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This post is more than 5 years old


December 14th, 2013 08:00

UP3214Q/UP2414Q - 1/2 screen issue and/or No picture after powering off, then on

I got some more problems with the UP3214Q: Every couple of computer starts, once I get the login screen displayed, only half the screen shows a picture (the right hand side), with the left half being black. After login, I get the full picture. Prior to the login screen, I also have full screen picture (BIOS screen, Windows loading screen). The second issue is even more annoying: If I power off the device while my PC is still running, then power it back on, I will never get a picture again. No amount of hitting random keys and klicking about (I can hear windows and moan in the background If I manage to blindly hit the wrong option) will get back any picture. Neither will switching to another input then back, nor will unplugging the displayport cable from the machine, or putting the machine to sleep and returning it back from sleep. The only way to get the picture back is to shut down the shut down the machine completely, then boot it up again. Is this supposed to happen or is something wrong with my display?

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

April 4th, 2014 07:00


The Dell Displays team decided the process was to difficult for customers. The chance of "bricking" the monitor bios was to great and would lead to "unnecessary" monitor exchanges. They set the Dell policy and the Dell Legal Teams agreed with it.

1 Rookie


41 Posts

April 4th, 2014 08:00


2 Posts

April 4th, 2014 08:00

Chris, thank you very much for the prompt reply. So they are concerned with replacements, all the while shipping new monitors with the old firmware, knowing full and well that those monitors will have to be reprogrammed at one point or another in the future through the replacement program. Talk about "unnecessary". I guess the inability to update the monitors firmware is in itself a lesson in over confidence bordering on arrogance. I'd imagine the firmware, with its MST monitor splitting etc, is a pretty complex piece of software. Shipping it to customers with no way to correct any bugs found, not to mention any feature improvements, seems pretty  stupid to me. Should have gone with ASUS or Sharp on this one. Pretty  work Dell.

33 Posts

April 4th, 2014 14:00

Note: The firmware update that I installed is not being provided to end users. You would need to exchange your monitor for a refurbished one with the updated firmware from Dell. More details can be read in the thread on Dell's website here.

I don't understand why Anandtech has the "priviledge" to install themselves the firmware and we cannot. It should be a choice for us the end users also. If you are not comfortable, fine, send it back to Dell and they will do it for you. I cannot afford to send a monitor back and get a flaky one, but patched with the new firmware.

Chris, can you please put some lineance on this? Unless Dell is willing to provide me with a brand new patched monitor, I will not accept refurbished items. Think of the added costs just for that. I will keep on exchanging the monitor until I have a perfect one, instead of simply installing the firmware myself. I understand that you might avoid firmware costs on 2-500$ monitors but we are talking here of a $3000 one. What is the difference if I install the firmware myself, beside saving to Dell a ton of cash? I might be unlucky but every single monitor I purchased from Dell, I had to exchange it several times until I got a perfect one. I'm not going to gamble the Dell roulette, just because a firmware patch.

25 Posts

April 5th, 2014 13:00

The fact a display has issues was of concern, but not that much since the fact those can be repaired by firmware. BUT, the fact firmware is not freely available to customers (I'm a computer engineer, I can handle firmware update) is such a show stopping thing that I've cancelled a purchase of UP3214Q I just did and asked for a full refund from the shop - mid shipping (it was almost at my door).

I hope Dell will learn from this. A thread like this one can not stay unanswered and this whole deal with no firmware available to customers of a $3000 monitor? Gotta be joking, Dell, right?

When, and IF, this situation changes. I'm willing to actually buy a working display. But next time I will be much more careful and won't just jump onto Dell if not really confirmed up-front.

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

April 6th, 2014 14:00

"I don't understand why Anandtech has the "privilege" to install themselves the firmware and we cannot."
* I have no idea how Anandtech got it. Not from me!

I will keep on exchanging the monitor until I have a perfect one, instead of simply installing the firmware myself.
* Go for it. That is what they are saying to do.

25 Posts

April 6th, 2014 15:00

Chris, why don't you allow everyone to have the firmware? It is a firmware, not a nuclear code. Especially since not many "average Joes" buy $3000 4K displays, but usually people pretty much capable of such operation as sticking a USB stick...

