Joined Saturday, November 1, 2008
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Duneti • Joined 

November 1st, 2008

About me

<p>Hadi; well I am 54, I bought this XPS 720, in dec.of 2007,the os is Vista Ultimate. As thats what they were putting in these then!??  I have a 22 in monitor,and a 810 printer.  I have 4gigs of ram memory,with a 8800 GT nvida with 512 mb.  I have a G7 mouse,with a G15 Keyboard.. And I have a nostromo N52te with it allso. I sit in front of this thing all day,also can watch TV at the same time also.. I would like to put another hard drive in it(750GB) and one more 8800,and to finish it off, one of the two, have one more 22in,and go dual cards & dual monitors,  or have dual 8800's--one 22in monitor------and a 52inch  HDTV----which i can move my 27"ctr tv into the bedroom------And have the Shrap 52" in the front room,for two things Watch TV with it----and I can also hook it up to my XPS720------as the 52" has all the hook ups-------   You I have to do something as my wife passed away last May.    So I might as well be Depressed,and have something to do,            right???                  So what do think I should do,two monitors, or one monitor and a kick TV?       A little feed back please,OK</p>

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