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This post is more than 5 years old



March 15th, 2014 11:00

U2414H, will there be a firmware fix for DP issues?

* What specific Dell monitor? 6x U2414H REVA00
* What specific computer model, desktop/laptop? Lenovo i7 QuadCore
* What operating system? Windows 8.1
* What video card? Club 3D Radeon HD 7870 Eyefinity 6
* What video out ports are available on the video card? 6x Mini-DP
* What video out port are you using from the video card to what video in port on the monitor? 6x Mini-DP to DP (1.2 disabled)
* What cable are you using to attach the video card to the monitor? Dell supplied Mini-DP to DP cable that came with the monitors. Funny enough Dell shipped two different cables. 3x Amphenol and 3x BizLink. Both perform the same.
* Are you using the Dell supplied cable? Yes.

* Full description of the monitor issue?
I'm experiencing the unreliable DP connection that TFTCentral wrote about in their review of the monitor and which others reported in various postings. I have tried different video cards and different cables but the DP connection always behaves unreliable. There is a bunch of symptoms (link loss, DP communication errors) but the most prevalent and annoying issue is that  the monitor is not recognized correctly about half of the time. With 6 monitors there always is at least two that won't work at the start of the day (always different ones at random). They can show up as Generic Non-PnP Monitor with a resolution of 640x480 or as Generic PnP Monitors with a little higher resolution. Most of the time however they correctly show up as Dell U2414H(DisplayPort) monitors but the refresh rate maxes out at 30Hz interlaced instead of 60Hz. this means that the picture will have a lot of jitter and is unusuable. It will then take a lot of power-cycling and Detect-button hitting, until all 6 monitor are correctly recognized. Additionally once a day the graphics card driver will crash, which I would not normally fault the monitor for, but since it doesn't happen with other DP monitors and since TFTCentral mentioned a crashing driver in their review, I do in fact suspect the monitor is somehow not speaking the DP protocol right and confusing the driver. I tried 1.2 DP version enabled and disabled and it doesn't make a difference. At this point I'm fairly certain there is an issue with this particular models DP communication. What I want to know is:
- Did Dell manage to reproduce this behavior since it was first reported 3 months ago?
- Is Dell working on a firmware update to fix these issues?
- And most importantly: Will this future firmware update be field-up-gradable?

If the monitors are unable to get a firmware update that can be applied by us users I would like to know as I will have to return these monitors. As they are, they are basically unusable. I love everything else about the monitor though and will have to get new ones when a fixed version is available. Thanks for any information.

39 Posts

March 19th, 2014 19:00

For reference: here is what it looked like when the monitor is miss-detected and doesn't have all the refresh rates - causing the display to be unusable because at the wrong refresh rate it will jitter.

39 Posts

March 19th, 2014 22:00

Even when the U2414H is successfully recognized there is weird stuff in the EDID. This is the list of supported resolutions the monitor reports (using EnTech Taiwan Software to read the EDID which are the same guys dell uses for their Dell Display Manager):

  • 720 x 400p at 70Hz - IBM VGA
  • 640 x 480p at 60Hz - IBM VGA
  • 640 x 480p at 75Hz - VESA
  • 800 x 600p at 60Hz - VESA
  • 800 x 600p at 75Hz - VESA
  • 1024 x 768p at 60Hz - VESA
  • 1024 x 768p at 75Hz - VESA
  • 1280 x 1024p at 75Hz - VESA
  • 1152 x 864p at 75Hz - VESA STD
  • 1280 x 1024p at 60Hz - VESA STD
  • 1600 x 900p at 60Hz - VESA STD
  • 1600 x 1200p at 60Hz - VESA STD
  • 1920 x 1080p at 60Hz - VESA STD

Why would 1600x1200 be reported by the monitor as a supported resolution when it clearly doesn't have the pixels available. This erodes my confidences in the current firmware of the controller board inside further. I'm still impressed by the monitors hardware though and really hope Dell looks into a firmware fix. I want this monitor to work.

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

March 20th, 2014 08:00


Thanks for all the data. I have not heard any word on a firmware for this model. We have seen Forum and reviewer reports of the issue but not from Support (phone, email, chat). If it was a systemic issue, we would be getting thousands of calls about it. I wonder if there is a limit to how many monitors the video card can support in chain?

39 Posts

March 20th, 2014 09:00

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the interest in this issue, despite the fact that it is apparently not widespread. Maybe it only affects a specific production batch?

