't have waited longer than a month...

70 Posts

April 14th, 2009 08:00

and I got a *really* good deal (25% off)

Well, you just blew my theory that 'they' were delaying my system - hoping I'd cancel - since I was one of the lucky to get in on the 25% off coupon....

I've priced other systems on other websites - and there are some others out there that come close to the good deal that I got on this system - but, not quite there....  I guess it comes down to - how much $$ is the waiting worth.  If I knew on 3/1 when I ordered this computer - that it would take this long.....I would've paid a couple hundred more to get one of the other systems out there - just to avoid the wait.   Now that I've waited 1 1/2 months....I struggle cancelling the order....I've all ready waited this long - it has to be coming soon - right?  LOL that's what goes through my head anyway..... 

Still hanging out in the 'Boxing' stage (almost 2 weeks now in 'Boxing' - before that spent over 2 weeks in 'Testing'...don't get me started on how long it took to get through Kitting and Build)....

trying very hard to be patient - its encouraging to hear that its a great system and worth the wait.....

52 Posts

April 14th, 2009 09:00

[quote user="jsgiv"]and I got a *really* good deal (25% off)

Well, you just blew my theory that 'they' were delaying my system - hoping I'd cancel - since I was one of the lucky to get in on the 25% off coupon....

I've priced other systems on other websites - and there are some others out there that come close to the good deal that I got on this system - but, not quite there....  I guess it comes down to - how much $ is the waiting worth.  If I knew on 3/1 when I ordered this computer - that it would take this long.....I would've paid a couple hundred more to get one of the other systems out there - just to avoid the wait.   Now that I've waited 1 1/2 months....I struggle cancelling the order....I've all ready waited this long - it has to be coming soon - right?  LOL that's what goes through my head anyway..... 

Still hanging out in the 'Boxing' stage (almost 2 weeks now in 'Boxing' - before that spent over 2 weeks in 'Testing'...don't get me started on how long it took to get through Kitting and Build)....

trying very hard to be patient - its encouraging to hear that its a great system and worth the wait.....


Yeah - to add to the agony :emotion-5: - I actually ordered on the same date you did (3/1 - a re-order actually because I found the 25% off coupon - original order was 2/28 with a 20% off coupon)

That is *really* strange that you're still in Boxing - there must be something that they're waiting on - keyboard, mouse, monitor?  That or it's been placed in the corner somewhere and forgotten....

452 Posts

April 14th, 2009 10:00

The website shows the following parts delayed:

Video cards

4670 10 day delay

4870 15 day delay

Dell USB Keyboard 10 day delay  (Angikay I bet this is your problem)

April 14th, 2009 12:00

* removed *

4 Posts

April 14th, 2009 12:00

Hi  jjon90

I feel your pain and have been following your posts from the beginning along with everybody elses.   I didn't post before cuz I don't have the same system as you guys and gals.  I ordered my computer on 02/27/2009.  I ordered this below.  My delivery date was 3/31.  Then it switched to 4/3, then 4/7, then 4/10, then 4/13 and last 4/14. I had to email so they wouldn't cancel the order becuz of the delays.  I emailed back and forth between my sales rep and myself and kept getting the same replies.  You know the same template, I'm sorry, blah, blah, blah.  However, on 04/13/2009 I received the Order Status:  Shipped.  Blow my mind.  I couldn't believe it.  It is arriving today at 3:00 CT.  I actually went to the BBB I was so frustrated.  What I'm getting at though is hang in there, it's coming.  Love reading the posts.  They actually made me feel better and sane knowing that DELL was also doing this to others and not just me. 

My conclusion that I came up with is   1.  BBB worked  or 2.  The monitors are really holding people up.  That's what my sales rep kept telling me. 










































36 Posts

April 14th, 2009 12:00

The website shows the following parts delayed:

Video cards

4670 10 day delay

4870 15 day delay

Dell USB Keyboard 10 day delay  (Angikay I bet this is your problem)

I had interpreted that as the 4870 being out of stock because they had used them all up when they had the XPS 435T promotion with the 4870 card. So, anyone who ordered a system with that before it got given the delay should have one reserved for them already. However, that's just a guess, I have no idea how they really work. 

452 Posts

April 14th, 2009 13:00


Welcome to the thread!

We welcome everyone's opinion here no matter what system they have or ordered.

Most people have found this thread helpful and some have left because they were tired of the complaining.

