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This post is more than 5 years old


November 13th, 2011 22:00

An open letter to anyone at Dell

Dear Sir/Madam,

                I am writing this letter to you on a 6 year old, hand-me-down, Toshiba laptop. I am using this laptop because it still functions reliably, while the same cannot be said of my Dell XPS 630i desktop computer.

First, I will provide a bit of my background experience, so you may better understand my level of frustration at my unresolved technical support issue. I have several years of customer service experience, as a Service Advisor for both BMW and Honda. Additionally, I also worked for WorldCom, as a Network Control Technician (hardware troubleshooter), so I have experience in both end-user and technical support.

In February 2009, I purchased a Dell XPS 630i desktop, as it was regarded as one of the premier gaming/performance computers available. Its technical capabilities far exceeded my needs for a desktop computer, as I only planned to use it for general-purpose computing, and occasional gaming. However, I felt it was the best choice for me, as it was overbuilt for my use, and therefore would not require replacement for many years. I also liked the fact that the system architecture would allow for easy hardware upgrades, if ever they were needed.

The system ran virtually trouble-free, until 11/3/2011. At this time, the system crashed while in use, resulting in a frozen screen image, constant looping sound through the speakers, and unresponsive inputs through the mouse and keyboard. After attempting to correct the problem by updating the drivers and BIOS, the system crashed permanently, and would not boot; the BIOS screen did not even display after the system powered up.

I called Dell XPS technical support on 11/4/2011, and after reseating the RAM modules and both video cards with no effect, it was determined that the motherboard was faulty, and would require replacement. Parts were sent to a field technician on Monday, 11/7, and the technician arrived the following afternoon on 11/8, to replace the motherboard. Service request # 8  was created to resolve this issue.

After the motherboard was replaced, the system would not boot to Windows. Error message 2000-8010 appeared on the screen when the PSA test was run. The field technician contacted Dell XPS tech support, who advised him that reinstallation of Windows Vista was the only way the system would boot back up. However, I felt this was not a viable solution, as it would result in the loss of personally important data. The technician, after speaking to tech support for over 2 hours, advised me to contact tech support directly, to see if there were other options available to me. Before I called them, I input the search terms “Dell PSA 2000-8010” into the Google search engine, and found a post on the support page that pertained to this latest issue. After pressing F9 to reset the BIOS to factory default settings, the system once again booted Windows Vista.

Sadly, my troubles did not end there. The system froze once again, after approximately 4 hours. Again, I called Dell XPS tech support, and was instructed to run hardware tests, first through BIOS, and then using the Dell Diagnostics software. No hardware errors were found. At this time, the tech support rep again advised me to reinstall Windows Vista, which I did, after backing up my important data.  I then reinstalled Windows Vista SP1, using the DVD that came with the system.

The following day, while reinstalling other software that was lost during the Windows reinstallation, the system crashed again. I called Dell XPS support yet again, and was given a new case number. However, I felt this was not the correct action, as the system crashes/freezes had started to occur prior to the replacement of the motherboard. I believe the new case number they gave me was . The solution that the rep suggested at this time (after running hardware diagnostics from BIOS again) was that Windows Vista should be reinstalled, yet again.

On 11/10, the system froze at 8:23pm, Eastern time.  Again, I called technical support, and spoke to a representative named “Robert.” He first suggested that the motherboard be replaced again, along with the hard drive. However, after consulting with his supervisor, and running more diagnostic tests, it was decided that I should instead remove 2 of the 4 RAM modules, to see if the system froze again. If it did, I was to remove one more module, and see if it froze with only 2GB of memory. I did this, and the system froze on both occasions, so I proceeded to test the 2 RAM modules I had removed, using a different memory slot. Each of the RAM cards failed when running individually, with uptimes ranging from 10 minutes to 1.5 hours.

