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This post is more than 5 years old

Community Manager


54.9K Posts


March 15th, 2010 09:00

NEW XPS 730x Owner's thread March 15, 2010

Started new one.

Dell customer care/service. If already out of warranty, click hereFind your Service Tag
DELL-Chris M

650 Posts

June 25th, 2010 07:00

 And, even you, Chris, fail to acknowledge this (publicly) and continue to spew the rhetoric that just infuritates those that have been abandoned.  Is it too much to ask for a system that is marketed as overclockable to actually work when overclocked?  Or to have a system that resumes from energy saving Sleep mode when overclocked?  I thought Dell was all about being GREEN???  Are those issues not part of Dell's commitment to it's customers when the 730x was being sold?

What you, and others, fail to realize here is that Chris is nothing more than tech support. He cannot force the engineers to deal with the BIOS issues. Not only that, but if he raises too much hades, it could put his career in jeopardy and nothing is worth losing your job over when there's nothing you can do about the problem.

BOTH of my machines are overclockable. I have had my 730x running at 3.80GHz with the stock Core i7-920 with C0 stepping, and with the idle temps staying around 40c with the load temps getting no higher than 70c.



The fact is, Dell abruptly ending the XPS730X's life, and dropped support like a bad habit.  Why? Because it's flawed.  Flawed beyond repair?  It seems like it since Dell decided to just drop it.  

Yes, there are some that were flawed but to saw they are flawed beyond repair is egregious. At the present time, I own both the XPS 730 and the XPS 730x and I have never had any of the issues that others have described on this forum. The only reason I am here is to assist others with their problems. 

The H2C setup was a great idea but it was poorly designed, however, because there isn't any way for the consumer to control the speed of the pump. Other than that, it works as it was intended. Concerning the BIOS issues, the only issue that I have is being unable to install the latest Intel CPU (980X) because it's incompatible due to needing a BIOS update to use the hexa-core CPUs..



In any case, those who are smart are dumping their 730x's on ebay or elsewhere and getting something that actually works.

As stated previously, BOTH of my machines are FLAWLESS in their performance and I am on my second XPS 730, but only because I sold the other one to purchase the 730x.


For myself, although I am bitter at Dell for how they are treating their 730x customers, I earn a living selling and supporting the Dell brand, and call me stupid, but I've made the switch to the Area-51 and can proudly say it is a work of art.  Very happy with that platform and it works well, just like the 730x should have, and how 730x owners who shelled out many thousands for their systems expected theirs to work.

I understand your being bitter, as I'm sure most of us here feel your pain in some sense. When people want top-notch support, they should know better than to trust DELL with their PC problems. If there's one thing DELL is known for, it's the shoddy support, with Chris being the only exception.

If you want a hardcore gaming PC, it makes more sense to look at a specialty PC manufacturer when buying a gaming computer. The only reason I purchased my machines is because I got each of them for $1000 or less.

For example, would you drive down to your local O'Reilly's or Autozone to purchase a motor to put in a stock car to be raced on the NASCAR circuit? No, you would seek out a garage whose specialty is building racing engines. The same can be said of DELL. The brand is known for its desktop machines, not for its gaming line. The gaming line would've succeeded if only they would've had some engineers who might've known something about building a gaming rig.

As it is, however, the XPS line was poorly planned/thought out and has ultimately failed because of the lack of support, leading to the demise of the DELL XPS line and the customers.

16 Posts

June 25th, 2010 09:00

My sentiments more or less mirror PH3NOM's. I have a 730 and 730X and they both do what I want. Regarding the 730X BIOS issues - I would really like to see Dell fix this.

I bought my first XPS back in the mid-late 90s and have bought for myself and have recommended to many others many Dell products over the years. I am discouraged that Dell would abandon those that invested much in a product that was pitched as cutting edge and upgradable and with top notch support. Shame on Dell for making an executive decision to value profit over customer service. Support for this product line was not even scaled back - it was abruptly cut off. Dell's position on this must be considered when contemplating a new purchase. After all these years, I personally would rather avoid buying another Dell product.

XPS owners comprise a very small piece of Dell's business. So, what do you expect from a large entity? Dell chose to chase the almighty buck instead of addressing the issues of a relatively small group of buyers with problem computers.

Now let's see if I can find a suitable replacement mother board with a working BIOS. Oh, and let's see what cooling solution I can find that really works. And the theater lighting, well, I'll have to work on this one... After all, it's a Dell!




30 Posts

June 28th, 2010 13:00

Yeah, I am well aware of that....thats why i posted above the things i needed would be...

New Motherboard


Power Supple

Heatsink and fan



30 Posts

June 28th, 2010 13:00

Hello....I own a Dell XPS 730x system ( i7 940 CPU ) and i am interested in pulling everything out and putting it into a different case ( smaller form factor ) 

I fell in love with the case when i bought the system last year but in my current setup and situation i really need something smaller. The 730x itself is awesome and i much rather not sell it and buy something different ( which i know could be easier ) 

I have a Air Cooled 730x so i think it will be much easier as opposed to the H2C models..

With that said..Can it be done and what will i need?

I have only built a PC once and this way years and years i have some knowledge but could also use a little help. 

So far i figure i need a....




CPU heatsink and fan


I am REALLY interested in this Micro ATX case

Will this work? will i run into any issues or problems? any help with this would be great....thanks! 


10 Elder


46K Posts

June 28th, 2010 13:00


The XPS 730 motherboard will not fit into the Thermaltake LANBOX Lite VF6000BWS Micro ATX/mini ITX case.


6 Posts

June 28th, 2010 20:00

I am thinking of doing the same thing...

new motherboard


power supply

Heatsink and fan.

