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September 1st, 2015 05:00

Local storage and multiple ESXi hosts

Hi, I was wondering how vWorkspace manages local storage in a environment with a single Vcenter server and two ESXi, with a local datastore each.

If I store a 'master' (I mean the golden image) vm  on a ESXi's local storage, can vWorkspace replicate this vm to the other ESXi's local storage like Citrix VIAB?

If not, how can I use both of my ESXi servers with local storage and maybe provide some kind of HA?

Am I forced to use shared storage if I want to be able to deploy linked clones on both of my ESXI?

Thanks in advance.

September 20th, 2015 07:00


Use vSAN or any virtual SAN Appliance as an iSCSI SAN Storage to make sue of both local Storage.. You can replicate between both servers and the same LUNs are being used by vWorkspace. 

  • Starwind has free iSCSI Solution
  • OpenFiler
  • vSAN
  • Open-e iSCS SAN

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October 16th, 2015 08:00


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September 21st, 2015 23:00

Thanks for your answer.

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