I have some more technical observations that might help narrow it down. I am using the PowerStrip utility from EnTech and it provides three options to read EDID data.

  • Read data directly from monitor
  • Read data from stored EDID
  • Read data from registry

It seem to me that the higher up in this list you can get data from, the better the data is. I made the following observation with my remaining 5 monitors (1 already sent back because of self-activating touch buttons). On none of them I can read the EDID from the monitor itself, even though DDC/CI is set to enabled in the OSD. I get this:

Then the tool automatically falls back to "Read data from stored EDID". Now there are two cases.

Case A: This happens on monitors that work as expected (full resolution and 60Hz). In this case PowerStrip manages to read the stored EDID (I don't know if that is previously read EDID from monitor or driver supplied EDID).

Case B: This happens on monitors which currently don't work as expected. In this case reading from stored EDID fails and I get this:

Then it falls back to "Reading from registry" which usually seem to contains a bunch of garbage that doesn't work for the monitor. On monitors where reading from "stored EDID" works, the data in the registry is fine too.

Chris, could you confirm for me whether the U2414H is supposed to support reading the EDID with a tool like EnTech Taiwan's PowerStrip utility? I already tried other EnTech Tools (MonInfo) but they don't manage to read from DDC either and just display the registry data.

If DDC doesn't work on my monitor it would explain why these display sometimes work for me (when Windows has either a stored EDID or the right data in registry) and sometime don't. It also explain why the monitors frequently show up as Non-PlugAndPlay monitor - because Windows relies on DDC to provide PnP functionality.

Has anybody else tested their U2414H with the PowerStrip utility and could confirm that "Read data directly from monitor" works for them?

39 Posts

March 20th, 2014 09:00

This would also explain why Windows sometimes has a slightly different name for the monitor in the "Screen Resolution" configuration dialog. When it manages to read from stored EDID the monitor will the called "DELL U2414H", when it doesn't mange to do that it falls back to registry and the monitor will be called "Dell U2414H(DisplayPort)".  The monitors that have a registry configuration are the most likely to cause trouble.

234 Posts

March 20th, 2014 11:00

* What video card? Club 3D Radeon HD 7870 Eyefinity 6

* What video out ports are available on the video card? 6x Mini-DP

Has anybody else tested their U2414H with the PowerStrip utility and could confirm that "Read data directly from monitor" works for them?

FWIW, PowerStrip has not been updated in years, and would not support your new-ish HD7870 specifically or DisplayPort generally, so errors in reading the EDID directly would be expected and do not necessarily indicate an issue.

Doesn't mean you do *not* have a problem of this nature, just that, with DP, you can't use old I2C based software to diagnose it...

You don't say whether Dell Display Manager can communicate with the your U2414H? That would be more telling...

39 Posts

March 20th, 2014 12:00

I forgot to say that when softMCCS doesn't see the Non-PnP, it is switched on and actually displaying stuff at a 640x480 resolution. It's not that it's off or disconnected, softMCCS doesn't find the monitor while it is on and in use and should be talking DDC to softMCCS.

39 Posts

March 20th, 2014 12:00

Thanks swamped207. You are correct of coarse and so was Chris from Dell which told me to use EnTech's softMCCS instead. I did and here are my findings. When the monitors work as they should then softMCCS confirms that they can talk to to it and that they speak DDC. Windows will recognize the U2414H as a U2414H and set the resolution and frequency right. Dell's Display Manager which speaks DDC/CI as works and lets me set the brightness in software. However when the monitor don't work as expected (which happens randomly after a restart, after sleep/hibernation or if a monitor gets added/removed) then none of the above work.

Dell's Display Manager and softMCCS won't see the monitor at all and Windows recognizes it as a Generic Non-PnP Monitor with all the wrong resolutions (NoN-PnP pointing to the fact that there is no DDC signal).

Here is an example of a computer with 3xU2414H monitor and one Lenovo display. Usually I'm testing with 5xU2414H without anything else, but I'm switching computer and graphics cards to isolate the issue, but it's the same everywhere.

In the picture below the Windows "Screen resolution" dialog recognizes two Dell (with different names, one taken from registry, the other from the stored EDID or driver) and the third Dell is a Generic Non-PnP. softMCCS doesn't see the Non-PnP at all.

When we look at the event log of the Non-PnP we see that it used to be recognized as U2414H, but when a reconfiguration event was triggered Windows uninstalled the Dell driver (Device deleted) and used the Non-PnP driver insteas (monitor.inf).

