Joined Friday, December 25, 2015
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TeshDave1953 • Joined 

December 25th, 2015

About me

I meant ti say TechDave1953 and with my ungodly talent to mess things up, I did.I was in Military during VietNam and got myself help with my heavy addiction at Edith Nourse Medical Center (VA) in a 1.5 year program. Body signs, Shaved Heads. After a year and a half I was given the opportunity of a lifetime to go to Technical School. We had the Comtran 10 then, Read large Lights to see if the answer was right. Boolean Algebra. also went into Consumer Electronics. Anyone who hasn't gone through Ohms Law and all facets of Math, Wow. Well, straight for 15 years, not even an aspirin. I was making money with a startup hand over fist. It was time to test the waters again. Half a million dollars later and the Law on my back. I found salvation in Methodone. ( years straight and I still want to get high. God bless having a hobby with computers or who knows. Sorry to Bore you, I hope I can save a life.                                                                                                                                                              TechDave1953 

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