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This post is more than 5 years old


December 13th, 2017 03:00

use the multiple eMGMT (Embedded Management) Solutions Enabler client/server configuration on same client

Hi ,

sorry to randomly pick u up for a help.

I would like to use a single instance for two emgmt( two array) to manage at same time.

1. In the netcfg i have mentioned entriees for two arrays ( two pairs) with different name.

sym_0914  Ordered     TCPIP  2707  SECURE

sym_0914  Ordered     TCPIP  2707  SECURE

sym_0074  Ordered    TCPIP  2707  SECURE

sym_0074  Ordered    TCPIP  2707  SECURE

2. Problem is i have to keep switching the env variable for eeach on of them to work.

C:\Program Files\EMC\SYMAPI\config\cert>set SYMCLI_CONNECT=sym_0914

C:\Program Files\EMC\SYMAPI\config\cert>symcli -def

Symmetrix Command Line Interface (SYMCLI) Version V8.2.0.0 (Edit Level: 2153)

built with SYMAPI Version V8.2.0.0 (Edit Level: 2153)

Current settings of the SYMCLI environmental variables:

  SYMCLI_CONNECT                : SYM_0914

  SYMCLI_CONNECT_TYPE           : remote

C:\Program Files\EMC\SYMAPI\config\cert>symcfg list

                                S Y M M E T R I X

                                       Mcode    Cache      Num Phys  Num Symm

    SymmID       Attachment  Model     Version  Size (MB)  Devices   Devices

    000297800914 Local       VMAX250F  5977      475136        10      4385

C:\Program Files\EMC\SYMAPI\config\cert>set SYMCLI_CONNECT=sym_0074

C:\Program Files\EMC\SYMAPI\config\cert>symcfg list

                                S Y M M E T R I X

                                       Mcode    Cache      Num Phys  Num Symm

    SymmID       Attachment  Model     Version  Size (MB)  Devices   Devices

    000297700074 Local       VMAX950F  5977     1433600        11      1060

C:\Program Files\EMC\SYMAPI\config\cert>

how I i use both vmax with same env variablbe ?

Many THanks,

Vivek Jaiswal

12 Posts

April 24th, 2018 05:00

did you succeed doing it?
i am trying now to do the same thing but I didn't succeed yet .

I will appreciate your help if you managed to do it .


12 Posts

April 24th, 2018 05:00

ok  thank you !
do you know if I have to configure DNS in order to manage to to solution enabler client server?
Do you have a procedure of how to do remote solution enabler?

April 24th, 2018 05:00


i saw that there is no way to do it.

You have to change the symcli -def everytime. you have two parallen command promt open with two different symcli-def pointing to different arrays.



1 Rookie


96 Posts

October 2nd, 2018 08:00

Have you tried putting in the environment variable eMGMT?

First edit the netcfg file like this:

eMGMT    Ordered TCPIP node001    2707    SECURE

eMGMT    Ordered TCPIP node002    yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy    2707    SECURE

And set the environment variable like this:


It's working for me....

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