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This post is more than 5 years old


September 27th, 2011 10:00

Is anyone else having problems using the test centera clusters?

For years we have tested against us2.  But now we have been unable to successfully connect.  The cluster us3 works but is very very very slow.  10 min to store 4 small files.  The cluster us5 works fine for storing data but we have to wait till the next day to be able to delete it.

I have tried downloading the current api and pea files but that has not made any difference in this behavior.

Angus Laidlaw

4 Posts

September 29th, 2011 08:00

Here aret the CenteraVerify results for us2, us3 and us5.  I tried both from work and home and had the same results.

Recap.  US2 does not work at all, US3 sorta works but is so slow that things end up failing, US5 everything but delete works.

For us2 using us2_armTest1.pea, this cluster fails in our tests.

Thursday September 29 11:23:07 2011

CenteraVerify MFC Application: version 3.1.43

Centera library (FPLibrary.dll): version 3.2.661

Test options


Num Files:            3

File Size (Kb):       10

File Size (Kb):       100

File Size (Kb):       1000

Restore Folder:       C:\Restore

Log File Name:        C:\temp\CenteraVerify.log

Generate file folder: C:\temp

Retry count:          -1

Retry sleep interval: -1


Step 1

Open\centera\pea\us2_armTest1.pea     Success\centera\pea\us2_armTest1.pea     Failure  -10020: FP_NO_POOL_ERR - no primary cluster found\centera\pea\us2_armTest1.pea     Failure  -10020: FP_NO_POOL_ERR - no primary cluster found\centera\pea\us2_armTest1.pea     Failure  -10020: FP_NO_POOL_ERR - no primary cluster found

Step 2

Server Version:            4.1.1-3610-0-0

SDK Version:            3.2.661

CenteraVerifyVersion:        3.1.43

Capacity (GB):            32,006

FreeCapacity (GB):        14,768

ClusterID:            34372862-1dd2-11b2-aea0-f013836b5e75

Write allowed:            true

Read allowed:            true

Delete allowed:            true

Purge allowed:            false

Privileged delete allowed:    true

Exist allowed:            true

Query allowed:            true

Monitor allowed:        true

Step 3

Error: -10101: FP_SOCKET_ERR - Error on network socket (transid='alaidlaw8100/338/WRITE_BLOB') on FPTag_BlobWrite: Unable to write file to cluster: C:\temp\test9-09-29-15-27-47-764.txt

1 Write failure

Error: -10103: FP_ACCESSNODE_ERR - No Access Node can be found on FPTag_BlobWrite: Unable to write file to cluster: C:\temp\test10-09-29-15-35-37-425.txt

2 Write failure

Error: -10103: FP_ACCESSNODE_ERR - No Access Node can be found on FPTag_BlobWrite: Unable to write file to cluster: C:\temp\test11-09-29-15-37-47-459.txt

3 Write failure

End of test


For us3 using us3armtest1_rdqeDcwh.pea.  This cluster takes forever when testing our software.

Thursday September 29 10:25:11 2011

CenteraVerify MFC Application: version 3.1.43

Centera library (FPLibrary.dll): version 3.2.661

Test options


Num Files:            3

File Size (Kb):       10

File Size (Kb):       100

File Size (Kb):       1000

Restore Folder:       C:\Restore

Log File Name:        C:\temp\CenteraVerify.log

Generate file folder: C:\temp

Retry count:          -1

Retry sleep interval: -1


Step 1

Open\centera\pea\us3armtest1_rdqeDcwh.pea     Success

Open\centera\pea\us3armtest1_rdqeDcwh.pea     Success

Open\centera\pea\us3armtest1_rdqeDcwh.pea     Success

Open\centera\pea\us3armtest1_rdqeDcwh.pea     Success

Step 2

Server Version:            4.1.1-3610-0-0

SDK Version:            3.2.661

CenteraVerifyVersion:        3.1.43

Capacity (GB):            536

FreeCapacity (GB):        536

ClusterID:            fae582c4-1dd1-11b2-ab01-dae76233ae69

Write allowed:            true

Read allowed:            true

Delete allowed:            true

Purge allowed:            false

Privileged delete allowed:    false

Exist allowed:            true

Query allowed:            true

Monitor allowed:        true

Step 3

1 Write success

1 Read success

1 Delete Success

2 Write success

2 Read success

Delete Error: -10156: FP_TRANSACTION_FAILED_ERR - Transaction on the server failed (transid='alaidlaw8100/140/DELETE_CLIP') on FPClip_Delete: Unable to delete data from the cluster.

Error: -10101: FP_SOCKET_ERR - Error on network socket (transid='alaidlaw8100/161/WRITE_BLOB') on FPTag_BlobWrite: Unable to write file to cluster: C:\temp\test5-09-29-15-00-53-518.txt

3 Write failure

End of test


For us5 using us5profile1_rdqeDcw.pea.  This cluster fails to let us delete until next day.

Thursday September 29 10:19:28 2011

CenteraVerify MFC Application: version 3.1.43

Centera library (FPLibrary.dll): version 3.2.661

Test options


Num Files:            3

File Size (Kb):       10

File Size (Kb):       100

File Size (Kb):       1000

Restore Folder:       C:\Restore

Log File Name:        C:\temp\CenteraVerify.log

Generate file folder: C:\temp

Retry count:          -1

Retry sleep interval: -1


Step 1

Open\centera\pea\us5profile1_rdqeDcw.pea     Success

Open\centera\pea\us5profile1_rdqeDcw.pea     Success

Open\centera\pea\us5profile1_rdqeDcw.pea     Success

Open\centera\pea\us5profile1_rdqeDcw.pea     Success

Step 2

Server Version:            4.0.2-3195-1019-20652

SDK Version:            3.2.661

CenteraVerifyVersion:        3.1.43

Capacity (GB):            59,512

FreeCapacity (GB):        38,188

ClusterID:            16e6a2a0-1dd2-11b2-8497-87df1f82d00f

Write allowed:            true

Read allowed:            true

Delete allowed:            true

Purge allowed:            false

Privileged delete allowed:    true

Exist allowed:            true

Query allowed:            true

Monitor allowed:        true

Step 3

1 Write success

1 Read success

Delete Error: -10204: FP_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED - The use of this operation is restricted (transid='alaidlaw8100/43/DELETE_CLIP') on FPClip_Delete: Unable to delete data from the cluster.

2 Write success

2 Read success

Delete Error: -10204: FP_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED - The use of this operation is restricted (transid='alaidlaw8100/54/DELETE_CLIP') on FPClip_Delete: Unable to delete data from the cluster.

3 Write success

3 Read success

Delete Error: -10204: FP_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED - The use of this operation is restricted (transid='alaidlaw8100/65/DELETE_CLIP') on FPClip_Delete: Unable to delete data from the cluster.

End of test


41 Posts

September 29th, 2011 22:00

I'm also having strange problems connecting to the Centera clusters (see also Only US5 seems to work reliably.

409 Posts

September 30th, 2011 07:00

Hi all

We are having issues with the public clusters are the moment and it's taking us time to address due to resource issues.  Currently only EMEA2 and US5 are working (I'll see if I can get the delete issues on US5 working).

I'm going to take this opportunity to re-do our provision of Public Centeras so shortly we will be re-initialising all of the clusters in 3 or 4 weeks time.  I'll post more accurate dates next month.

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