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2 Intern


370 Posts


November 17th, 2010 13:00

How to Avoid Breaking the Streak LCD or Gorilla Glass and What to Do If You Have a Broken Streak

Hi Folks,

A lot of customers have been reaching out to my team with questions regarding their broken Streak, so I thought I would post this to help answer some specific questions.

Having the Right Expectations

Unfortunately, a lot of folks have the wrong expectation of how resilient the Streak is to damage. If you read the fine print regarding Gorilla Glass, it is advertised as being resistant to scratches. However, the Gorilla Glass does not protect the Streak from damage caused by applying unusual pressure or dropping the unit. As one of the forum users put it, the Gorilla Glass is not bullet-proof.

How to Avoid Breaking Streak LCD or Gorilla Glass

Most of the customers I've communicated with either dropped or sat on the Streak and damaged either the LCD and/or the Gorilla Glass. I highly recommend a carrying case. It's not a good idea to carry in your pocket either. Contrary to some marketing materials I've seen, although it is "pocket-size", I would not recommend carrying it in your pant pockets.  I have also seen Streaks broken when dropped anywhere from 2 to 4 feet onto carpeted flooring or vehicle floorboards. Although that is surprising, I've heard that if it is dropped so that the unit hits the ground at the exact spot where the glass meets the body of the unit, this can cause severe damage to either the LCD or the Gorilla Glass.  Bottom line, I don't recommend carrying the unit in your pant pockets, invest in a protective case and keep it in a secure place at all times to avoid damage. Remember that you want to treat the unit more like a mobile computing device (i.e. tablet, laptop, etc.) rather than a mobile phone.

Is LCD or Gorilla Glass Damage Covered Under the Standard Warranty?

Damage to Dell Streak LCD screens or Gorilla Glass is not covered under the Dell hardware warranty, as this is considered accidental damage. If you receive your Streak and it has damage out of the box, please report this immediately to the party that sold it to you to obtain a replacement. Currently, Dell does not offer accidental insurance coverage for the Streak (neither do some of the 3rd party resellers and service providers). It is something we are considering in the future. Further, we do not have a service or parts replacement solution for damaged LCDs or Gorilla Glass. The unit would have to be completely replaced at the customer's expense.

If you wish to further discuss your situation, please contact the Dell Mobile Devices at 1-800-308-3355 (US) or 0844 444 3244 (UK) and ask to speak to a supervisor.

UPDATE 5/30/11: Dell now offers Complete Care coverage for the Streak at point of sale.

My Personal Experience

I've had two test units for a few months and my 2 year old son has gotten a hold of each of them and dropped them more than once. So far, there are no scratches or other damage.  I still would not recommend allowing your two-year old access. ;) I typically keep them both on a flat surface (desk, dining table or night stand) or in the outside zippered fabric compartment of my purse. Neither one of them has a protective case. I typically put them in the provided fabric cover. My usage time is probably nowhere near the same as a customer who uses the Streak daily as their main phone device.

What If I Haven't Purchased a Streak Yet, Should I be Concerned?

The risk you take as a consumer is that if you break the LCD or Gorilla Glass, the only resolution at this time is total replacement at the customer's cost. We currently do not carry specific parts nor do we provide service that would fix damaged LCDs or Gorilla Glass. I would recommend factoring that into your purchase decision and take steps to ensure your Streak is well protected.

I hope that information helps to clear up any questions you may have. Otherwise, please feel free to reply to this post with additional questions.




11 Posts

November 26th, 2010 16:00

My commentary was in response to the original post, I didn't realize this was supposed to be bashing Dell. I just dropped it again (3 feet screen down on tile) and was sure I was going to see a shattered screen, but didn't. I am self insuring as I do with most of my products. If I was worried about it I would have purchased one of the many cases available for the tablet.  That being said I am not cattying it in my shirt pocket any more.

34 Posts

November 27th, 2010 17:00

The problem is that all the cases prevent it fitting in the car holder.

34 Posts

November 27th, 2010 17:00

In fact I'm pretty disappointed with the car holder, the way it holds the phone isn't very clever. It requires some effort to get the phone in and out, I've dropped my phone more than once while trying to insert/remove it. Also one of the plastic bezels on the end of my phone (the earpiece end) has come loose and I'm sure its due to the way the rubber bumper on the car holder presses on it.

Then you need to plug the cable in separately (it doesn't 'dock') and if the phone is mounted such that you can see the screen you can't see the connector which seems to be rather unforgiving if it is misaligned. The power socked end of that connector (actually a USB power socket/cigarette lighter adapter) is quite long, protruding from the socket (right next to my knee) at least 2 inches (I have a similar Walmart unit that fits completely within the cigarette lighter recess).

Finally, even though there's the huge multi-pin plug in the bottom of the phone it seems that only power is provided, I have to plug another wire into the top of the phone to be able to connect the audio to the aux-in on my car stereo, surely this could have been part of the 30-pin cable.

2 Posts

November 28th, 2010 19:00

Since I am the OP, I assume you directed that at me.  My main grievance is that Dell states we should treat this phone as a computing device (which I do) and suggests not using it in a way that they advertise it.  I would be far less aggravated if Dell would also treat this as a computing device and sell replacement parts and/or service, because of right now they will tell you to buy another.  There are countless tales of screens being broken by keeping it in a pocket, short falls onto carpet, etc.  I have had to replace my cousin's screen because of a drop (ironically it was on her way to get a case) and right now they are $250.  I did not expect a bulletproof device, but I would have expected better of the build of the device and with Dell's support.