Robert had indicated that he would call back in 2 days, to give me time to determine which RAM card was causing the system to fail. However, he said that if it failed prior to that, I should call back as soon as it did. My first available opportunity to call was on 11/11/11, at 5:32pm. The representative I spoke to connected to my computer via remote access, then began deleting my temporary internet files, as well as Internet Explorer cookies, and started to run a disk cleanup on my C: drive. He did not indicate what this would do, though he launched into it with certainty that it would solve the problem. However, the disk cleanup did not finish, as the system froze while it was in progress. As this rep seemed unwilling to listen to what I had to say regarding the results of our RAM test, I thanked him for his time, and decided to take a break from troubleshooting my computer.

On 11/12, I missed the callback from Robert, but I attempted to call back as soon as I could, which was earlier this evening, 11/13, at approximately 6:30pm. At that time, I spoke to Raj, who had me power the machine off, unplug all the cords from the back, and then hold the power button down for 10 seconds (with the power cord disconnected from the power supply), to “clear the sleep power.” I did this, then we discussed the significance of 4 separate RAM cards apparently failing simultaneously.  He indicated that he would send 4 new RAM cards to me, but since his dispatch system was down, he could not generate the order at that time, but said I would receive an Email once he had done so.

After 2 hours, I had received neither the confirmation email nor a callback explaining its absence, so I called Dell XPS technical support again. This time, I spoke to a representative whose name I did not record, because her accent/speech made it almost impossible for me to understand what she was saying. She indicated that it was impossible that all 4 RAM cards would fail simultaneously, so the new cards would not be sent, as was previously promised. 

At this time, I mentioned to her that I had (as suggested by members of the forum) removed one of the video cards from the system, along with the SLI bridge cable, to see if  the system would crash with only one GPU installed. I did this shortly after speaking with Raj.

At that time, the system had been up and running with one GPU for 2 hours. She suggested that I run the Dell Diagnostics video card test on both cards, separately, in the “Video Stress Test” mode. The tests would take approximately 15 minutes to complete per card, so she told me that she would call me back after 30 minutes, so that we both wouldn’t be stuck on hold with nothing to do. I ran the tests on both cards, as she instructed, and both cards passed the test without error.  However, the system still crashed, and did so regardless of which video card I had installed.

The last rep I spoke to (who told me to run the video card tests) had promised to call me back in 30 minutes. That call ended at 8:53pm local time. It has now been 3.5+ hours, and no callback has been received.  On its own, that represents bad customer service, but when viewed in context as the latest in a string of poor customer service interactions, it is inexcusable.

In summary:

Since 11/4, my computer has not performed to the level that it was designed for.  For 3-4 of those days, it was completely inoperative, and for the last 5 days, it has been unable to operate in a stable and reliable manner.

Since 11/4, the motherboard has been replaced, along with one of the nVidia GPUs. Windows Vista has been reinstalled, and countless hardware diagnostic tests have been performed. Not one of these steps has resulted in a computer that operates reliably, much less to the performance level that my Dell XPS 630i was advertised at.

Since 11/4/11, I have spent (according to the call timer function on my iPhone) 492 minutes (among 14 separate calls) on the phone with Dell XPS hardware support. That’s 8.2 hours. An average of 49 minutes per day, since my computer stopped functioning properly. This does not include the almost 3 hours that the on-site technician spent at my house, attempting to get my computer to reboot, after he had replaced the motherboard. He spent 2 of those hours on the phone with XPS tech support.

The overall level of customer service I have received from the XPS support team has been unacceptable at best. At worst, it has been abysmally poor. I have frequently been given incorrect advice, I have run the same hardware tests repeatedly, to no avail, and I still do not have a computer that functions in the way it was advertised. On several of my calls, I feel as if the technician has no interest in helping me solve my computer’s problem, and is simply reading from a script, or trying to just get me to call back later. Because this issue is the first instance of major trouble I have had with this system in over 2.5 years, I feel I have been extremely patient up to this point. However, everyone has their limitations, and my patience is quickly nearing its end.