Do you understand what this means for Dell and your customers: you essentially make people buy a screen and then send it to you and then get a used one (refurbished). Why don't you actually make it that stores (like Amazon) just send all monitors to you and then you send them to customers.

Amazon now waits on my decision: stop or continue delivery. What do you suggest I do?

33 Posts

April 6th, 2014 16:00

Go for it. That is what they are saying to do.

My point is: the monitor I have now is perfect, one of the smoothest I ever purchased from Dell. No light bleeding, dead pixels, bent frame or level screen, etc. None of previous monitors was that great. Presuming that I play the exchange game, is Dell going to pay for missing days at work I have to deal with because I have to wait for delivery at home? I cannot deliver it at work because we are not allowed to receive packages.

Please understand that what I ask is not the moon. Can you PM me please so we discuss this further? I would like to talk to someone responsible of screens firmware. Thanks.

5 Posts

April 6th, 2014 17:00

With the HDMI cable connected simultaneously reduced the problem, but not solve. I find it strange for AnandTech Dell can permit send your firmware, but for your valuable customers Dell does not allow. Dell prefers to solve the problem by the smarter way: - leave the customers unhappy with refurb monitors - more expensive for Dell (logistics) - more time (how many weeks for Exchange?) or 5 minutes for USB upgrade.

13 Posts

April 6th, 2014 18:00

I do find it upsetting that Dell appears to have ignored their own policy on user-installed updates and allowed AnandTech to perform one. I might cut slack on this if he didn't purchase the monitor and it was only a review loaner (which he would have to return anyway); I don't recall.

Perhaps more upsetting is that the update he got doesn't resolve all the issues: after the firmware update, he updated the color calibration software and it sounds like things were worse than before the update.

It would be nice if there were a document somewhere that details what Dell believes is fixed in the firmware update, and what is still unresolved. I sure don't want to go down the exchange route only to find that there are still issues that require further firmware updates to resolve them, which (unless you happen to be Anand) you are going to have to return the monitor to Dell each time.

I have to say that this experience has soured me on any future Dell purchases, both for my home use and at work. If, at some point, I get a fully-working monitor (the one I thought I was purchasing back in December), I'll probably forgive... eventually. What a mess.

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

April 7th, 2014 10:00

"I do find it upsetting that Dell appears to have ignored their own policy on user-installed updates and allowed AnandTech to perform one."

None of us on the Dell Americas displays team gave them the firmware. This should have never happened per Dell policy.

25 Posts

April 7th, 2014 12:00

This is outrageous - I find it not upseting, but deeply disturbing that you find Anandtech having firmware a problem, instead of finding the fact not everyone has access to it as such.


So, now since I've got my screen (and 3 more are on the way for my company), do you expect us to ship a fleet of new displays to you to get refurbished ones?

Do you and when do you plan to release firmware to general public?

Do you have QA department? Did you intentionally sell displays that don't work?

6 Posts

April 8th, 2014 13:00

I have a up2414q coming tomorrow. If it has this issue and the new firmware is not applied nor available for download I will simply post my review of it then return it and be done with it. I personally don't have the time to be running monitors back and forth from FedEx hoping I get one both with no issues and updated firmware. We will see, but if Dell is still shipping these wih show-stopping problems and no way for the user to fix it despite one being available, that is simply poor business practice.

25 Posts

April 9th, 2014 03:00

After all, I did receive the monitor. I now wait for you to release the firmware. It does have an issue with not being powered on at startup, but I use a switch to power-cycle it and it seems to work. No other issues so far. However, I hope that you will release the firmware ASAP.

I do not plan to send my new display in to get a refurbished one. If you will NEVER release the firmware, I will return it for a full refund and cancel company orders of those screens.

Otherwise, it is a great screen to be honest. If not for failures to power on...

I hope Chris, that Dell will display some wisdom by sending your customers a new firmware.

April 9th, 2014 03:00

Chris, I have NOT buy 1 of these monitor yet.  AT what month would it be appropriate to  buy the revised UP3214Q w/ this new firmware update?

And would the part no. be   different so it's easier for us to differentiate this newly revised 32" vs. the old 32" w/ the bugs?

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