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1 Rookie


82 Posts


April 2nd, 2020 12:00

Get Backup Action report at the end of the worflow or policy

Hi , actually i get the backup Action Report trought the send notificaction option (smtp)   from the NMC 

I know that the same info is on the policy_notifications.log and i would like to get same info into a custom log

and the end of the action.

I tried a test mminfo command on the send notification option of the workflow   and i get a log:

but i need to pass the  workflow name to get the info that i want.


mminfo -xc; -q "family=disk,copies=1,workflow=${NSR Workflow}" -r volume,ssid,savetime,sscreate,sscomp,group,level,sumflags,sumsize,name | findstr cb | findstr full > D:\RPT\test3\test_list.txt 

I dont know if is possible

The other option is to query directly the policiy notification log ¿there is a  networker commad for that  ?


Thanks in advance.





2.4K Posts

April 10th, 2020 12:00

The NW version in fact seems to be the issue. Unfortunately, most of you guys never state what you are using.

If software and docs have been correctly in sync, workflow obviously appears first with NW 18.2.

So time for an upgrade. NW 9.1 is about to be approach end of service life (if it has not already reached it).


2.4K Posts

April 3rd, 2020 03:00

I think mminfo would be the better method. In general you are almost there but I would suggest some changes like:

set WF=your_workflow_name

mminfo -xc; -q "family=disk,copies=1,workflow=%WF%,level=full" -r "volume,ssid,savetime,sscreate,sscomp,group,level,sumflags,sumsize(20),name" | findstr cb > D:\RPT\test3\test_list.txt

By setting the sumsize field length to 20 (or higher) you will get the size as an integer number. That makes it easier if you want to summarize the values in this column later (for example by another powerpoint script).



1 Rookie


82 Posts

April 3rd, 2020 05:00

I  again @bingo.1  so i need to do something like this.




Another question if  a need to list the last files   , the filter Should be    like this savetime>-Xmins  or savetime> last day


Thanks in advance



2.4K Posts

April 3rd, 2020 06:00

FYI - if you wanted to include a picture, this obviously did not work.

With respect to a savetime comparison in the query part (-q) - there are almost endless possibilities how to achieve this. You could use absolute date/timestamps as well as a bunch of relative terms.

In the first case I suggest that you use nsavetime (Epoch time stamp in seconds)

For relative terms you could could also strings like 'savetime>-10hours' or 'savetime>=1dayago" as well as 'savetime>=-1days'. As there are plenty of choices, may I suggest that you test and find out what best will fit your needs.

BTW - you can even define a time range like "... -q "savetime>=start_time,savetime


1 Rookie


82 Posts

April 6th, 2020 10:00

Hi @bingo.1  again, thanks, i tried  the query ,setting and passing de parameter works ok, but the result of mminfo command always is empty, i tried with a few worflows names and same result, any idea? 

For the record the workflow name doesn´t have spaces.

D:\>test.bat "FS_server_PRUEBA"

the batch file

@echo off
set test=%1

echo variable: %test%

mminfo -xc; -q "family=disk,workflow=%test%" -r volume,ssid,savetime,sscreate,sscomp,group,level,sumflags,sumsize,name | findstr cb | findstr full > D:\RPT\server\server_lista_disk_sscreate_All_31_%test%.txt

Thanks in advance.



2.4K Posts

April 6th, 2020 14:00

mminfo will never find something as the '%' character is not part of the workflow name. It is not part of the string.


1 Rookie


82 Posts

April 9th, 2020 14:00

I Bingo, sorry for the delayed feedback. Thanks for the correction.

When i execute the command and i pass manually the workflow name

D:\>test2.bat FS_PAIHV03_PRUEBA

D:\>set test=FS_PAIHV03_PRUEBA

D:\>echo varible: mminfo -xc; -q "family=disk,workflow=FS_PAIHV03_PRUEBA"  -r vo
lume,ssid,savetime,sscreate,sscomp,group,level,sumflags,sumsize,name     1>D:\RP

D:\>mminfo -xc; -q "family=disk,workflow=FS_PAIHV03_PRUEBA"  -r volume,ssid,save
time,sscreate,sscomp,group,level,sumflags,sumsize,name     1>D:\RPT\copibidesa3\


I got this on txt file: unknown query constraint: workflow .

 This kind of query works on NW


Thanks in advance


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