Joined Sunday, June 3, 2012
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wfbauerle • Joined 

June 3rd, 2012

About me

<p>Hi there,</p> <p>I've been interested in computers since age 9 when I was playing "Adventure" text game on a black and white "Vector Graphic II" in my grandma's back office. Since then I have been into IT casually, not too intensely (to keep it still fun) and currently work in San Jose CA for a small company where I am their sole Desktop Support tech and I love it.</p> <p>I buy and sell used Dell computers locally on a very small scale (one or two at a time), fix them up and resell them. I love Dell hardware and their support. I like to help people and love computers, games and technology.. my reason for joining this forum was originally to respond to someone's frustration about the lack of a CPU compatibility matrix list for the Dell Precision T7400 Workstation. Maybe I will stick around and help others that seem to be sitting alone here unanswered.</p> <p>Cheers</p> <p>Wesley</p>

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