Currentely it looks to me like the monitor sometimes does talk DDC to the GPU and sometimes doesn't. When it does everything works fine, but when it doesn't then Windows doesn't know what to do.

39 Posts

March 20th, 2014 18:00

Just discovered the Dell Diagnostics Tool in DDM (Shift+Right Click) and it shows the same picture as painted above of the three monitors in the example above two are recognized according to DDM and one is a "Default_Monitor". When the device enumeration finishes DDM has this line to say:

21:27:39.500...Ending enumeration
21:27:39.566...New=DELA0A2000000030200 DELA0A2000000030300 Default_Monitor000000030400

There is also a bunch of errors:

21:27:40.230......Error: getting number of physical monitors (0x000005B5) = Invalid monitor handle

When things work it will simply enumerate the 3 (or 5 if all are attached) display with correct EDID and no errors. Other times "Default_Monitor" shows up. And sometimes I won't enumerate anything real just dump the Windows device enumeration which is a list of 25 or so monitors grouped under a bunch of devices names. Interestingly for each device name there is a monitor with the correct EDID and a bunch with a 0000 EDID. I guess these "Windows enumerations" are what Windows picks when the monitors don't enumerate correctly over DDC and if it picks one with a good EDID it works, if it picks one with a 0000 EDID I get a Non-PnP monitor. Example of just one device (there is several with several monitors each):

01:20:44.236...4.DeviceName = \\.\DISPLAY4
01:20:44.236.....DeviceFlags = 08080000
01:20:44.236.....DeviceString = AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series
01:20:44.236.....DeviceID = PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_6818&SUBSYS_23211787&REV_00
01:20:44.237.....DeviceKey = \Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\{BD5860EF-F299-4411-8B34-A11B48143DC1}\0001
01:20:44.242.....a.MonitorName = \\.\DISPLAY4\Monitor0
01:20:44.242.......MonitorFlags = 00000002
01:20:44.242.......MonitorString = Dell U2414H(DisplayPort)
01:20:44.242.......MonitorID = MONITOR\DELA0A2\{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0000
01:20:44.242.......MonitorKey = \Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0000
01:20:44.243.......Raw EDID = 00FFFFFFFFFFFF0010ACA2A04C3250342B170104A5351E783E7E75A755529C270F5054A54B00714F8180A9C0A940D1C0010101010101023A801871382D40582C45000F282100001E000000FF0039544734363341503450324C0A000000FC0044454C4C205532343134480A20000000FD00384C1E5311000A20202020202001ED
01:20:44.248.....b.MonitorName = \\.\DISPLAY4\Monitor1
01:20:44.248.......MonitorFlags = 00000002
01:20:44.248.......MonitorString = Dell U2414H(DisplayPort)
01:20:44.248.......MonitorID = MONITOR\Default_Monitor\{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0002
01:20:44.248.......MonitorKey = \Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0002
01:20:44.249.......Raw EDID = 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
01:20:44.254.....c.MonitorName = \\.\DISPLAY4\Monitor2
01:20:44.254.......MonitorFlags = 00000002
01:20:44.254.......MonitorString = Dell U2414H(DisplayPort)
01:20:44.254.......MonitorID = MONITOR\Default_Monitor\{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003
01:20:44.254.......MonitorKey = \Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0003
01:20:44.254.......Raw EDID = 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
01:20:44.259.....d.MonitorName = \\.\DISPLAY4\Monitor3
01:20:44.260.......MonitorFlags = 00000002
01:20:44.260.......MonitorString = Dell U2414H(DisplayPort)
01:20:44.260.......MonitorID = MONITOR\Default_Monitor\{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0007
01:20:44.260.......MonitorKey = \Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0007
01:20:44.260.......Raw EDID = 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
01:20:44.265...5.DeviceName = \\.\DISPLAY5

39 Posts

March 21st, 2014 07:00

My previous finding where on an AMD card. I have now switched to an NVIDIA card and the behaviour is reproducible. Where a misbehaving monitor shows up as Non-PnP in Windows and as "Not Connected" (but still somehow there as a monitor) in AMD's Catalyst, it will show up as NVIDIA Digital display in NVIDIA Control Panel. Example with two monitors, one felt like showing up for work and the one on top is on sick leave.

39 Posts

March 21st, 2014 12:00

Here are more details how the monitor fails on the Nvidia card. First let's look at the enumeration of monitors. In this case I am using a laptop with an Nvidia GPU, interal monitor is #1. #1 is a correctly recognized U2414H and #3 and incorrectely recognized U2414H which is given the name NVD NVD0000 on the Nvidia card. The Monitor String still says U2414H not sure why, maybe because I associated the Dell driver manually or maybe it can read some part of the EDID correctly.

