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This post is more than 5 years old


June 28th, 2004 21:00


About a week ago it was necessary to reinstall a HP ScanJet 5300C. Today at approximately 1:00 p.m. EST I downloaded a Windows and an Office update that were necessary in order to download SR 1 to Word 2000 in Works Suite. Upon checking MSconfig/Startup I found the item zzzHPSETUP in D:\Setup.exe is checked. Could this possibly be related to the reinstallation of the HP scanner? A Google search indicates spyware or a possible hijack? Currently, there are no system problems that I'm aware of. Thanks.

3.4K Posts

July 1st, 2004 19:00

If you have not received an answer please post a new log. Stay in your original thread please...reply to this message. We are way behind so I am looking for people who are still needing help. If you reposted as a new topic please reply also to this message and if possible paste the URL of your new post. Crossposting (new topics for same problem) is discouraged so don't do this...a simple new reply to your original request will achieve much better responses.

All the best,

Spyware Fighter Wilders Forum
Slyware Warrior Tom Coyote Forum
Expert Malware Responder Dell Forum

Please be aware only the following DellForum members were trained at and to help with malware like viruses, worms, adware, scumware, foistware and crudware in general. They are also the only experts specifically trained to analyze and advise on Hijackthis logs: Texruss, Baskar1234, Grinler, ChrisRLG, SpotCheckBilly, and pskelley. (If you are one of our classmates and not on this list email me for an addition to this list...we need all the help we can get *;-)  BTW...clicking on people's usernames at the left will reveal information about them if they chose to have an open profile. My credentials are available for your perusal

206 Posts

July 5th, 2004 15:00

Thank you for your response. This the only post made regarding this issue. I am well aware of the Forum's posting procedures, but thanks anyway for your advice.

Before proceeding with your instructions to post a log, which I interpreted to mean that I should download HijackThis, can you please advise exactly what this zzzHPSETUP is in Msconfig? The reason I am asking is because to date there continues to be no system problems whatsoever that I'm aware of. I'm from the "Ain't Broke School," and therefore, I am hesitant to make any changes in the system at this point. A change in the Home page would be relevant to this issue and currently this is not occurring.

I am not inclined to believe that the zzzHPSETUP occurred during the two Microsoft downloads mentioned in the previous post. I consider it a safe site for download. Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong. The only other information I can provide about the recent reinstallation of a HP ScanJet 5300C is that this file never appeared in MSconfig/Startup on the original installation several years ago.

Your assistance is appreciated.

3.4K Posts

July 6th, 2004 02:00

>Upon checking MSconfig/Startup I found the item zzzHPSETUP in D:\Setup.exe is checked. Could this possibly be related to the reinstallation of the HP scanner?

Probably. It's an extraneous startup item and Hijackthis gives an average user an easy way to stop it permanently. I have stated my opinion before about msconfig and will repeat here:

Msconfig is an excellent diagnostic troubleshooting tool devised by Microsoft engineers. Unfortunately it is used as the Holy Grail for "permanent" fixes of startup items by well-meaning souls (read vendor phone support techs). It was never designed to be used for a permanent fix. Apps that need to be stopped or removed should be either uninstalled, deleted, and/or removed from the Windows Registry.

I am sorry I didn't properly ask for a Hijackthis log. The reason I routinely ask for one is A: we can fix minor problems in the startup area and B: most people have other issues we can spot before things get worse. A survey earlier this year of 1 million computers found 29 million malware infections (files, registry entries, etc..), for an average of 29 pieces of bad stuff for each computer.

You may well have a clean log except for the little HP setup file (and I am really ticked at how their scan and printer software has grown to behemoth levels). But you could also have Backweb (another HP little goodie I won't allow on my machine) as well as others.

Your caution is good...but believe me, I am equally cautious in my Hijackthis replies here.  

Canned Hijackthis log request follows signature file.

All the best,

Spyware Fighter Wilders Forum
Slyware Warrior Tom Coyote Forum
Expert Malware Responder Dell Forum

Please be aware only the following DellForum members were trained at and to help with malware like viruses, worms, adware, scumware, foistware and crudware in general. They are also the only experts specifically trained to analyze and advise on Hijackthis logs: Texruss, Baskar1234, Grinler, ChrisRLG, SpotCheckBilly, and pskelley. (If you are one of our classmates and not on this list email me for an addition to this list...we need all the help we can get *;-)  BTW...clicking on people's usernames at the left will reveal information about them if they chose to have an open profile. My credentials are available for your perusal.


We need you to download and install an analysis and repair tool called Hijackthis.

Download the hotfix version 1.98 Hijackthis zipped file from here:

Please unzip or move the hijackthis.exe file into a new folder you create in the root (first) level of the C: drive. Name this folder HJT for best and safest results. Don't place it on the Wallpaper, in a temp folder, or in the root level of the C: drive or the My Documents folder. It will create many backup files and they need to be stored in a unique Hijackthis folder.

Hijackthis FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) at:

After downloading, and unzipping the hijackthis file into a safe folder you create (preferably a folder named HJT in the first level of the C: drive) Hijackthis, click on the 'scan' button and then 'save log' button.

Copy and paste the contents of the text file you save into a reply to this message. A lot of posters make mistakes here in copying and pasting so read the left info sidebar called Copy and Paste at

Notice July 5...TomCoyote still has the older 1.97 version of Hijackthis for download so don't download there. I have emailed them to update, but they have a lot of people out due to illness and other issues. The posting tutorial there is still pertinent for the new 1.98 version.

Special Notice! Hijackthis is a powerful tool that edits the brains of Windows (the Registry). DO NOT FIX anything in the Hijackthis log screen without assistance from the experts! Most of the line items in the scanned log are normal for Windows operation. Hijackthis should identify the vast majority of your problems and enable us to help you clean them off your system.

Stay in this thread for continuity. Reply to this message.

HTH (Hope that Helps)

Spyware Fighter Wilders Forum
Slyware Warrior Tom Coyote Forum
Expert Malware Responder Dell Forum

Please be aware only the following DellForum members were trained at and to help with malware like viruses, worms, adware, scumware, foistware and crudware in general. They are also the only experts specifically trained to analyze and advise on Hijackthis logs: Texruss, Baskar1234, Grinler, ChrisRLG, SpotCheckBilly, and pskelley. (If you are one of our classmates and not on this list email me for an addition to this list...we need all the help we can get *;-)

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