Also to make the list complete another copy of windows 7 would need to be purchased :(

I can't think of any thing else needed. Its a shame I really like the 730x case. Anyone out there have a non-Dell MB up an running in a 730X case?

190 Posts

July 2nd, 2010 15:00

i am considering buying a 730x from the outlet store. If I wanted to replace the video card with say a 480 or 5870 will they work ? i know the PSU is more than capable for one of these as i dont need CF or SLI . Will the cards fit and will the MB and bios support them, thanx

650 Posts

July 2nd, 2010 16:00

Anyone out there have a non-Dell MB up an running in a 730X case?


Yes. There is a full set of instructions on the Facebook group discussion. You can find the link in my signature, below this post.


If I wanted to replace the video card with say a 480 or 5870 will they work ?


Yes, it will work just fine.


190 Posts

July 2nd, 2010 16:00


July 5th, 2010 09:00


I have problems with my XPS 730 H2C. I have recently changed both the H2C system and the motherboard (not the first time) because Dell support told me it would solve my latest problems (expensive!), but I still have the same problem (it even got worse). So then you think: why don't you solve it with Dell support? well I didn't read the terms :emotion-6: and they forgott to tell me that if I changed the parts my self there were no warranty on the exchange parts... (no problem before when I had warranty) So here I am hoping you can help me figure out whats wrong.

I can run it for a couple of minutes but then it just freeze, the fans goes up to full speed and my screen shuts down but not the computer. I have checked my tempetures and it's like when I bought it, around 50°C (mcp is 74°C I think it's high but not Dell support) when I restart it freezes instantly "reach half bios loadbar" (sorry for my poor english, I'm from Sweden :emotion-11: ) and I have to restart it again and then it maybe works for a couple of minutes and then i freezes again!

Any suggestion?

Good to know: when I still had warranty on the computer Dell replaced everything but the cpu and coolingsystem because I had alot of problems!

1 Message

August 10th, 2010 08:00


I am wondering if a RAID Card will work with these systems, specifically the XPS 730.  I am trying to get 4 - 2TB drives to work with Windows 7 and am having some difficulties.  I was able to get Vista Ultimate 64 bit installed with no issues a few years ago, and want to take the plunge into Windows 7.






Community Manager


54.9K Posts

August 18th, 2010 07:00

Hi Guys,

I'm from Australia but after finding this thread have created an account here. Just wanted to voice my objection to being burned by Dell on this machine. I lashed out on the 730x as I wanted a machine I could keep upgrading over time. Currently running Win 7 Ultimate x64. I'm fine with having to upgrade the PSU due to lack of connectors (& the higher power requirements of GPUs which Dell obviously couldn't forsee) as that's not a big job to do, but Dell not continuing support on the BIOS updates means the motherboard is basically useless as well. Replacing the MB is a job I shouldn't have to do, just because of Dells lack of support. Like other users have pointed out almost every motherboard manufacturer provides updates for the board until the last processor is released & on a machine of this calibre & cost I expected nothing less from Dell. Was looking forward to installing the new Intel 990x when it's released but it looks like I won't be able to do that from what I've read here. I was also about to install dual 5970s or dual 480s but will wait for a new motherboard now. And my final upgrade this year was going to be 12Gb of XMP memory. Out of interest anyone know if the BIOS was ever updated to support that much XMP? In addition to my supporting this thread, which seems mainly to point out Dell's lack of BIOS upgrades, I'd like to point out that as I am the IT evaluator for the nameless large government organisation I work at, I have been the only reason we still use Dells, as I am always pushed to swap to HPs. So if it's any consulation for everyone burned by this, In 2011 we will no longer be a Dell shop. Maybe Dell will better support their customers if they realise consequences like this can occur. We currently have over 2500 PCs to put it in perspective for you, which are replaced every 3-4 years. I'll be checking out the Facebook group as I too would like to know peoples experiences in installing new MBs in the unit.



51 Posts

August 31st, 2010 11:00


  Just wanna thank you (once again) for your continued 730x support.

  Of course, as a 730x owner, I too have my issues (ie. bios) but realize a) this is nothing personal or about you and b) Dells policy on discontinued products.

  It just sucks but there are alternatives.  For those who must have a 980x cpu or ability to use Standby, replacing/upgrading the motherboard seems the way to go.  I know there are some issues with this as well, but of all the Dell's I've ever seen, the 730x is closest to a "standard" motherboard and was specifically designed to accommodate aftermarket motherboards.

  In practice, I'm very happy with my 730x and will someday upgrade the motherboard, but I got all kinds of power/space now.  I sure do miss my Standby/S3 sleep however!





September 17th, 2010 02:00

Hi Chris !!

thanks for keep supporting XPS730!!

i have little issue here, i just upgrading from vista 32-bit to windows 7 64-bit using oem kit

everything just smooth, except one things...

the chipset driver was installed alright, but i found that i can no longer access bios setting from Nvidia control panel (it only showing storage), and that makes me can't change LED like way i want before

Back while i am using vista, there nvidia 790i driver + software, but nvidia didnt provide software for windows7 and no also beta either!

do you have solution for this issue ?

as i dunno where i can change my chassis LED anymore now :emotion-9:



thanks in advance!



I'm newbee in this forum...and i have same problem as you've encounter right now...

Can anybody help us?




3 Posts

September 17th, 2010 04:00

Chris you should be able to change it on boot up access your BIOS, I have a XPS 720 with windows 7 64 bit Nvidia 680I chip set and thats how I do mine. Buy the way that system is for sale if anyone is intrested. Most BIOS you press F2 on splash screen during boot up.

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