18:50:34.5138E...Software monitor enumeration
18:50:34.5138F...Monitor #1: Lenovo LEN40B2
18:50:34.51390.............. Hardware ID: 0x0401
18:50:34.51391.............. Device handle: n/a
18:50:34.51392...Monitor #2: DELL U2414H
18:50:34.51393.............. Hardware ID: 0x0000
18:50:34.52894.............. Device handle: 0x00020053
18:50:34.52895.............. Device number: 0
18:50:34.52896.............. Device name: \\.\DISPLAY1
18:50:34.52897.............. Device string: NVIDIA Quadro 1000M
18:50:34.52898.............. Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0DFA&SUBSYS_21CF17AA&REV_A1
18:50:34.52899.............. Device flags: 0x00000005
18:50:34.5289A.............. Device driver: nvd3dumx,nvwgf2umx,nvwgf2umx
18:50:34.5289B.............. Monitor name: \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0
18:50:34.5449C.............. Monitor string: Dell U2414H(DisplayPort)
18:50:34.5449D.............. Monitor flags: 0x00000003
18:50:34.5449E.............. Coordinates: 0,0,1920,1080
18:50:34.5449F...Monitor #3: NVD NVD0000
18:50:34.544A0.............. Hardware ID: 0x0000
18:50:34.544A1.............. Device handle: 0x00020001
18:50:34.544A2.............. Device number: 1
18:50:34.544A3.............. Device name: \\.\DISPLAY2
18:50:34.560A4.............. Device string: NVIDIA Quadro 1000M
18:50:34.560A5.............. Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0DFA&SUBSYS_21CF17AA&REV_A1
18:50:34.560A6.............. Device flags: 0x00000001
18:50:34.560A7.............. Device driver: nvd3dumx,nvwgf2umx,nvwgf2umx
18:50:34.560A8.............. Monitor name: \\.\DISPLAY2\Monitor0
18:50:34.560A9.............. Monitor string: Dell U2414H(DisplayPort)
18:50:34.560AA.............. Monitor flags: 0x00000003
18:50:34.560AB.............. Coordinates: 1920,0,2560,480
18:50:35.591AC...Finished monitor enumeration, total elapsed time = 21297 ms
18:50:35.591AD...Number of monitors enumerated = 3 total, 2 DDC/CI

Now let's look at what happens when these devices are detected by softMCCS. First the working monitor:

18:50:17.0283D...Found device on NVIDIA Quadro 1000M
18:50:17.0283E...Monitor ID = DELL U2414H (DELA0A2.9TG463AR0VAL)
18:50:17.0283F...Raw EDID = 00FFFFFFFFFFFF0010ACA2A04C4156302C170104A5351E783E7E75A755529C270F5054A54B00714F8180A9C0A940D1C0010101010101023A801871382D40582C45000F282100001E000000FF0039544734363341523056414C0A000000FC0044454C4C205532343134480A20000000FD00384C1E5311000A20202020202001C8
18:50:19.79440...Capabilities string = (prot(monitor)type(lcd)model(u2414h)cmds(01 02 03 07 0c e3 f3)vcp(02 04 05 08 10 12 14(01 04 05 06 08 09 0b 0c) 16 18 1a 52 60( 0f 10 11 12) aa(01 02 04) ac ae b2 b6 c6 c8 c9 d6(01 04 05) dc(00 02 03 05 ) df f0(00 08) fd e0 e1 e2(00 01 02 04 0b 0c 0d 0f 10 11 13 14 19) f1 f2)mccs_ver(2.1)mswhql(1))
18:50:19.79441...VCP control list = 02,04,05,08,10,12,14,16,18,1A,52,60,10,11,12,AA,AC,AE,B2,B6,C6,C8,C9,D6,DC,DF,F0,FD,E0,E1,E2,F1,F2
18:50:19.79442...VCP table
18:50:19.93543....Opcode 0x02=00 00020001
18:50:20.06044....Opcode 0x04=00 00FF0000
18:50:20.18545....Opcode 0x05=00 00010000
18:50:20.29446....Opcode 0x08=00 00FF0000
18:50:20.41947....Opcode 0x10=00 00640064
18:50:21.73148....Opcode 0x11=FF FFFFFFFF
18:50:21.85649....Opcode 0x12=00 0064004B
18:50:21.9664A....Opcode 0x14=00 000C0005
18:50:22.0914B....Opcode 0x16=00 00640064
18:50:22.2164C....Opcode 0x18=00 0064005E
18:50:22.3414D....Opcode 0x1A=00 00640062
18:50:22.4504E....Opcode 0x52=00 00FF0000
18:50:22.5754F....Opcode 0x60=00 000E0010
18:50:22.70050....Opcode 0xAA=00 00FF0001
18:50:22.81051....Opcode 0xAC=00 000107AC
18:50:22.93552....Opcode 0xAE=00 00001770
18:50:23.04453....Opcode 0xB2=00 00080001
18:50:23.16954....Opcode 0xB6=00 00050003
18:50:23.29455....Opcode 0xC6=00 FFFF45CC
18:50:23.41956....Opcode 0xC8=00 00005605
18:50:23.54457....Opcode 0xC9=00 FFFF0101
18:50:23.66958....Opcode 0xD6=00 00FF0001
18:50:23.77859....Opcode 0xDC=00 00FF0000
18:50:23.9035A....Opcode 0xDF=00 00FF0201
18:50:24.0285B....Opcode 0xE0=00 00010000
18:50:24.1535C....Opcode 0xE1=00 00010000
18:50:24.2785D....Opcode 0xE2=00 00FF0000
18:50:24.4035E....Opcode 0xF0=00 00FF0000
18:50:24.5135F....Opcode 0xF1=00 00FF0003
18:50:24.63860....Opcode 0xF2=00 00FF0000
18:50:24.76361....Opcode 0xFD=00 FFFF0062
18:50:24.76362...Valid op codes = 02,04,05,08,10,11,12,14,16,18,1A,52,60,AA,AC,AE,B2,B6,C6,C8,C9,D6,DC,DF,E0,E1,E2,F0,F1,F2,FD
18:50:24.88863...Timing string = 67.50 kHz (+), 60.00 Hz (+)

Now the monitor that decided to not work (they alternate or both at the same time):

18:50:24.88865...Found device on NVIDIA Quadro 1000M
18:50:24.88866...Monitor ID = NVD NVD0000 (NVD0000.n/a)
18:50:24.88867...Raw EDID = 00FFFFFFFFFFFF003AC40000000000000000010495000078EE91A3544C99260F505400200000010101010101010101010101010101010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000092
18:50:25.01368...Error: failed CSL on 0x00000003 = 0xC0262589 (STATUS_GRAPHICS_DDCCI_INVALID_MESSAGE_COMMAND)
18:50:26.38869...Capabilities string = (prot(monitor)type(lcd)model(u2414h)cmds(01 02 03 07 0c e3 f3)vcp(02 04 05 08 10 12 14(01 04 05 06 08 09 0b 0c) 16 18 1a 52 60( 0f 10 11 12) aa(01 02 04) ac ae b2 b6 c6 c8 c9 d6(01 04 05) dc(00 02 03 05 ) df f0(00 08) fd e0 e1 e2(00 01 02 04 0b 0c 0d 0f 10 11 13 14 19) f1 f2)mccs_ver(2.1)mswhql(1))
18:50:26.3886A...VCP control list = 02,04,05,08,10,12,14,16,18,1A,52,60,10,11,12,AA,AC,AE,B2,B6,C6,C8,C9,D6,DC,DF,F0,FD,E0,E1,E2,F1,F2
18:50:26.3886B...VCP table
18:50:27.8726C....Opcode 0x02=00 00020001
18:50:27.9976D....Opcode 0x04=00 00FF0000
18:50:28.2006E....Opcode 0x05=00 00010000
18:50:28.3106F....Opcode 0x08=00 00FF0000
18:50:28.45070....Opcode 0x10=00 00640064
18:50:29.81071....Opcode 0x11=FF FFFFFFFF
18:50:29.93572....Opcode 0x12=00 0064004B
18:50:30.06073....Opcode 0x14=00 000C0005
18:50:30.18574....Opcode 0x16=00 00640063
18:50:31.66975....Opcode 0x18=00 0064005D
18:50:31.91976....Opcode 0x1A=00 00640064
18:50:32.04477....Opcode 0x52=00 00FF0000
18:50:32.16978....Opcode 0x60=00 000E0010
18:50:32.29479....Opcode 0xAA=00 00FF0001
18:50:32.4197A....Opcode 0xAC=00 00007B0C
18:50:32.5447B....Opcode 0xAE=00 00001770
18:50:32.6697C....Opcode 0xB2=00 00080001
18:50:32.7787D....Opcode 0xB6=00 00050003
18:50:32.9197E....Opcode 0xC6=00 FFFF45CC
18:50:33.0447F....Opcode 0xC8=00 00005605
18:50:33.16980....Opcode 0xC9=00 FFFF0101
18:50:33.29481....Opcode 0xD6=00 00FF0001
18:50:33.41982....Opcode 0xDC=00 00FF0000
18:50:33.54483....Opcode 0xDF=00 00FF0201
18:50:33.68584....Opcode 0xE0=00 00010000
18:50:33.79485....Opcode 0xE1=00 00010000
18:50:33.91986....Opcode 0xE2=00 00FF0000
18:50:34.04487....Opcode 0xF0=00 00FF0000
18:50:34.15388....Opcode 0xF1=00 00FF0003
18:50:34.26389....Opcode 0xF2=00 00FF0000
18:50:34.3888A....Opcode 0xFD=00 FFFF0062
18:50:34.3888B...Valid op codes = 02,04,05,08,10,11,12,14,16,18,1A,52,60,AA,AC,AE,B2,B6,C6,C8,C9,D6,DC,DF,E0,E1,E2,F0,F1,F2,FD
18:50:34.5138C...Timing string = 31.50 kHz (+), 60.00 Hz (+)