I have attempted to find a means of escalating my concern through your website, but have found none that seem to be set up to address the sort of concern I am having. I have created an Email support ticket, case # , which references my original service ticket number. However, there appears to be no means of addressing the overall lack of proper service and attention I have received throughout these last 10 days, so I have drafted this letter, which I will send to as many recipients at Dell as I can find Email addresses for. If you’ve read this far, but are not the correct person to assist me in this matter, then I apologize for consuming so much of your time, and ask that you please forward it to a person of authority, who can help me resolve this issue.

At this time, I am no longer willing to deal with the XPS support staff through the usual telephone calls, as the language/cultural barrier seems to be partially responsible for the non-resolution of my concern. I understand that Dell is not the only large company to outsource their tech support to an offshore location, but I wish to speak to someone who is better equipped to help me, and I feel that I have given the offshore support staff more than enough of my time, without satisfactory resolution. 

14 Posts

November 15th, 2011 10:00


91 Posts

November 15th, 2011 10:00


9 Legend


47K Posts

November 15th, 2011 12:00

I'm not aware of any vendors that guarantee trouble free forever.

The system ran virtually trouble-free from In 02/01/2009, 11/3/2011.

There is the Unresolved Customer issues link in my SIG.

There is a Feedback link at the bottom of every forum page.

24 x  7 x 365  4 hour response Onsite Support is not available unless you pay for it.

14 Posts

November 15th, 2011 12:00

Speedstep: Expecting anything to run reliably forever is unreasonable. Expecting a technical support department that actually supports their warranty customers, isn't. Also, I couldn't help noticing that Dell offers a premium support service for $249/year, where you actually get to talk to people in North America, who are specially trained to help you. This alone indicates Dell's acknowledgement that their offshore tech support is a joke.

I also appreciate your comment on the availability of 24x7x365 4 hour response being available from Dell at an additional cost. I'm sure it would have come in handy when my problem began, 288 hours ago. Oh wait, it couldn't, since Dell can't seem to get parts for the machine they built, even though Newegg seems to have plenty.

I've already escalated my concern, and I'll be sure to keep you posted. Oh, and your link for unresolved customer issues is for new purchases only; I tried it, but can't get past it without an order number.

Lastly, I truly hope that Dell someday rewards you with some goodies, for being such a loyal fanboy. Myself, I just want a computer that works, which isn't a lot to ask.

14 Posts

November 15th, 2011 19:00

Update: Earlier today, I contacted the rep who responded to my online query from Sunday. I asked him about the replacement parts, and he indicated that they still didn't know what the release date would be. At that point, I asked him about the possibility of just replacing the whole system, as this latest delay was now pushing the limits of even my py patience. He said he'd get back to me. 3 hours later, he hadn't. So, I called to check, and they told me he had gone home for the day, and would have to call me back tomorrow.

Dell, is this the level of attentiveness that your customers should expect from your customer service team? To wait for hours, for telephone calls that will never come? I'm not sure what sort of approach you've decided to take for handling customers who have been subjected to unreasonable delays, but this isn't the right one, I assure you.

872 Posts

November 15th, 2011 20:00


November 16th, 2011 14:00

Posted by capa3400

replied on Mon, Nov 22 2010 10:01 PM

Suggested Answer

To anybody having trouble with their xps 630i,the problem i found is the xps 630i's run hot at just idle,then if you watch a video(You Tube) for example,the temp.goes even higher.I also found the same results when the screen saver comes on,so you have to turn the fans up to 45% to 50% not the 30% that the idiots@ Dell have it set on.As for gaming crank the fans to 70-75% in order for it to maintain the same temp. as the idle temp. when fans are @ 45-50%.;1

Use speedfan to check.

872 Posts

November 16th, 2011 14:00


9 Legend


47K Posts

November 16th, 2011 14:00

The unresolved issues link says "

If you have ALREADY contacted Dell with a Customer Service issue AND have a case number or reference number, please complete the form below. "

There should be a case number or reference number.

The other link is at the bottom of the page called feedback.

November 16th, 2011 14:00

Are you in USA or UK, DELL has terrible tech support, and nothings done about this.