To each his own, one thing I have found out is you will NEVER please everyone.

My original goal was to get feedback from the few who have received theirs to get a feel whether or not the system was worth the wait or the hassle.

The thread has taken many paths, in my opinion I believe all of them good.

It appears it will be worth the wait especially if you got a great price when they were announced.

By the way, nice system you have there! :emotion-2:

89 Posts

April 14th, 2009 14:00

Thank you for the prompt response! Yeah, I copied down that number from your earlier post!:emotion-21:

Just want to be sure I can cancel at the last minute, if they delay my delivery further. Also, I just thought of this, if there is any dispute I can always call my credit card company to cancel the transaction.

452 Posts

April 14th, 2009 14:00


You can cancel anytime prior to shipping by calling 1-800-247-2076   Option #2 .

Only use this number because it is the only successful method of cancelling/changing an order

89 Posts

April 14th, 2009 14:00


I'm order date was 4/9 and delivery is 5/18. Now, that is about 1-1/2mths. If they delay that further, it could end up being 2mths.

As I've mentioned earlier, by that time, I could actually get a better configuration with the same money. My question is would I be able to cancel my order then, just because they couldn't deliver on time?

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

April 14th, 2009 16:00

Thanks for posting that information about changing an order (1-800-247-2076 Option #2). Although I do not know if you can cancel and not re-order using that number.

17 Posts

April 14th, 2009 16:00


I'm order date was 4/9 and delivery is 5/18. Now, that is about 1-1/2mths. If they delay that further, it could end up being 2mths.

As I've mentioned earlier, by that time, I could actually get a better configuration with the same money. My question is would I be able to cancel my order then, just because they couldn't deliver on time?


That's exactly what I did.  I ordered a 435MT on 3/19, given a delivery date of 4/13.  Then the 435T went on special to the point that it cost about $80 more than the MT I ordered (including an upgrade in the video card).  So I went to chat support and asked if I could cancel.  He called me on the phone, canceled the first order and placed the new order, all in under half an hour.  As a bonus, the new order showed a faster delivery date of 4/24 (est. ship date of 4/16).   I'm now expecting a 435T with:

Intel Core i7-920 processor(8MB L2 Cache 2.66GHz)

12GB DDR3 SDRAM at 1066MHz (Running Premiere CS4 and AfterEffects CS3--may need to upgrade to CS4 for AVCHD support)

1024MB ATI Radeon HD 4870 GDDR5

640GB Serial ATA 2 Hard Drive 7200 RPM

Dell Consumer 24 (S2409W)

Microsoft Windows Vista SP1 Ultimate 64-Bit Edition

16X DVD+/-RW and 16X DVD-ROM (I figure BD writers are already cheaper elsewhere, and will be even cheaper in the next few months)

I was slightly perturbed that it was actually not possible to order a wireless keyboard and mouse.  If I selected a wireless combo, it gave a warning that I needed to select "Mouse included with keyboard or Bluetooth package" option on the Mouse selection page, but the page gave no such option to select.  But I can always go buy a wireless keyboard if I want one.

The status still says "In Production."  Waiting for it to change to "Build Stage" any time now, assuming it doesn't get delayed....

16 Posts

April 14th, 2009 20:00


Don't feel bad, the majority of us have been misinformed!

It appears the Dell staff are misinformed also or instructed to tell the customers what they want to hear. :emotion-6:

I don't feel bad for myself since I knew several options in my package are "on the list" for shortages.  What seems most puzzling is the apparent randomness in which folks are notified.  Koam has about the same configuration as mine, ordered a month earlier than me and one of his online delays was posted well before its expected date (a week ago) to past what mine was at the time. My update didn't occur until today, and I didn't get an email notice until 7:30 pm EST tonight.  Good thing I have been following this thread, or I might have been tempted to arrange to take tomorrow off so I could have been at home tomorrow for my "promised" phantom delivery.

My old Dimension 8200 is still going well enough that I can wait for quite some time.  I just wish for transparency and consistency from Dell (I know, I'm dreaming).  ...And have gotten 31% off list, I probably won't get a better deal (unless they come out with a i8 processor while I wait for this order to be fulfilled).


36 Posts

April 14th, 2009 21:00

My order (placed 4/7/2009 with an expected ship date of 4/17/2009) is still showing the same estimated delivery date, and still has an order status of "In Production" (with no changes there).

I hope that come Friday I get a message saying that it's been shipped, rather than a delay email.

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