January 3rd, 2011 13:00

I just wanted to note that AT&T's wireless phone insurance does not cover the Dell Streak.

Check their site here and scroll down and see the full support list, or

click this link (pdf)

I also called Asurion who are the actual insurers and they confirmed this.


I'm going to try Square Trade although the cost for full insurance will be around $120 (for accidents, dropping, etc., check their site)

I'm also buying an Otterbox case.  I should add that there are some nice Tuff-luv cases for this phone.


January 17th, 2011 12:00

Dear Amy

I bought my Dell Streak last November, almost 2 months ago.  Yesterday when I was using it to surf the internet, the LCD just fractured under the Gorilla glass.  It hasn't been dropped or stressed in any way, it simply just happened as I was using it!  £500 and it's already broken!  What's more, I am currently working in the Middle East - I bought the device in the UK - but can not connect to the support telephone line.  I need to get the LCD replaced as soon as possible as I rely on this device at work.  I contacted Dell in the Middle East, but they had never heard of a Streak.  So, I then used the support line that connects to the US.  The person said I'd broken it!  Cheek.  He then said it was out of warranty??  Surely not?!  I took out an extended warranty.  I hope this is not the case in the UK, as I did not do anything untoward, I only used the device in the normal fashion.

Please advise how I can get a replacement even though I'm not in the country - I'm really desperate!



5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

January 17th, 2011 12:00

Well, I think you should get in touch with O2 Customer Support, explain what has happened and from what you read on dell's forum you are not the only person who this has happened to. get an anddress where you can courier the unit to and demand a fix or replacement. Dell does not have replacement parts so you either will get a new unit or a refurb. Read the terms and conditions of your extended waranty and base the claim on that. There should be a part on "accidental damage"which although does not apply to your case as the screen does break occasionally easily due to twist in hands or pocket but it could help you get a replacement.

Call the local shop where you bought it from.


Last resort - get a replacement LCD from ebay. They seem to have it and Dell doesnt.

Shame on you DELL.

70 Posts

January 17th, 2011 16:00

Well known design flaw, Dell in their infinite wisdom, bonded the gorilla glass to the LCD. Thus every time you touch the glass you transfer pressure to the LCD.

You know have a ticking time bomb as to when your LCD may fail. Dell are well aware of this problem along with a host of other design flaws as I made the design manager aware of them some time ago.

Don't give up, quote Trading Standards, a product much be of merchantable quality. The flaws, many serious make it no more than a beta design product.

Had Dell designed a car they would have been forced to do a world wide recall.

Seek a refund and buy another product, preferably from a company that looks after its customers and has confidence in its products.

January 18th, 2011 04:00

Thanks for your speedy response.  However, I bought the Streak direct from the UK website as I didn't need a UK contract.  I still can not call the support line from where I am.  Do you know of another way I can talk with someone directly at Dell-UK?


I've sent a couple of emails to them, but they seem to have been lost in the ether.  Any help would be gratefully received :)  I have no idea what course of action to take at this point.

PS      I am glad to know that I'm not the only one this has happened to.  However, this does seem to indicate a design fault which is worrying.  Prior to this incident I was very happy with the device.

1 Message

January 18th, 2011 14:00

So I dropped my streak and have a cracked LCD.


"Further, we do not have a service or parts replacement solution for damaged LCDs or Gorilla Glass. The unit would have to be completely replaced at the customer's expense."


If this was indeed a policy from the beginning it should have been clearly stated on the advertisement page because its nasty. One reason for buying a dell phone is because Dell in general does a great job at service and this is completely against general dell service policies. I definitely would not have bought a $700 phone with a 5 inch LCD if the terms and conditions stated that replacement parts are not available and the solution is to purchase a new phone.

1 Message

January 20th, 2011 03:00

Just use this!

January 23rd, 2011 10:00

I really would like a definitive answer to this.  Maybe your case was one of the few, maybe not.  I wonder who to go to to know definitely.

I can't go to AT&T because they were fine putting the phone on insurance even though it wasn't covered at all.

1 Message

January 23rd, 2011 10:00

I've gotten some good news from Geek Squad today... 

On Dec 26, I purchased the streak from Best Buy mobile.  At the time, I purchased "Black tie" geek squad service protecting my streak from everything (except moisture damage and loss).  $9.99 a month, but I figured that it would be good protection until the first 30 days were up.  Shortly after purchasing, I broke the screen right above the data port (dropped it from about 2 feet.  Landed screen first on a corner of my shredder).  I took the phone back to Best Buy to have it repaired.

2 weeks later (yesterday), I get an e-mail stating that the phone will be repaired (no date when I will get it back).  I went to Best Buy to ask, "How can this be?  Dell doesn't sell replacement parts, nor does repairs per this forum."  The "geek" said that the phone was sent back to AT&T and the "estimate for repair" was approved.

I do not know any more than this, but it appears that AT&T is now offering some sort of repair service for the streak.

I normally do not purchase "Protection Insurance" on products I buy.  99% of the time, it is a waste of money.  Seeing how easy the streak breaks, I will most certainly continue the $9.99 a month "protection" at Geek Squad.    This is the first time I ever was delighted about buying at Best Buy.

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

January 23rd, 2011 11:00

IMO sounds like they have sourced the parts from another defunct  Streak with a broken motherboard or so.

13 Posts

January 26th, 2011 12:00

Thanks! (Nice hands...)

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