I notice two things in the failing monitor:

  • The EDID is totally different and contains lots of zeros.
  • There is an error: Error: failed CSL on 0x00000003 = 0xC0262589 (STATUS_GRAPHICS_DDCCI_INVALID_MESSAGE_COMMAND)

Not sure what that particular DDC code means, but in any case it indicates a hardware or firmware problem with DDC.

Two questions are on my mind:

  • Can I conclude that there is currently no way to make my 5 remaining U2414Hs work, or does anybody have any other ideas?
  • Is this enough technical information for Dell to look into this?

March 24th, 2014 03:00

I'm also having similar issues, except mine starts with the monitor randomly powering off (suddenly, not via Power Save Mode etc), then any attempt to revive it results in the monitor stuck as a Generic PnP @ 640x480

Only way to fix it is to somehow shut down the machine, physically unplug the power cord from the monitor, restart the machine, then plug the power cord back into the monitor once the machine has restarted. Have tried every diagnostic technique I know, none have resolved it. It seems to be an issue with the Power Management in the monitor itself, as running an LG monitor off the same DP port results in no issues whatsoever.

39 Posts

March 25th, 2014 06:00

I find that it is enough for me to restart just the monitor to get a different result. This retrigger the DisplayPort handshake which may or may not work this time. Usually I can get a display to be recognized as a U2414H with the correct resolution within 5 restarts / protocol handshakes. However on most monitor connect / disconnect events *all* monitors are newly enumerated which means that if I (dis))connect one of my 5 U2414H all of them will go blank for a second and reetablish the DP link to the computer. The result is that fixing one monitors DP link usually means demote one of the other monitors to a Generic Non-PnP monitor. Getting all 5 to be recognized is like playing the lottery.

8 Posts

March 26th, 2014 20:00

You know, I've tried looking around the Dell website for support and all of it points to these forums if you don't have a service tag. Monitors don't have service tags. That's probably why you're not seeing a lot of communication through the "support" channel. Really, it doesn't matter if there are thousands or "just" hundreds or even "just" dozens of people who have problems with these monitors they paid good money for. It is something that *is* reproducible, and someone was kind enough to provide a LOT of good troubleshooting details. When I worked in a helpdesk years ago, for a global company, there was a similar problem. They bought hundreds of PC's per month from Dell. We got a bad batch of laptops where motherboards were failing at the rate of dozens per week. Dell refused to admit there was a problem, saying it was a "small percentage" of laptops failing & they wouldn't call any DOA. Until the numbers started piling up and online news sites confirmed there was a bad batch of motherboards. Dell admitted the problem months after it started. If a global multimillion dollar business has trouble getting Dell to admit there's a problem with a hardware run, what chance to we plebs have?

39 Posts

April 1st, 2014 14:00

I returned my remaining 5 monitors today. There was no chance getting them to work. I tested the same graphic cards that failed to work with with the U2414H on a P2714H and there are absolutely no issues. My U2414Hs were definitely not working ok.

I love the form factor though and will order 6 of these basies once an updated revision is out that fixes the bugs or once it is confirmed that this problem was only restricted to a certain batch.

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