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July 29th, 2011 06:00

Data collector install: Failed to remotely logon to the computer: access is denied.(5)


When i'm deploying a terminal server through vWorkspace I often get the error 'Data collector install: Failed to remotely logon to the computer. access is denied.(5)'. This is a bit confusing because when I want to deploy, say 10 terminal servers, only 4 of these are being deployed right. These rest I have to reprovision.

I've tried several things for a solution but so far no success. We are using vWorkspace 7.2 mr1. We are deploying Window 2008 Sp2 32-bit terminal servers.

Best regards,


July 29th, 2011 07:00

Hi David,

First of all thanks for your help.

We have created some windows 2008 ts vmware templates and these we are deploying using vWorkspace. On these 'template' terminal servers the requires vWorkspace roles already are installed. As I mentioned before, when deploying machines 2 out of 10 are deploying fine. The rest has problems joning the domain.

I can join them manually and then move them to the right OU but this is a lot of extra work, especially when deploying a great number of terminal servers.

I think there is going something wrong with the sysprep procedure after the machine's have deployed (see image). Somehow during this process de machine fails to join the domain. After that it also is not placed in the right OU.




228 Posts

July 29th, 2011 07:00


I see that you also have Windows 7 and XP images as templates, do you have any issues when provisioning these systems and joining to the domain?

Also, for the Terminal Server deployment are you provisioning 10 at once and seeing 2 domain join and the others fail?

What is the success rate if you only provision 2-5 VM's at once?

If you feel the sysprep process is where it goes wrong then I might suggest simplifying this process until you find it more stable, by this I mean remove some of the customisation. You could try removing the OU path to see if that helps increase the success rate. Appendix A in the Administration Guide also includes some tips for a successful sysprep.

I can see you have this deployment method working to a degree,however, at this time it is not something that we support. The preferred method is to deploy using the unattend install process.



228 Posts

July 29th, 2011 07:00

Hello Sijtze,

I believe that you are saying that you use vWorkspace to provision Windows 2008 Terminal Servers in the same way in which you would create a VDI desktop. Once these have been provisioned do you remove them from the desktop group and add them as vWorkspace Terminal Servers?

I believe the problem you have encountered is that you are looking to install the vWorkspace Data Collector or even PNtools onto the Terminal Servers. The PNtools are not supported on this platform and are intended to manage Windows desktop O/S VDI's and also Windows Server O/S's that will be used as desktops.

Are you intending to use the providioned servers as Terminal Servers, if so then one supported method would be to install the vWorkspace required roles, Terminal Server and Management Console etc.., onto the servers using our unattended silent install mode. This process is described in the Administration Guide and I can assist with any questions you may have.



July 29th, 2011 08:00

When we deploy 5 machines then also 2 works fine and the rest fail to join the domain. This behavior also happens when deploing vdi's. I wil try to simplify the sysprep procedure and see if that works better.



228 Posts

July 29th, 2011 09:00


In the vWorkspace Console can you select the Locations node, right-click and choose Properties. In the Locations Properties window that appears select the Broker Timings Settings, look at the Sysprep Period setting. What is this currently set to?

The default value is 5 minutes, if less than this increase it to 5 minutes. If already at the default change it to 7 minutes and then test again.

How did you populate the Sysprep settings, was this via an imported unattend.xml file or through our sysprep customisation wizard?

Are you able to provide an export of the file or screenshots of the settings?



July 29th, 2011 10:00


We've created a sysprep using the customisation wizard. I've increased the broker timing settings for sysprep. I will deploy some machines to see if the are being deployed succesfull. Btw. Vdi's are being deployed succesfull. No problems at all.



July 29th, 2011 10:00


I thought there where isseus with vdi's as well but it seemed there where some problems assigning ip adresses which had nothing to do with de deployment of the vdi. So indeed vdi's are being deployed succesfull.

Do you know where we can find the sysprep files which are being created with de customization wizard. We than can review the file.

228 Posts

July 29th, 2011 10:00


In your last response you said VDI's are deployed succesfully. No problems at all. Previously you said 'When we deploy 5 machines then also 2 works fine and the rest fail to join the domain. This behavior also happens when deploing vdi's.'

Can you clarify which it is since if VDI's do not have an issue then it is unlikely a server setting and perhaps a problem with the template or the sysprep files.

228 Posts

July 29th, 2011 15:00

Thanks for the clarification. Since you used the wizard to specify the sysprep settings can you capture some screenshots showing the current settings.

July 29th, 2011 17:00

Hello Sijtze,

Once you have a Terminal Server that has failed to deploy, can you perform the following?

  1. Log into the Terminal Server that failed to join the Domain
  2. Explore to c:\windows\temp\vmware-imc\
  3. If the above folder exists, please review the “guestcust.log” file

If the guestcust.log file exists, do you see any errors?



August 4th, 2011 07:00

Hi Roman,

I can't find the guestcust.log file. Is it possible it's in another place?



228 Posts

August 4th, 2011 08:00


The file guestcust.log does not always esist on the system, you can perform a search on Drive C: for it and this will show you if it is being stored in an alternative temp folder.

If you are able to screenshot the sysprep customisations then we could also use these to troubleshoot the issue.

Many thanks


August 4th, 2011 12:00

Hi David,

How can I upload a zip file. There are a lot of images and i'm thinking it's not very handy to put it all on the site



228 Posts

August 4th, 2011 13:00

Hello Sijtze,

I took the liberty of raising a support case to continue with the progress of the server provisioning problem. I sent you an email from the case and you can reply to this with the .zip file attached.



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