Is it WINDOWS VISTA  64bit or 32bit. :emotion-1:

Maybe you are updating wrong software, the diagnostic tests give no errors.

Why not try Window 7 64bit. ?????  :emotion-5:

14 Posts

November 16th, 2011 18:00

Update: When I hadn't received my promised call back at 4pm EST, I called my so-called customer service rep to find out what the status was. He was on another call, but the receptionist assured me that he would call back, she couldn't say exactly when, but said it would probably be in about 2 hours. Not surprisingly, I did not hear back. So, I called a little while ago, and got the department voicemail, which said they were open until 5PM CST, which is 6PM EST. How convenient. Perhaps the decision to assign one rep to handle difficult cases, then not allow the customer to speak to anyone else, isn't such a good idea, if that rep doesn't feel like answering his phone or calling his customers back.

I did submit another ticket through the "unresolved issues" link, which may take up to 4 business days for them to reply to. It is now the 13th day my computer has not functioned, during which Dell tech support has been unwilling or unable to help me fix my computer under their hardware warranty.

I will continue to update this thread on a nightly basis. My intent is that anyone who is considering purchasing another Dell system (if you're on the Dell Forum, chances are you own at least one) will read it, and be fully aware of the level of support this company offers, when faced with a technical problem that is complex enough to require more than a reboot to solve. I also hope that the content of this thread eventually finds its way to someone of authority at Dell, so that they may better understand how their decision to go cheap on customer support has affected their customers.

If you read this, please don't bother pointing out that no one at Dell reads any of this. It's been said enough times, and I'm already aware of the other means of escalation that I can pursue. As I said, this is purely informational from here on out. Consider it a cautionary tale for future generations.

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

November 17th, 2011 08:00


Please check your private message.

14 Posts

November 17th, 2011 10:00

Update: My customer service rep, "V," has finally gotten around to calling me back, 3 days after he said he would. It seems Dell is going to send some other RAM that will work with my computer; same specs, but just a different part #. That sounds slightly sketchy to me, but what the heck, it's hard to imagine this situation getting any more ridiculous than it has already.

I asked what the next step would be if this repair didn't correct my computer's problem, and he said we would have to wait and see, after the parts were replaced. Keep in mind, we're talking about a motherboard, both video cards, and all 4 RAM cards. If it sounds like Dell's solution is to just throw parts at the computer until something fixes it, then we have something in common.

Tomorrow is two weeks since I first called Dell XPS tech support. It's almost an anniversary.

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

November 17th, 2011 14:00


Thank you for the update via private message. I have an email chain going with many eyes on this so we will get it resolved.

14 Posts

November 21st, 2011 13:00

Update: I was away from Friday morning until yesterday afternoon; when I returned home, I found a package containing 4 refurbished RAM modules. I installed the new RAM, and sent the old ones back, using the enclosed FedEx prepaid label.

After installing the new RAM, I started the computer, opened the web browser, and did a few other minor tasks. I left the computer for a little while to eat dinner, and when I returned, the screen was frozen. The system clock in the corner indicated that it had frozen approximately 3 hours after startup. Other than the new RAM, the only variable was that it was only running one GPU at the time, though I have already found that the symptom is the same with either or both GPUs installed.

I have not received any calls from Worldwide Tech support regarding the status of my replacement motherboard or GPUs, which V (from the Consumer Resolution Center) said would also be shipped. On Thursday, I received several emails with updates on dispatch #s 150xxxxxx and 150xxxxx, so I can only assume that the other parts were sent, though, if they were sent overnight, as the last parts were, they should have arrived on Friday or this morning.

Currently, I have been on hold with the Consumer Resolution Center for 34 minutes. I called at 4:20pm EST. Are they on holiday this week?

Today is the 17th day my computer has not functioned correctly. Over 9.5 hours of my time have been spent on the phone with various Dell representatives. Two unsuccessful (hardware) repair attempts have been made.

No Events found!
